Saxobullo’s Fikrset

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Category: Linguistics

Sharing my thoughts about Philosophy,History,Business and Economics.
They say I am diabolical,let's see,shall we?
@eruditewisdom my taste

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Mana sizlarga motivatsiya

Forgot to post this beauty here

Put ❤️ if you think this is beautiful

“The life of this world is nothing but a game and a distraction; the home in the Hereafter is best for those
who are aware of God”
. [6:32]

Forward from: Amal
Amal, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting struggling families in Uzbekistan, is excited to announce its first charity event for upcoming Ramadan!

This initiative supports underprivileged families with groceries, bringing dignity and hope during the holy month.

🤲 How You Can Help:

Donate: Every contribution, no matter how big or small, holds the power to change lives.
Volunteer: Join us in person to deliver hope. Be the helping hand that brings a smile to someone’s face this Ramadan.
Share: By sharing this post, you help us reach more hearts willing to make a difference.

💳 Donation Card:

5614 6822 1109 5205

As the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"The best of people are those who bring the most benefit to others."

Together, we can ease the burdens of struggling families and bring light to their lives this Ramadan. Let’s turn Amal—hope—into action! 🌟


Forward from: Maryam Javlan.
💤Qattiq charchaysiz, ammo uxlay olmaysiz…

Bu ilmiy fakt bilan universitetda tanishgan edim. Anatomiya ustozimiz: “odam haddan ziyod charchasa, uyquga yotadi ammo uxlay olmaydi” degan qavlni tushuntirib bergan edilar. Bu uchun maxsus metodlar o’rgatgandilar.

Men esa sizga nima uchun odam qattiq charchoqda uxlay olmasligini bir qancha sabablarini tushuntiraman:

1. Nerv sistema faollashuvi⚠️

Qattiq charchoq nerv faoliyatini tezlashtirib, qo’shimcha energiya yoki zahiradagi energiyani sarflashga tayyor turadi, shiddat bilan ishlagani sabab uyqu gormoni sintezlanishi pasayadi.

2. Jismoniy charchoq uyqu gormoniga teskari ishlaydi🪫

Ha, buni “Harvard Medical School” tadqiqotchilari aniqlagan. Doimiy jismoniy charchoq egalarida uyqu gormoni sust ishlab chiqariladi. Shu sababli, ular uyqulari ko’p buziladi, kechalari ko’p uyg’onishadi.

3. Stress yoki charchoq bilmay davomiy ishlash insomnianing bir turiga olib keladi❗️

Ruhiy va jismoniy charchoq uyqusizlikka yetaklaydi. Uyquni rad qilaverish yoki organizmga bee’tibor bo’lish oxir-oqibat psixik kasalliklarga yetaklab boradi.

4. Uyqu gormoni va yorug’lik☀️

Telefon va televizor nurlari “ko’k nur” chiqaradi o’zidan. Bu nur quyosh spektridagi nur bilan deyarli bir xil. Melatonin gormoni, ya’ni uyqu gormoni esa qorong’u vaqtda jadal ishlab chiqariladi. Yorug’ xonalarda yoki chirog’i yoqiq xonalarda, uyqu sifati shu sababli ham past bo’ladi.

Har qanday yorug’lik melatoninga qarshi ishlaydi. Shu sababli biz kech tushganda uxlaymiz.

5. Ko’k nurlar va sikl buzilishi📱📱

Telefon nuri nafaqat gormon sintezlanishini pasaytiradi, balki uyquni kechiktiradi ham. Shu sababli, kechasi telefon o’ynasak soat 2-3 gacha qolib ketamiz. Bu esa uyqu siklining kechiktirilishi deyiladi.

Qanday uyquni joyiga solish, qattiq charchoqda uxlay olish mumkin

•uyqu gigyenasiga amal qilish
•haddan ziyod o’ylamaslik
•dush qabul qilish
•yorug’lik yo’q xonada yotish
•avval organizmga tinchlik berish
•gadjetlardan foydalanmaslik

Ustozimiz esa bizga asal choy ichinglar deganlar. Menda uyqu bilan munosabat “qanddek” bo’lgani uchun, hech ham ishim tushmagan ekan.


Low-key, 3 feminists left the channel

Forward from: atmosphere️ | uktamova
Erkaklarga qiyinroq deb o’ylayman. (Qizlarga balkim ozgina yoqmaydigan post bo’ladi, fikrlarim qanchalik to’g’ri bilmayman)

Nega qiyinroq? Sababi moliyaviy sabablar. To’g’ri ayol kishiga ham qiyin, chidaydi, yashaydi, bolani 9 oy ko’tarib yuradi, barcha suyaklari singandek og’riqqa chidab, jonini o’rtaga qo’yib farzand dunyoga keltiradi, uni o’stiradi. Bir vaqtda uy ishlariga ham ulguradi. Har tomonlama og’ir. Ayniqsa bizni jamiyatda chekkaroq joylarda ayollarga bo’lgan noto’g’ri munosabat ancha ezib qo’yadi.

