Saxobullo’s Fikrset

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Category: Linguistics

Sharing my thoughts about Philosophy,History,Business and Economics.
They say I am diabolical,let's see,shall we?
@eruditewisdom my taste

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📌 Disclose secret

📖 Definition: To reveal or share information that was previously kept hidden or confidential.

💬 Example Sentence: She finally decided to disclose the secret about her surprise birthday party.


📌 Sense of anonymity

📖 Definition: The feeling of being unknown or unidentifiable, often providing a sense of freedom or privacy.

💬 Example Sentence: Posting online under a pseudonym gives some people a sense of anonymity and allows them to express themselves more freely.


📌 Emotional release

📖 Definition: The act of letting go or expressing emotions that have been pent up or suppressed.

💬 Example Sentence: After a long day, a good cry can provide emotional release and help you feel lighter.


📌 Social circle

📖 Definition: The group of people with whom someone regularly interacts or maintains relationships.

💬 Example Sentence: Expanding your social circle can open up new opportunities and perspectives.


Forward from: Spetion LC
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“SPETION” o’quv markazi boquvchisini yo’qotgan va kam ta’minlangan yoshlarni qo’llab quvatlash, ularni mustaqil hayotga qadam qo’yishida ko’maklashish maqsadida umumiy qiymati 200 mln so’mlik grantni e’lon qiladi.i

Grantimiz asosida jami 50 nafar Uchqo’rg’on va qo’shni tumanlardagi boquvchisini yo’qotgan,imkoniyati cheklangan yoki nogironligi bor shu grantimiz uchun haqiqiy mos nomzodlarni 15 oy davomida bepul o’qitib beramiz

!!! Arizalar 1 martgacha qabul qilinadi
imtihon esa 2 mart sanasida bo’lib o’tadi g’oliblarimizni esa 5-mart kuni e’lon qilamiz

Qoʻngʻiroq uchun: (95)200-00-80

Namangan viloyatida:
⛳️Manzil: Uchqo'rg'on center
⛳️Mo'ljal: Zamirjon klinikasi ro'parasi

Toshkent shahrida:
⛳️Manzil: Toshkent shahar, Olmazor tumani, Farobiy ko’chasi 28-uy
⛳️Mo’ljal: Beruniy metro bekati, Korzinka 3-qavati

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📌 Preconceived notions

📖 Definition: Opinions or beliefs formed before having enough knowledge or experience to make an accurate judgment.

💬 Example Sentence: It's important to challenge preconceived notions about people to avoid unfair judgments.


📌 Liberating

📖 Definition: Making someone feel free or giving them the ability to act without restrictions.

💬 Example Sentence: Traveling alone for the first time was a liberating experience that taught me a lot about myself.


Forward from: Books I’ve read in 2025
I believe this book sums up my journey into the Kafka world though I still have 2 more books(collection of his short stories) by Kafka in my library.

Maybe I’ll comeback to these books later when I grow up a little. The stories are dark, tense, and too philosophical to my liking.

I definitely recommend reading The Metamorphosis and Letter to His Father, but I cant say the same about The Trial.

Next author: Said Ahmad


📌 Articulate emotions

📖 Definition: To express or communicate one's feelings clearly and effectively.

💬 Example Sentence: It’s important to be able to articulate your emotions to maintain healthy relationships.


📌 Social repercussion

📖 Definition: The effect or consequence that an action, event, or decision has on society or social relationships.

💬 Example Sentence: His controversial statement had serious social repercussions, affecting his reputation and relationships.


Discourse Marker: Particularly

Usage of when and how:
"Particularly" is used to emphasize a specific detail or aspect within a broader topic or statement. 🎯

Example Sentence: I enjoy outdoor activities, particularly hiking, as it allows me to connect with nature. 🏞


📌 Deter from

📖 Definition: To discourage or prevent someone from doing something.

💬 Example Sentence: The rainy weather didn’t deter me from going for my morning jog.


Discourse Marker: Moreover

Usage of when and how:
"Moreover" is used to add more information to support a point or argument, often with the intention of strengthening the statement. 🔗

Example Sentence: The new policy will save money for the company. Moreover, it will improve overall efficiency. 📊


📌 Gender stereotypes

📖 Definition: Preconceived ideas or beliefs about how individuals of different genders should behave or what roles they should play.

💬 Example Sentence: Gender stereotypes can limit people’s opportunities and potential in both personal and professional settings.


Emotional Distance nimaligini bilmaydiganlar bo`lsa, quyidagini o`qing:

Emotional distance shunday bo‘ladiki, odam yaqinlari bilan ham hissiy jihatdan bog‘lanolmaydi.

Bekzod 16 yoshda. U ko‘pincha xonasida yolg‘iz bo‘ladi, ovqat paytida ham ko‘proq telefoniga qaraydi yoki qisqa javoblar bilan cheklanadi.

Akam yoki onasi unga “Yaxshi yuribsanmi? Qanday o‘qiyapsan?” desa, Bekzod faqat “Normal” yoki “Hammasi joyida” deb javob beradi, lekin ichida qandaydir muammosi bo‘lsa ham, uni aytmaydi.

Do‘stlari ham sezadi: ular guruhda gaplashsa, Bekzod ko‘pincha chetda turadi yoki telefon orqali yozishmalarda qisqa javob yozadi. Kimdir dardini aytsa, u mavzuni o‘zgartirishga harakat qiladi yoki hech narsa demaydi.

Bekzodning bunday harakati emotional distance (hissiy uzoqlik) bo‘lishi mumkin. Chunki u yaqinlari bilan ochiq gaplasha olmaydi va o‘z his-tuyg‘ularini ulashishdan qochadi. Bu har xil sababga bog‘liq bo‘lishi mumkin: balki u ilgari kimdandir hafsalasi pir bo‘lgandir, yoki shunchaki odamlar uni tushunmaydi deb o‘ylaydi.

📌 Social dynamics

📖 Definition: The patterns of behavior and interactions that influence social relationships within a group.

💬 Example Sentence: Understanding social dynamics at work can help improve team collaboration and morale.


Discourse Marker: One (somebody) would argue that

Usage of when and how:
"One (somebody) would argue that" is used to introduce an opposing point of view or a perspective that challenges what was previously said. 🗣

Example Sentence: One might argue that technology has made our lives easier, but it has also led to more distractions. 💻


📌 Casual conversation

📖 Definition: Informal, light conversation that usually involves everyday topics.

💬 Example Sentence: We had a casual conversation about our weekend plans while waiting for the bus.


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