Madina’s Seoul Diary🇰🇷

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Category: Blogs

Presidential school in Khiva '23 🇺🇿👩‍🎓
Sogang university '27 🇰🇷👩‍🎓
Laureate of the state award “Zulfiya” (2022) 🏅
Languages: 🇰🇷 🇺🇲 🇺🇿 🇷🇺
Contact: @SMO_ask_bot

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🏠 Home sweet home 🏠

🌟 My MBTI 🌟

Over the past year of living in Korea, my MBTI has shifted from ESFP-A (The Entertainer - Assertive) to ENFP-T (The Campaigner - Turbulent), and it's been a fascinating transformation!

ESFP-A (The Entertainer - Assertive): Outgoing, spontaneous, and confident. People with this personality love to live in the moment, enjoy socializing, and radiate positivity.

ENFP-T (The Campaigner - Turbulent): Creative, enthusiastic, and empathetic, but with a hint of self-doubt. Campaigners love exploring ideas and connecting deeply with people, often fueled by curiosity and emotional sensitivity.

How did this happen?

Living in Korea has been a whirlwind of challenges, growth, and self-reflection. Adapting to a new culture, studying abroad, and pursuing personal goals pushed me to explore new sides of myself. I’ve become more introspective and open to new possibilities, but I’ve also felt moments of self-doubt that made me more reflective about my decisions.

This shift feels like a natural part of my growth, as I’m learning to balance confidence with sensitivity and spontaneity with introspection.

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설날 gift 🎁

Seollal is one of the most important holidays in Korea. Koreans typically don't celebrate January 1st as New Year's Day in a big way. Instead, they put great emphasis on Seollal, which usually falls in late January or early February

During Seollal, Koreans enjoy dishes like tteokguk ( 떡국), a rice cake soup believed to bring good luck and add a year to one's age, and jeon ( 전 ), savory pancakes filled with ingredients like fish, meat, and vegetables. Hangwa (한과), beautifully crafted traditional sweets, also make an appearance, adding a touch of sweetness to the celebrations. Seollal is all about family, gratitude, and fresh starts.


Universitet bilan birinchi online tanishuv

Shunday qilib hujjatlarimni visa uchun olib kirishdi. Eng hayajonli vaqtlar boshlandi, chunki u paytlari rossayam ko'p sonli hujjatlarga atkaz berishayotgan edi. Har kuni o'ylanardim bankshot yetarli qo'ydimmi, adami hujjatdagi oyligi kamligi uchun muammo chiqmasmikan deb. Keyin biroz chalg'idim, universitet bilan tanishtiruvlar boshlandi.

Birinchi tanishtiruv kuni (online orientation) man uchun eng yomon ma'lumot bu - yo'nalishimni 100% koreys tilida bo'lishini aytishgani edi. Universitetga topshiryotgan paytim vaqtim rossayam kam edi, aniq ma'lumotlarni topolmaganman, english trackda bo'lsa kerak deb topshirganman. Shu bilan kutganlarim chilparchin bo'lgan. Lekin bilardim 100% deyilgani bilan qanchadir miqdorda darslar ingliz tilida bo'lishini va baxt tavakkaliga baribir boraman deganman. Birinchi tanishtiruv kuni zoom da hamma o'zini to'liq ism familiyasi bilan chiqqan edi, shunga mendan boshqa o'zbeklar ham bormikan deb qidira boshganman. Keyin o'zbek ism familiyalilarga yozib ularga group linkini tashiganman va hammani bir guruhga jamlaganman.

Shunday qilib Koreaga kelishdan oldin o'zim bilan teng topshirganlarni topib, tashishishga ham ulgurgan edim. Ikkinchi tanishtiruvdan keyin course registration boshlangan, Malika bilan shuncha tuzgan planlarimiz puchga chiqqan. Bizda internet tezligi yaxshi bo'lmagani va bizga course registration haqida to'liq ma'lumot berilmagani uchun biz saytga kirgunimizcha, olmoqchi bo'lgan darslarimiz to'lib bo'lgan edi. Vaqt kam nima qilishni bilmaymiz, kimdan so'rashni bilmaymiz. Keyin yana tavakkaliga qilib 12 kreditlik majorimizga aloqasiyam bo'lmagan 4ta fan olganmiz. Keyingi semesterda ham scholarship chiqishi uchun 12kreditdan kam bo'lmasligi kerak edi. Malika bilan rossayam kayfiyatimiz tushgan edi, endi nima qilamiz bormasimizdan oldin ishtiyoqiz so'nyapdiku derdik.