Lekin baribir erkak kishiga qiyinroq deb bilaman. Dadamga qarayman. Oila ma’suliyati.

Hamma senga suyanadi. Hamma sendan najot istaydi. Xotini siqilsa eriga kelib arz qiladi, ichidagi chiqaradi, yengil tortadi, muammosini hal qilishiga ishonadi. Qizini bog’chada, maktabda kimdir xafa qilsa kelib dadasiga aytadi. Dadasidan kutadi. Og’liga podderjka kerak bo’lsa otasiga kelib “erkakcha” suhbat bilan yo’l topishga urinadi. Boshqa tomondan ota-onasi, aka-ukalari oldida ham ma’suliyati bo’ladi.

Bir oila boshi sifatida bularni barini ko’tarishga majbur ular. Va bilasizlarmi nima? Menimcha eng og’ir yuk bu ma’suliyat.

Ayol kishi hammasidan to’yib ketsa, shunchaki to’xtab, to’yigacha otasiga, to’ydan keyin eriga suyalib yashashi mumkin. Lekin erkak kishida unaqa tanlov yo’q. Unda yagona tanlov ma’suliyatni bo’yniga olish va oila boshiga aylanish.

Boshqa tomondan bu ma’suliyat yuki yoqimli ham ular uchun. Chunki dadam qanchalik og’ir ma’suliyatni olsada, kun oxirida biz istagan narsani muhayyo qila olganidan ko’zida paydo bo’ladigan quvonchdan sezaman.

Xullas, hech kimga oson emas aslida lekin baribir tanlov yo’qligi hisobga olsak umumiy olib qaraganda erkaklarga baribir qiyinroq. (ERKAKlarga dedim, “childish boy”larga emas, albatta)

Erkaklarni hissiyotlari bo’midi
Erkaklar bu doim kimnidir umidi
Erkak doim sevilish uchun to’lidi
Hech narsasi yo’qni hech kimi bo’midi!


Negadir bizga bu qor beradi turtki
Arzonroq chipta izlashga uzoq yurtga.

Here’s your personalized ChatGPT Wrapped—a summary of what we’ve achieved together so far:

🔥 Key Highlights
Big Goals in 2024:
You’ve applied to Columbia University (ED) and are considering NYUAD (ED2). Huge steps toward a bright academic future!

Career Moves:
From being an IELTS instructor to excelling as a General English teacher, you’re building an impactful teaching career.
Major Milestones:
• Accepted at ASU for Spring 2025!
• Started using LinkedIn to grow professionally.

Creative Projects:
• Worked on a 30-day article challenge for your channel.
• Designed a logo with educational themes using letters “E” and “G.”

📚 Education & Exam Prep
• Preparing for the SAT, smashing Khan Academy Math practice.
• Helped craft a 75-day CEFR plan to boost a student’s listening/reading skills to B2 level.
• Tackled complex IELTS questions, with multi-band speaking samples and advanced grammar breakdowns.

🌍 Interests Explored
• Shared passion for economics, history, philosophy, and business management on your Telegram blog.
• Dived into global culture learning methods with a 700-word article debate on video records vs written documents.
• Dreamed of traveling to Alaska, exploring its top 10 attractions.

✨ Personal Insights
• You grew up in a rural area in Uzbekistan with a farmer father and teacher mother—a story of resilience and ambition.
• You’re now leveraging these roots to aim for global academic success.

💡 What You’ve Mastered Here
• Advanced IELTS strategies.
• Conversational interview questions in English and Uzbek.
• Breaking down grammar and boosting speaking band descriptors.
• Time management and planning for massive personal projects.

🎯 What’s Next?
• Spring semester at ASU.
• Growing your professional network on LinkedIn.
• Continuing to inspire students with your teaching expertise.

Thanks for letting me be part of your journey! Here’s to more success and memorable moments ahead.

Will be reading during this and next week. Wait for the book review.

I am happy to disappoint you but Animes are overrated.

How do you guys watch these slow-mo animes anyway?

I am that chill guy who doesn't even handshake if he meets celebrity in the streets.

Like why would you want to ruin his day..!?

Forward from: Erudite Wisdom
Iqtisodiyot/Marketingda "consumer behavior" ya'ni mijoz psixologiyasi yoki axloqi degan ma'noni beruvchi atama bor.

Bu atama mazmuni aytishicha mijozning har bir savdo tanlovi uni savdo qilayotgan nuqtadagi atmosferasi va mahsulotning vizual ko'rinishiga bog'liq. Bu gaplarim bir qarashda juda akademik tuyulugani bilan konsepsiyani amaliy holatlari kundalik hayotda ham kuzatiladi.

Oddiy Korzinkani misol qilib olaylik. Hammamiz bilamiz Korzinkada deyarli barcha mahsulotlar mijoz o'zi tomonidan savatchalarga solinadi, har bir kartoshka yoki banan shaxsiy ta'bga qarab tanlanadi va hattoki ba'zi do'konlarda "self-checkout" ya'ni mijozni o'zi mahsulotlarni umumiy qiymatini hech qanday kassirsiz hisoblab to'lov qilishi mumkin. Sezyapsizmi nima demoqchiligimni? Xuddi mana shu mijoz psixologiyasini manipulatsiya qilish hisoblanadi.

