❗️Attention! Fake news is spreading!
Today, on several pages of social networks, in particular in Telegram channels, messages appeared that allegedly hackers attacked banks in Uzbekistan and stole a large amount of money from HUMO cards.
The National Interbank Processing Center reports that this information is false and does not correspond to reality. The HUMO payment system meets all security requirements and no cyber attack has occurred on the system.
P.S. I was very pleased to read this message!!! After all, many people recently had their monthly salary transferred to their cards.
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Creative news: 👇👇
❗️Attention! Fake news is spreading!
Today, on several pages of social networks, in particular in Telegram channels, messages appeared that allegedly hackers attacked banks in Uzbekistan and stole a large amount of money from HUMO cards.
The National Interbank Processing Center reports that this information is false and does not correspond to reality. The HUMO payment system meets all security requirements and no cyber attack has occurred on the system.
P.S. I was very pleased to read this message!!! After all, many people recently had their monthly salary transferred to their cards.
Telegram | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Creative news: 👇👇