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Admissions officer at Gettysburg College for Central Asia😅
O.. ota makonim, onajon o'lkam,
O'zbekiston jonim to'shay soyanga...

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Forward from: Xayrulla Hamidov official
Опенбюджетчилар, яна ютиб олдик;)


Washington College✔️


Oramizda OleMissda o'qiydiganlar yoki apply qilib checklistni toldirganlar bormi.

Agar bo'lsa, iltimos menga yozvoring @qironov

Forward from: Gradify - Consulting Agency 🇺🇸
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Chet elda o‘qishni xohlaysiz, lekin katta xarajatlardan qo‘rqyapsizmi? Mana sizga
talabalar uchun eng arzon 5 davlat! 👇

1️⃣ Germaniya 🇩🇪 –
Davlat universitetlarida bepul ta’lim!
2️⃣ Chexiya 🇨🇿 –
Chex tilida o‘qisangiz mutlaqo bepul, ingliz tilida kontrakt narxlari $1,000+ dan boshlanadi.
3️⃣ Norvegiya 🇳🇴 – 100%
bepul oliy ta’lim, lekin yashash xarajatlari yuqoriroq.
4️⃣ Polsha 🇵🇱 – $2,000
atrofida kontrakt, yashash uchun ham arzon davlat.
5️⃣ Italiya 🇮🇹 –
Arzon ta’lim + ko‘plab grant va stipendiyalar!

📌 Siz qaysi davlatni tanlagan bo‘lardingiz? Izohlarda yozib qoldiring va ushbu videoni chet elda o’qimoqchi bo’lgan do’stizga yuborib qo’ying! 🚀

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Kimlar Target International Schoolda SAT topshiryapti?
  •   Men topshiryapman.
  •   Boshqa test centerda test topshiryapman.
  •   Test topshirganim yo'q.
38 votes

Schengen Visani yaxshi tushinadiganlar bormi?

Qaysi yevropa davlatidan tez va oson schengen visa olsam bo'ladi travel uchun.

Xullas men 6 ta davlatda bo'lganman va ularni 3 tasi visali davlatlar, bulqr visa olish ehtimolligimni oshiradimi yoki yo'q

Forward from: Diyorbek’s notes
I would love to see the names of the subjects in the most demand!

Please let me know which subjects you want to take the exams for!

Forward from: Diyorbek’s notes
Done deal!

I told you I can negotiate better than Trump.

Jokes aside, we are officially the first AP test center in Tashkent. We will work on marketing as well!

Registration has officially opened.

Inquiries at @ApRegister


Opportunity to win Full-ride scholarship from Top50 university!

Scholarship includes:
-Full tuition cost for 8 semester
-$800 monthly scholarship
-Round-ticket fees for every year
-medical insurance

Requirement is ONLY band 7 IELTS score!

Deadline is March 5, 2025
Service fee: $600 (excluding application expenses)

There will be 10% off for first 5 students!

Interested? Reach out at @qironovs_admin

Dont you need Mezim


Forward from: Diyorbek’s notes
A new AP exam center!

As some of you have already heard, we have been working on opening the first AP center in Tashkent at Target International School. I am happy to share that we have a deal; trust me, it's better than Trump's with Zelenskyy, haha. College Board created an access code this week, and we are ready to register students starting next week.

I just wanted to know what subjects are in most demand from students taking it this year. We will have only limited subjects available for this year’s exam, but we will have a fully functional AP curriculum starting next Academic year at Target International School.

Yes, We are expanding!

We are open to discussing all topics related to AP exams, including pricing, the number of subjects you can take, and more!

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Tiqilib qomenglar😅

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