Yuzaki qaralganda o'ziga-o'zi xizmat qilish shunchaki oshiqcha jismoniy harakatdek tuyuladi lekin siz supermarketga kirishingiz bilan fikringiz o'zgaradi. Mahsulotni mijozni o'zi olishi mijozga pozitiv qoniqishni beradi - hamma mahsulotlar mijoz tarafidan "o'zim olyapmanku demak eng zo'ri shuda" degan g'oya bilan tanlanadi.

Mana shu yerda manipulatsiyanini ikkinchi qismi ya'ni atmosfera keladi. Har qanday Korzinkda do'koniga kirsangiz, ichkari yorqin ranglar bilan bezalgan, lampa nurlari sariq rangni yanada boyitadi, javonlar tekiz tartibda kategoriyalarga bo'lib joylashtirilgan, bayram payti bo'lsa hamma yerda bayram shukuhi va ehtimol eng foydalisi - tekin avtoturargoh. Haydovchi, ko'p holatda dadalar/turmush o'rtoqlar, mashinasi xavfsiz holatda turganini bilib xotirjamlik bilan savdolarini uzoq vaqt davomida qilishadi.

Bu faktorlarni hammasi birgalashib mijozni supermarketda uzoqroq vaqt saraflashiga qaratilgan yagona savdo oqimini tashkil qiladi.

Agar siz ham shunday mijoz psixologiyasini boshqaruvchi marketing prinsiplarini bilsangiz, izohlarda o'z insaytlaringizni yozib qoldiring!

Iqtisodiyot, Marketing va Biznes sohalhaqida har kuni yangi narsa o'rganmoqchi bo'sangiz, shu sahifaga obuna bo'lib qo'ying!


How do you like the samples so far?

You want me to send recorded samples and essays as well?

Then, leave reactions or leave comments to support the progress!

Never forget that the appreciation by such efforts is the thanks of the reader to the writer.

Why do some people dislike chatting with strangers?

In my opinion, some people`s reluctance to interact with strangers basically stems from cultural background and social upbringing. As far as I know, some cultures like ones in Uzbekistan encourage open dialogue in public settings while ones in countries like Japan do value privacy and restraint more. For the other reason, I feel it all comes down to a personality shaped by upbringing in early childhood. For instance, child brought up in calmer or emotionally detached families may find such conversations draining as they require emotional effort and spontaneity which they lack of.



Which is better - being a communicator or a listener?

While both listening and communicating are integral to effective interaction, I would argue that the former is much more insightful and critical. It provides a deeper understanding of the context by fostering trust and encouraging open dialogue in emotionally charged conversations or other professional settings. Nevertheless, listening without articulating one`s ideas properly by no means results in effective dialogue. Ultimately, I think it`s a combination of both of these skills that fosters strong relationships and makes lasting impact.



Describe a friend who you like to talk with

Upon reading the question on the paper, first person that came to my mind was Abdulaziz. We have met each other back in when we were learning English and ever since we have grown attached to each other.

Abdulaziz is that one person in the social circle that knows how to keep the conversation moving and with his witty remarks yet good listener mindset he takes pride in being the most wholesome person one can have conversation with.

Primarily, our chats revolve around movie reviews, comparison of Marvel characters, and future relationships. When I say future relationship, I mean mine, because well that imposter already broke the pact between us by dating a girl from his university.

What's more, our conversations never go on without meals from Uzbek cuisine or fruits , particularly bananas. Once in a while, we meet up in streets or public parks when we feel overwhelmed or have anxiety about what we are doing or what we are going to do. I hate to admit but he has an exceptional ability to emphasize with people, maybe it is just with me. Anyways, he keeps encouraging me to go extra mile with my studies and career and I do the same. On top of that, he is pretty generous in our bond so he gets the checks pretty often. But he has to lose that smirky look when he says "Hey, it is on me today".

To sum up, Abdulaziz is more than a friend or as some people call it a brother from another mother. In this socially detached and heavily digitalized world, it is such a miracle and blessing to have that kind of friend. I hope I will keep reminding myself of this and forever be grateful for his presence in my life



Do you like to work alone or with others?

It depends on the setting and context of what I am working on. Let's say, I am in co-working zones where a lot of people get together for group discussions on work matters then I am definitely sharing what I am doing with others as I believe there will be much more progress and productivity if worked interdependently. However, whenever I consider those late night tasks and work hours in quiet work spaces, I am drawn to opening my laptop and plugging in my earphones to play some "Work with me" beats. Primarily, though I believe I am still more of a group guy.


Would you like to work remotely or in the workplace?

Personally, I would definitely opt for working on-site over working remotely. It is just that collaborative environment and teamwork that appeals to me about on-site jobs. Regarding working from home, I am in no position to tell you that as I don't actually know how it feels to have remote job experience. That said, if offered a job with remote or hybrid options, I would still be open to consider it.


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