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📍IELTS & Multi-Level Mastery
IELTS tayyorlov kurslari va turli darajalarda ingliz tili o'rganish uchun foydali maslahatlar.
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Uzbekistan, English
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Believe it or not

Bu post o'rniga, hech kimga qiziq bo'lmagan rasmimni share qilsam ham ko'p like va share yig'ardi.


🔠 Show a significant increase in X
The number of international tourists showed a significant increase in 2020, reaching 1.5 million.

🔠 Experience a steady decline in X
Car production experienced a steady decline in the last decade due to economic downturns.

🔠 Reach a peak of X
The inflation rate reached a peak of 7.5% in 2022 before dropping again.

🔠 Fluctuate considerably over X
The average temperature fluctuated considerably over the 20-year period, ranging from 15°C to 30°C.

🔠 Remain relatively stable at X
The unemployment rate remained relatively stable at around 5% throughout the given timeframe.

🔠 Account for the largest share of X
Online transactions accounted for the largest share of total sales, making up 60% of purchases.

🔠 Follow an upward/downward trajectory over X
The housing market followed an upward trajectory over the decade, with prices doubling by 2025.

🔠 Exhibit a similar/opposite pattern to X
The birth rate exhibited an opposite pattern to the death rate, decreasing as the latter increased.

🔠 Register a slight/moderate/sharp increase in X
The number of graduates registered a moderate increase in 2019, rising from 30,000 to 35,000.

🔠 Outpace other categories in terms of X
Electric vehicle sales outpaced other categories in terms of growth, expanding by 200% in just three years.

#IELTS #WritingTask1 #Band9

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471 0 26 5 68

IELTS Essays From Examiners (@ielts_7star).pdf
🚀IELTS Essays from Examiners

⭐️120+ Band 7+ model essays
⭐️Diverse topics & question types
⭐️Advanced vocabulary & structures
⭐️Proven strategies for top scores
⭐️Essential for IELTS success

➡️Sharing is caring
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590 0 27 3 26

Adham bilan kattaroq natija kutgandik, 10 ta mock topshirsa ham hech qachon bunaqa ball olmagandi

Nu o'qishga kirishga yetadi bu ball 🔥

Moladets Zafar 🔥

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Why do you care ?

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Let it snow, let it snow 😍

1k 0 9 13 54

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Readind Full Mock 1 @sevenstar_cefr.pdf
💎 Multilevel Reading Mock 1

•| Full Mock with answers

•| Barcha partlardagi savollar imtihonlarda tushgan

•| Savollarni ko'rib qo'ying, savollar albatta takrorlanadi

Barchaga birdak foydali bo'ladi

🌟 @sevenstar_cefr

IELTS Academic Writing(@ielts_7star).pdf
🔄IELTS Writing Task 1 (2021)

Real exam questions & model answers
Key vocabulary & high-score strategies
Step-by-step structure & expert tips

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Xato qilmaslik uchun tajriba kerak!
Tajriba uchun esa xatolar...

Reading Part 1 19.01.2025.pdf
💎 Darsimizning fayl qismi

•| 15-Yanvarda tushgan haqiqiy imtihon materialini tahlil qildik.

•| Reading Part 1 ishlash bo'yicha eng yaxshi strategiya

•| darsni ko'rib qo'ying, savollar albatta takrorlanadi

Hech qancha vaqtingiz ketmaydi

🌟 @sevenstar_cefr

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Multilevel Reading Part 1 - Cities

•| 15-Yanvarda tushgan haqiqiy imtihon materialini tahlil qildik.

•| Reading Part 1 ishlash bo'yicha eng yaxshi strategiya

•| darsni ko'rib qo'ying, savollar albatta takrorlanadi

Hech qancha vaqtingiz ketmaydi

🌟 @sevenstar_cefr


- Mana o'quvchilar qanchalik ishtiyoq bilan o'z ustilarida ishlashadi! O'rnak bo'lishi uchun ulashdim!


Speaking Mock Full 1 @sevenstar_cefr.pdf
💎 Multilevel Speaking Mock 1

•| Barcha partlardagi savollar imtihonlarda tushgan

•| Yangi format asosida, rasmlar bilan tuzilgan

•| Savollarni ko'rib qo'ying, savollar albatta takrorlanadi

Barchaga birdak foydali bo'ladi

🌟 @sevenstar_cefr

650+ Phrases for Speaking (@ielts-7star).pdf
650+ English Phrases for Everyday Speaking🚀

✔️ Common phrases for daily conversations
✔️ Expressions for different situations
✔️ Useful collocations and idioms
✔️ Beginner to intermediate level
✔️ Real-life dialogues and examples
✔️ Improve fluency and confidence
✔️ Perfect for self-study

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Siqilma, yaqinda Ramazon keladi
va hammasi yaxshi bo'ladi

1.9k 0 15 8 155

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Are you too formal or informal in Speaking?

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Ramadan challenge qilamizmi?

1.7k 0 1 22 104

Gooood Morning ❤️ 😁

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