Saydulloh | IELTS 7.5

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

Only the way forward.
🎧Listening - 8.5( 37)
📌Reading - 8.5 ( 38)
👨‍🏫More than 1 year of teaching experience
🏢Workplace : Smart English LC
🔐Able to teach English Grammar in a month and level up to pre-intermediate
P.P👉 @Saydulloh_2006

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Uzbekistan, English
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📌Happy Friday ✨
⏳Happy the day of Taroveh 💫
⏳Happy the upcoming night of the first day of Ramadan ✨

May Allah make us of those who are the most righteous,
May Allah forgive us and grant us Jannah,
May Allah accept our blessings and duas,

Don't forget to send salutations to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Allohumma solli a'la sayyidina Muhammad.

Soon, there will be a time when I talk for an hour, you'll listen: you'll talk for an hour, I'll listen...


Axir biz ham odammiz,
Bo'lmasada molimiz,
Bordur aziz jonimiz,
Axir biz ham odammiz.

Mayli qilmang yodimiz,
Yetkazmang murodimiz,
Hech qilmasmiz dodimiz,
Axir biz ham odammiz.

P.S.Shu vaqtda sovuqda moshina kutib ilhomjon kelib qoldida endi... ( lekin haqiqat...)


Soon, there will be a time when your children say: Dady, money money,


Soon, there will be a time when I wake up thinking like I am much freer than the past...


Soon, there will be a time when I become free of all responsibilities that I have now...


Yuqoridagi postlarga stickerlar??? 🧐🧐🧐, menimcha ochiq bo'lsa kerak a sticker bosish😁

Davom etaylikmi👆👆👆

Soon, there will be a time when I prove a lot of things to those who are doubtful about me and my potential...


Soon, there will be a time when I take students home who are waiting for the car to stop at night...


Soon, there will be a time when I sleep better, think less and study more...


Forward from: -Abdulbositʼs notes
Someone somewhere is secretly making dua for you right now.


Today, we've had a great time with my students, especially the Month 10 ,

They offered me to clean up the entire room and did that today.

Thanks everyone who took their precious time and effort and came today.
Thanks for everything you did today.

May Allah bless you and reward you with the best of your wishes.

A week...


The day of Recompense...
The day of Judgement...
The Hereafter...

2 farishta...👆👆👆
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Just brilliant words

O'ylang, shunday o'ylangki, o'ylaringiz o'yligicha qolib ketmasligini bilgan holda o'ylang...


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Va bu ham qolib ketgan edi

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