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- 17 year old senior and Vice-President at Samarkand Presidential School.
- We're set for success, In Shaa Allah! 💪

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Forward from: Green guardians| Presidential school in Samarkand

Eko bilimdonlar diqqatiga!🌱🌎

Yangilanish-yasharish bayrami Navro'z munosabati bilan kanalimizda ''Eko-Zukko'' tanlovini ochiq deb e'lon qilamiz💥❗️

📌Tanlov qay tarzda olib boriladi?
-30 kun davomida, 15-martdan, 15-aprelgacha Green Guardians kanaliga va botga soat 10:00 da savollar tashlab boriladi.
-Javoblarni @greenguardians_quiz_bot botidan ro'yhatdan o'tib, ushbu botga yuborish mumkin.
-Ishtirokchilarning barchasi Green Guardians kanaliga obuna bo'lgan bo'lishi shart.
- Savollarning barchasi ekologiyaga oid, bu sizga ekologik bilimlaringizni mustahkamlash va ekologik savodxonligingizni oshirishda yordam beradi.
-Har shanba kuni, savol o'rniga vazifalar beriladi. Vazifalarni bajarib, botga rasmi joylashtiriladi.

📌Taqdirlash va tanlov g'oliblarini aniqlash:
-Eng ko'p savollarga javob topgan va eng faol bilimdonlarga sertifikat va sovg'alar🎁
1-o'rin : Noutbuk sumkasi va airpods👜
2-o'rin : Gaming uchun quloqchin🎧
3-o'rin : Sichqoncha va sichqoncha uchun gilamcha (kovrik)
-Faol qatnashgan barcha bilimdonlar sertifikat bilan taqdirlanadi🏅

📍Manzilimiz: 🌿🌎
Savol va takliflar uchun:@Ulugbek2184

I want freedom at this moment

Known for their  gold mining industry, my region's name appears in news quite a few times a year: People getting injured, people doing this people doing that, all while stealing the gold ores. Well, what does it have to do with me?

Living in the most rural area and having no neighbors, one of my close friends dad had a treadmill at their house. What a cool location, if raid was somewhere around, parts of the treadmill were hidden all around the forestish  rural area. Cool. The job of the treadmill was grinding the gold ores to sand form, then sand is washed then gold is extracted then sold in black market. Cool.

Since I was close with my friend, he would let me see every single process: how gold is extracted, where they did hide the treadmill parts and how the money did flow. I also found out that he and his brother used to collect the norm sized gold ores thinking they could sell it later. I was 10 at max, so me joining them was understandable. We had our deals done. We even thought about where to spend the money we get. And it worked. We collected nice amount of gold ores. Gold was extracted and sold (probably) but I never received my share. Like literally never. From positive side, maybe it was not his decision to not to give my share, maybe it was his brothers. This side remains unknown for me. Afterall I was never mad at my friend and we still keep in touch. However, I am now happy that I was exposed to that specific situation at 10 years old (bang, nice life lesson), since then, I have always tried to set mutual term agreements whenever I work in company with someone. Advicing the same to you)

Would I change something if I had a chance? NO! I would still choose to expose myself to that specific situation. I have so much to say about exposing my self to different siuations but somehow could not put them into words so just expose yourself.

Ramadan mubarak ✨️

My apologies for posting this, guys

From my experience, I think this point is the most important part about applications
Just sharing

Congratulations to our guys. Republic stage awaits

There’s something really messed up about this school. If seniors do something, juniors think they should do it too. Fine, no problem. But those of you who would rather see us lose just because you can’t have it— I hate you from the bottom of my heart. You knew that if the secret got out, no one would get the chance again. But you still chose to ruin it.

This isn’t just about Bukhara. This isn’t even about the our 8th grade houseparent dismissed out of jealousy. It’s about how some of you just can’t stand the idea of someone else having something if you don’t. Even after four years in this school, you still don’t get it: snitching doesn’t get you anywhere. It just makes sure no one wins.

I’m in 11th grade. I still can’t use a phone at school because the moment I get permission, the little kids will start crying for the same thing. So, no phones for anyone. Fine.I can still live. But what really pisses me off is that some of you still don’t understand: you don’t get ahead by pulling others down.

You think you’re gaining something? You think you look good by ruining things for others? In reality, you’re setting yourself up for a life where no one trusts you, and nothing good lasts.

To those who exposed us: I hope you’re happy. I hope it felt good. But when the time comes and you’re in our position, when you finally have something to protect, may you get better treatment. Or, better yet, may people finally learn.
( we wish you good things cuz we are not you:))

only addressing those involved.

And our deepest love to our other brothers and sisters at school.

Shahzod after trying new haircut

full ride to NYUAD, congrats Bibisora


181 0 0 18 14

218 0 1 10 11

It is the nature of some

Instead of doing what is right, we do what is easy.

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G' ?
The poem they gave me was very difficult, I remember crying to my mom every night cuz I couldnt memorize the poem

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