Behruz academy

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Telegram

English level= C1
Teacher= birinchi student C1 sohibi
The winner of history competition
BMU universitetiga qabul qilinganman

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Yangi kanalim guys

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Барчангизни бошимизга соябон бўлиб кириб келаётган Рамазони шариф билан муборакбод этишга ижозат бергайсиз!


I am going to read my favourite books after an hour and finish tomorrow.I dont know why I am feeling kinda strange. So, prefer to read

One of the interesting questions is that when do you read books?

I read books when i feel depressed or sad most of the time

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Started a day with full of energy

Assalomu alaykum guys

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What's up. Let's reveal one of the biggest plans that i am going to implement this year. I have just decided to read at least 25 books this year. I will start reading from today.

Assalomu alaykum guys

Happy new year for all of you

Birinchi bosqichdan òtdim, 2chi bosqichga borish haqida òylab qoldim . Yana oramizda kim qatnashdi shunaqa Grantga?

Forward from: Registon IELTS Granti - IV mavsum
Tabriklaymiz, siz Registon IELTS grantining 2-bosqichiga o'tdingiz.

Guruhga qo'shiling -

Forward from: Nuriddin
Assalomu alaykum. Hurmatli o'quvchilar va ota-onalar "Kohinoor" o'quv markazimizda bolajonlar uchun "KIDS ENGLISH" guruhlari yo'lga qo'yilda. Darslarni Ifora ustoz juda qiziqarli tarzda va masuliyat bilan tashkillashtiradi. ushbu guruhimizda 2-3-4 sinf o'quvchilari ingliz tilini o'rganishlari mumkin. Darslar DUSHANBA, CHORSHANBA VA JUMA kunlari tashkillashtiriladi! keyingi darsimiz soat 14:00 da 20-maktabda 14-xonada o'tiladi. Dars 2 soat davom etadi. kusr narxi 250 ming sum.

With my bro. Trading time

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