#nazm #tarjima
از قعر گل سیاه تا اوج زحل
کردم همه مشکلات گیتی را حل
بیرون جستم زقید هر مکر و حیل
هر بند گشاده شد مگر بند اجل
From the depth of the black earth up to Saturn's apogee,
All the problems of the universe have been solved by me.
I have escaped from the coils of snares and deceits;
I have unraveled all knots except the knot of Death.
Qora loy tubidan to Zuhal qadar,
Kahkashon sirlarin ayladim oshkor,
Har tuzoq, makrni etdim-u safar,
Lek o‘lim tugunin yechmog‘im mahol...
©Abu Ali ibn Sino (Husayn)
از قعر گل سیاه تا اوج زحل
کردم همه مشکلات گیتی را حل
بیرون جستم زقید هر مکر و حیل
هر بند گشاده شد مگر بند اجل
From the depth of the black earth up to Saturn's apogee,
All the problems of the universe have been solved by me.
I have escaped from the coils of snares and deceits;
I have unraveled all knots except the knot of Death.
Qora loy tubidan to Zuhal qadar,
Kahkashon sirlarin ayladim oshkor,
Har tuzoq, makrni etdim-u safar,
Lek o‘lim tugunin yechmog‘im mahol...
©Abu Ali ibn Sino (Husayn)