IELTS SPEAKING: IQTISODIYOT MAVZUSIDA ISHONCHLI GAPIRISH UCHUN IBORALAR! IELTS imtihonida iqtisodiyot mavzusi ko‘pchilik uchun qiyin bo‘lishi mumkin. Ammo, agar siz to‘g‘ri so‘z va iboralarni bilsangiz, bu mavzuda ham ishonch bilan gapira olasiz! 🎤📌
Iqtisodiyot bo‘yicha fikr bildirayotganda noaniqlikni ifodalash: 🔹 This is not my area of expertise, but I think…
🔹 I have a limited understanding of economics, but I think…
🔹 My grasp of economics is not very good, but I think…
Rivojlangan iqtisodiyotni tasvirlash: ✅ The economy is booming
✅ There has been an upturn in economic growth
✅ We have a robust economy now
Inqiroz yoki o‘sishsiz iqtisodiyotni ifodalash: ❌ The economy is really slow at the moment
❌ There has been a downturn in economic growth
❌ We have a stagnant economy
Asosiy iqtisodiy tushunchalar: 📍 Inflation – narxlarning o‘sish sur’ati
📍 Unemployment rate – ishsizlar foizi
📍 Interest rate – kredit foizi
📍 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) – mamlakat iqtisodiyotining umumiy hajmi
O‘sish va pasayishni ifodalash: 📈 GDP has risen to 6% / GDP has risen by 6%
📉 The economy has plummeted
📊 The inflation rate has hit an all-time high
Bularning barchasi IELTS Speaking va Writing uchun foydali bo‘lib, iqtisodiyot haqidagi savollarga ishonch bilan javob berishingizga yordam beradi!
Bu iboralar va resurslar Keith Speaking Academy tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan. 📚
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