Shu oraliqda bitta ikkita tanishlarimizning vizalariga atkaz chiqib qolgan, yana o'sha visa havotiri boshlagan. Nima bo'lsayam kutishdan boshqa ilojimiz yo'q edi. Har kuni saytga kirib visa statusini tekshirardim. Bir kuni ertalab kirdim hali natija chiqmagan, shu kuni obeddan keyin nimagadir esimga tushib ketgan va yana tekshirish uchun saytga kirganman. Shuncha kunganlarim natijasiz qolmasdan 14 kun deganda visam chiqqan edi. Visa agentligi menga birinchi yozishi o'rniga, men birinchi ularga yozganman visam chiqibdi deb. U paytiyam buvimlarnikida bo'lganman quvonchdan sakrab darrov ota onamga telefon qilganman. Ular tabriklab hazillashib " Yurtinga ketasanmi endi" deyishgandi...

Davomi bor...


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My 4 hours in 2.5 minutes 👩‍💻


500 0 1 18 13

🎉 Hello everyone! 🎊

Happy 2025! 🌟 Let this year be a time of accomplishments, bright emotions and unforgettable moments for you! Set your goals, dream boldly and believe in yourself - there is a lot of interesting ahead!

✨ Sincerely wish you health, happiness and success in all your endeavors. Let each day be filled with joy, and close by are only reliable and supportive people. Don't forget to rejoice in little things and find time for your favorite hobbies.

✨ Let the year 2025 bring even more inspiration and luck to your life. Happy New Year! 🍾🥳


Spent time at the botanic garden to relax. Green spaces help reduce stress, improve mood, and ease eye strain. Embrace nature for better health! 🌴🌺

📍Seoul Botanical garden
📍Korean halal restaurant


After stressful week, this was the best place to relax . It's even more breathtaking than last year's decoration.

📍CoEx Mall Starfield library


Finally, exams are almost over! 🎉 But I have a question for you all. Imagine you found some previous exam questions for a subject and practiced them, but skipped 1-3 questions thinking they wouldn’t be on the exam. Then, those exact questions show up on your exam! How would be your reaction?

정말 바쁜 달이 왔다 ㅠ

2주 안에:
3 - 발표
1 - 팀 프로젝트
5 - 과제
왜 교수님들은 학기말에 학생들을 힘들게 하시나요?

Really busy month came ㅠ

Within 2 weeks:
3 - Presentation
1 - Team Project
5 - Assignment

Why do professors give students a hard time at the end of the semester?


Qo'shilishni xohlovchilar bo'lsa, oldin aynan nima uchun bu challenge ga qo'shilmoqchilingizni @SMO_ask_bot ga yozib qoldiring. Keyin sizning javoblaringizga qarab, sizni challenge materiallari berilib borildigan yopiq groupga kirizaman. Group linki: group

Eslatma! Agarda nima uchun qatnashmoqchilingizni to'liq yozib qoldirmasangiz, guruhga kirishingizga ruhsat bermayman.

Hello everyone!
I want to start new challenge for me. It is learning Korean from beginner to TOPIK level 3-4. I asked Chat GPT to create a professional study plan for two months. So, it's done. Is there anybody who wants to join? I will share the materials too

Assalomu alaykum hammaga!
Men o'zim uchun yangi sinov boshlamoqchiman. Bu sinov Koreys tilidan boshlang'ich darajadan TOPIK 3-4 dajaragacha. Chat GPT dan men uchun professional 2 oylik o'quv rejasini tuzib berishini so'radim, va bajarildi. Qo'shilishni hohlovchilar bormi? Kerakli materiallar bn ulashaman.


Наступает зима 🌨❄️

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"You don’t hire for skills, you hire for attitude. You can always teach skills." – Simon Sinek

This quote really caught my attention today. Skills can be learned over time, but the right mindset, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn are what truly make someone stand out.

In a world that often prioritizes experience and qualifications, this perspective reminds us of the power of character, motivation, and potential. Whether you're building a team or striving to grow yourself, investing in the right attitude can lead to long-term success.


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