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🧑‍🎓 Student of Mukhammad al-Khwarizmi school.
⛱ TIME "Summer school 2024" camp.
❄️ TIME "Winter school 2025" camp.(organizer)
🧙 Hogwarts Ambassador in Al-Khwarizmi school! (NUU)
🗂 CV:

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Exciting News!
I'm thrilled to share that I have officially become a Hogwarts Ambassador in my school! 🪄🏰
I will share my next experiences as a Ambassador :)



Assalomu alaykum. Bu yerda MUN ga ko'p qatnashgan, barcha qonun qoidalarini biladigan va mutaxassis inson bo'lsa, @sszysz ga yozila. Loyiha uchun bu juda muhim rahmat!

"Time Winter School 25" ❄️

I’m so excited to share my experience of organizing my first big project—Time Winter School 25!

This camp was created for school graduates (grades 9-11) and took place from January 6-8, 2025, at the Tashkent Institute of Management and Economics. The main idea was to give students a chance to dive deeper into economics, business, and marketing, while also helping them build stronger teamwork and communication skills.

We had over 80 amazing students join us for three action-packed days filled with lessons, fun games, and activities that brought everyone closer together. To make it even more fun, we split the students into four teams inspired by the Harry Potter houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw. The teams competed for points by participating in various lessons and challenges, creating a great mix of learning and friendly rivalry.

As one of the organizers, it was incredibly rewarding to see the students connecting, growing, and having a great time. Their energy, excitement, and teamwork made all the effort so worth it.

For me, this wasn’t just about organizing an event—it was a personal journey full of lessons and growth. I’m so proud of what we accomplished, and I truly believe this camp made a positive impact on everyone who took part.

Here’s to more projects like this in the future! 🚀

@ss_blogs 🎯

149 0 0 15 10

I will share extra info about the camp later

Here are the overall scores of teams. Congrats Slytherin! 😅👏

Form to'ldirish va motivatsiyon xat yozish uchun yordam kerak bo'lsa @sszysz ga yozishiz mumkin.

Forward from: Edu Grands
🏛 TIME Winter school

Davlat: O'zbekiston 🇺🇿
Moliyaviy ta'minot: To'liq
Yosh toifasi: 15-18

- Iqtisodiy va Moliyaviy savodxonlikni oshirish
- O'zbekiston bo'ylab yangi do'stlar ortirish
- Kuchli mentorlardan bilimlar olish
- Sertifikat va sovg'alar

🔗Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: Havola

📌 Ro'yxatdan o'tishning so'nggi sanasi: 3-yanvar, 2024


MIT ga kirgan birinchi uzbek 🔥

Some piece of advices!

Forward from: Ustoz AI
🔵 Keyinchalik afsuslanmaslik uchun bularni hozir qiling

⏳Hozir yoshsiz, istaklaringizni amalga oshirish uchun vaqtingiz, quvvatingiz bor. Lekin yillar o‘tib, umringiz oxirlab borayotgan vaqtda bunga kech bo‘lishi mumkin.

Umrining so‘ngida odamlar ko‘proq nimalardan afsuslanishadi? Rasmlar orqali ular haqida bilib oling va siz bunday xatolarning oldini oling.

O‘zingiz istagan kasbni hoziroq o‘rganishni boshlash uchun:

🤩 Mobil ilova | Telegram | Instagram | YouTube

Forward from: IT-School Presidency
📣 Chess Tournament hamkorligida tashkil etiladigan ilk shaxmat turnirida ishtirok eting!

🎮 Shaxmat – bu nafaqat o‘yin, balki strategik jang! Fikr yuritishni, rejalar tuzishni va oldindan bir necha qadamni hisoblashni talab etuvchi intellektual musobaqaga tayyormisiz? Unda turnir vaqtlari bilan tanishing:

🗓 16-oktyabr, Chorshanba
⌛️ 15:10

🗓 17-oktyabr, Payshanba

🗓 18-oktyabr, Juma
⌛️ 15:10

💡 Turnir formati: 1:1 shaxmat musobaqasi, offlayn tarzda bo'lib o'tadi. Kuchlilar g‘alaba qozonadi! G‘oliblarni esa ajoyib sovg‘alar kutmoqda.

Eng qizig'i, turnir davomida reyting jadvali hosil qilinib, barcha ballar online kuzatiladi.

🔗 Musobaqada ishtirok etish uchun ushbu havola orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘ting.

📌 Manzil: 3-qavat, Zakovat arenasi

❓ Savollaringiz bo'lsa: @sszysz ga murojaat qiling.

💥 Musobaqani o‘tkazib yubormang! Barchangizni kutib qolamiz!

IT-School Presidency

Forward from: перотехника узб🇺🇿
🌙 Tunda kompyuter ishlatadiganlar uchun foydali maslahatlar 💻

Agar tunda kompyuterdan foydalanishingiz kerak bo'lsa, sog'lig'ingiz va unumdorligingizni saqlab qolish uchun quyidagi maslahatlarni e'tiborga oling:

1. Ko'zlaringizni himoya qiling 👁
- Night Mode yoki Blue Light Filter rejimini yoqing, bu ko'k nurdan ko'zlarni himoya qiladi va uyqu ritmini saqlashga yordam beradi.

2. Yorug‘likni moslang 💡
- Xonani yoritib, ekran yorug'ligini xonadagi yorug'lik bilan muvozanatlang. Qorong‘u xonada ekranga qarash ko'zlarga zarar yetkazishi mumkin.

3. Har 20 daqiqada tanaffus qiling
- Har 20 daqiqada qisqa tanaffus qiling va ko‘zlarni dam olish uchun uzoqroq joyga qarang. Bu ko'z charchoqlarini kamaytiradi.

4. Ergonomikani saqlang 🪑
- To‘g‘ri o‘tirish, belingizni va bo‘yningizni qulay joylashtirish muhim. Kompyuterni qulay balandlikda joylashtirishga harakat qiling.

5. Suv ichishni unutmang 💧
- Uzoq vaqt davomida kompyuterda ishlaganda, suvsizlanish tez sodir bo‘ladi. Har doim suv ichishni eslatmalar qo'shing.

💡 Tunda kompyuter ishlatishda sog‘lig‘ingizga e'tibor berish o'z faoliyatingizda samarali bo‘lishingizga yordam beradi!

✈️ @itsoftwareuz 🌟


Great news is coming... ⌛

A habit tracker is a simple way to measure whether you did a habit.📌

Habit tracking is powerful for three reasons.🔽

➡️ It creates a visual cue that can remind you to act.
➡️ It is motivating to see the progress you are making. You don’t want to break your streak.
➡️ It feels satisfying to record your success in the moment.

@ss_blogs 📈

Have you ever heard about "The Habit tracker"?

🗣️ There is an important difference between getting feedback while cooking a meal and getting feedback while building a habit. When it comes to building a habit, feedback is often delayed. It’s easy to taste an ingredient or to watch bread rise in the oven. But it can be difficult to visualize the progress you are making with your habits. Perhaps you’ve been running for a month, but you still don’t see a change in your body. Or maybe you managed to meditate for 16 straight days, but you still feel stressed and anxious at work. 🗣️ 🕯

Habit formation is a long race. It often takes time for the desired results to appear. And while you are waiting for the long-term rewards of your efforts to accumulate, you need a reason to stick with it in the short-term. You need some immediate feedback that shows you are on the right path.

@ss_blogs 👍

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