Shokhrukh's diary

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Blogs

Positive mind/vibe/life🍃
Here I share:
▫️my thoughts
▫️and many more...
Khiva PS '22🇺🇿
University of Birmingham '26 🇬🇧
BEng Materials science and engineering 🧬

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At school: “Diffusion is when particles move from a high concentration to a low concentration. 🤡

At university: Consider the Fick’s second law partial differential equation applied to anisotropic diffusion tensors in a non-homogeneous medium.🗿

I am truly impressed by the respect shown by university on this matter!

Probably the assignment will ask to solve it.

They are underestimating my potential

We’ve started the second semester – just 74 more days to go until the holidays.

The sun was shining through my illuminator throughout the journey, as if it was saying “Goodbye till the next ~month…”

Some historic snapshots

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This year University of Birmingham celebrates its 125th anniversary 🎉

First tick on my resolutions set for 2025:

✅Crushing Real Madrid with humiliating score

Agar yangi yildan yangi odatlarni boshlamoqchi bo’lsangiz, maslahatim bugundan boshlang. Statistik nuqtai nazardan qaraganda ko’pchilik 1-yanvar kuni turli xil sabablarga ko’ra o’ylagan odatini boshlay olmaydi. 1-kunniyoq o’tkazib yuborish sizning motivatsiyangizni o’ldiradi, ertasi kuni boshlash undanda qiyin bo’ladi. Shu tarzda kunlar o’tib yana hech qanaqa o’zgarishlarsiz avvalgi hayotingizni davom ettirib ketaverasiz — boshlashni ortga surish ko’pincha umuman boshlamaslikka olib keladi.

Yangi yilni kutmasdan bugundan boshlasangiz, sizda 2 kun ichida kundalik odatni shakllantirish osonlashadi. “Streak”ni buzmaslik yana qo’shimcha motivatsiya bo’ladi. Til o’rganmoqchimisiz – telefoningizga ilovani yuklab, hech bo’lmaganda 5 ta so’z yodlang; zalga chiqmoqchimisiz – 20 ta otjimaniye qiling; kundalik kitob o’qish odati? – bugundan 2 bet o’qishni boshlang.

Shunday ekan, kutmang – bugundan boshlang. Siz qanday odatni hayotingizga kiritmoqchisiz?

P.S. To’g’ri ovqatlanish odati istisno hisoblanishi mumkin)))


Watched Squid Game 2 the day it dropped, and now I can scroll through my Instagram feed in peace(every second reel is a spoiler)

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Summary of the year for the channel "Shokhrukh's diary" from @TGStat

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Just realised why I don’t have extra $60k in my bank account

Hech sizga, “Agar prezident bo‘lib qolsangiz, nimani o‘zgartirar edingiz?”, degan savol berishganmi?

Buni qarangki, bunday savol berilgan shaxslarning 87 foizi ta’lim tizimini o‘zgartirar edim deb javob berar ekan. Sizning ham aqlingizga kelgan birinchi javob katta ehtimol bilan shu bo‘lsa kerak.

Lekin aslida har birimiz o‘z tanamizning prezidenti hisoblanamiz. Kimdir, masalan, Aziz degan mamlakatning prezidenti, kimdir esa Aziza degan mamlakat prezidenti.

Shu o‘zingiz nomini ko‘tarib yurgan tanangiz, ya’ni mamlakatingizda ta’lim tizimini o‘zgartira olayapsizmi? Bitta tilni mukammal o‘rgandingizmi? Yiliga 30 ta kitob o‘qiyapsizmi? Tanangizni, ya’ni mamlakatingizni ozoda saqlayapsizmi? Ta’lim doimo izlanishlarga, yangiliklarga muhtoj, siz qanchalik yangilik qilmoqdasiz?

Biz ko‘pincha o‘zi bitta tanadan iborat bo‘lgan mamlakatimizni boshqara olmaymiz, ammo butun mamlakat taqdirini, birovlarning hayotini hal qilib yuborishga kelganda juda bir dovyurak bo‘lib ketamiz.

© Bektosh Hotamov, Profi xususiy ta’lim muassasalari tarmog’i asoschisi


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MIT class of 2046 is loading 🐣

19-yoshimgacha boshqa davlatga chiqish u yoqda tursin, samolyotda ham uchmaganman. Oxirgi 1 yil ichida esa 4 ta davlatda bo’ldim, 10 ga yaqin shaharlarni kezdim, 18 ta reysda parvoz qildim. Hozir ham navbatdagisini kutib o’tiribman. Allohning rejalari eng yaxshisidir. Hammaga nasibasi o’z vaqtida tegadi, hech kim birovdan oldinda ham emas, orqada ham. Sababini qilaylik, qolgani Allohdan.


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Have you ever noticed how engineering students often excel in fields beyond their primary discipline? Many love discussions about politics, finance and economics; some even are creative minds in the arts. Yet, despite these diverse talents, they choose one of the hardest academic paths — engineering — where they might end up being “just average”. What a paradox! Yet the answer is simple – we are drawn to the challenge.

Still, at least once, most engineering students have regretted their choice, feeling as though they’ve wasted their so much academic potential by picking the "wrong" major. When the relentless workload piles up, when peers in seemingly easier degrees thrive effortlessly — or worse, complain about how "hard" it was to read an entire chapter and do a group presentation — it’s hard not to question your life choices. Especially when you are writing a 3000-word report for your 4hr long lab.

The grass always seems greener on the other side, after all. And I’m not here to brag (but I would love to) about how easy degrees are journalism, psychology, philosophy when compared to engineering and medicine. Medicine, law, engineering these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, art – these are what we stay alive for, admittedly.

Engineering is not a pursuit of individual glory; it is a commitment to collective impact. That’s the paradox and the beauty of choosing a hard path — it’s a journey that shapes both the world and the individual walking it.


Time allowed: 4 weeks
Questions: 3
Total marks: 70
Number of attempts: infinite

Additional instructions:
✔️ Crying: ALLOWED
✔️ Internet use: ALLOWED
✔️ Discussing with friends: ENCOURAGED
✔️ Meditation, manifestation, and crying in the shower: STRONGLY ADVISED
✔️ Consulting Harvard Professors: ALLOWED
✔️ Writing a dissertation on why this exam is unfair instead of answering the questions: ALLOWED (won’t earn marks, but respect)
✔️ Googling “how to teleport to another universe”: PERMITTED
✔️ Praying to any deity of your choice: ACCEPTABLE (but their response time may vary)
✔️ Offering your soul to pass: LEGAL (but non-refundable)


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