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4Prepchilar keldiku kanalga🤣

Bu ma'lumot Uzbekistan's Club loyihasida berilgan ma'lumotlarga asoslangan✅

Aytishiz mumkin, vaqti bolmagandur deb, lekin aka undan keyin yozgan messagelarimga javob qaytaryapti biroq halicha hech narsa tashamadi LOOOOLLLL

Ertalab Toshkent vaqti bilan 4.30 da kelgan message✅

Adashmasam brat LA da yashaydi

Bularni scammerligi haqida maksimalni dalillarni yig'ish kerak va video tayyorlash kerak✅

Ularning serviciga qiziqish bildirayotganlarning 90% dan yuqorisi telegramdagi bunaqa kanalga obuna bolishmagan katta ehtimol bilan.

Shu sababli ham ularga yetib borishi uchun eng oson yo'l bu instagram✅

Menimcha bu gaplarni instagramga olib chiqish kerak chunki telegramda juda kichik auditoriya ichida qolib ketyapti.

Bular haqida video tayyorlab instagramga joylash kerak va hamma bilishi kerak deb o'ylayman....

Bu borada sizning fikringiz qanaqa???

Forward from: Diyorbek’s notes
Abdulaziz said enough what kind of scummy business he does. If I tell you he does more evil than this, would you believe this?

Abduaziz is scammer, lier, and capable of violence. He charges students thousand of dollars, and yet tries to threaten students if they dont take part of his scummy business.

I have no offense to any business that helps Uzbeks to study abroad and make their dreams true. However, DO NOT LIE to them that they have same chances to top unies as students with 1570 SAT and 8.5 IELTS.

Abduaziz, tell me your last student that you brought to the US and still enrolled in college. I doubt you can do that. btw, I forgot you helps people to come the USA and meet with their relatives. Next time, do not say you help people to study abroad, rather say that you help them to meet with their families in the States. oh, yeah, it is better than Mexico, right?

I have both facts and proofs. Talk to me in dm since that is what you only can do: "call out people to dm and bullshit".

Before calling yourself 'best agency' and 'marketing guru', try to learn ethics of marketing.

Brat uji op qochyaptiku🤣


Forward from: Abdulaziz Sobirov
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4Prep: the epitome of admission consultation garbage and scummy advertisement.

They’re essentially telling you that you don’t need a high sat, activities and a nice personal statement, and that they can “help you get accepted” without all of these things (they imply that you’ll be on the same level as someone with a 1570, 8.5 and really good activities—even without a them)

If you look over their social medias, you’ll see that they don’t even post the names of universities their students got accepted to, they just say “top universitetga grant asosida kirdi.”

I wonder how much they charge their clients, since i’m more than sure none of them win full rides, yet secure visas (I’m sure they’re pretty stacked).

Well, they are doing their job and getting people in, no doubt, but i’m 100% sure it’s not worth the price at all. If you want to get into U of Arizona you can do a few Reddit searches, watch YouTube videos and abuse Google as much as possible—and that will most definitely work.

So, if you’re a student who didn’t excel in high school or doesn’t have a shiny portfolio, and you’re ready to settle for top 50 American universities which provide partial scholarships, then just self teach yourself by using online resources!


Kormaganday bolib keyadi deydiyu😂

Forward from: BM | IELTS 9.0
Abduqodir Khusanovga shaxsan o‘zim Ingliz tilidan bepul online dars o‘tishga tayyorman!

Zarur bo‘lsa, IELTS ZONE’dan yana 1-2 nafar o‘qituvchini ham 24/7 rejimda yordamga biriktirishim mumkin.

Eng muhimi, u tilni tezroq o‘rganib, Angliyaga moslashishni iloji boricha tezroq uddalashi kerak.


Forward from: Xayrulla Hamidov official
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