Kompyuter = Teleskop
Astronomlar teleskopni kosmosda yurgan jismlar va planetalarni izlab topishga qanday ishlatishgan bo'lsa, kompyuterni ham olimlar borliq, miyya, turli xil organizmlar… ni o’rganishga ishlatadi. Kompyuterlar bilan hali juda ko’p kashfiyotlar qilsa bo’ladi.
Manba: 6.080, Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science, MIT
Astronomlar teleskopni kosmosda yurgan jismlar va planetalarni izlab topishga qanday ishlatishgan bo'lsa, kompyuterni ham olimlar borliq, miyya, turli xil organizmlar… ni o’rganishga ishlatadi. Kompyuterlar bilan hali juda ko’p kashfiyotlar qilsa bo’ladi.
Manba: 6.080, Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science, MIT
What is computer science?
Computer science is not glorified programming. Edsger Dijkstra, Turing Award winner and extremely
opinionated man, famously said that computer science has as much to do with computers
as astronomy has to do with telescopes. We claim that computer science is a mathematical set of
tools, or body of ideas, for understanding just about any system—brain, universe, living organism,
or, yes, computer. Scott got into computer science as a kid because he wanted to understand
video games. It was clear to him that if you could really understand video games then you could
understand the entire universe. After all, what is the universe if not a video game with really, really
realistic special effects?