Ozodbek Botiraliev

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Linguistics

“Allah doesn't burden a soul beyond that it can bear.”
This channel is run by @ozodbek_sk.

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Channel's geo and language
Uzbekistan, English
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Just 5 days for attempted rape? The wretched teachers years in prison for that.

2-soatlik reklamani foydasi.

Uzbek stoiclar uchun atiga 300,000 so’m.

P.S. It’s a one-off discount.

💥 7 Sentence Structures Absolutely Important for Speaking

- Speakingda zo'r va to'g'ri strukturalar ishlatishni xohlaysizmi?
- Speakingdan yuqori ball olmoqchimisiz?
- Grammatikada ko'p xatolar qilasizmi?
- Bir xil oddiy strukturalarni ishlataverib zerikdingizmi?
- Haqiqiy "Natural English" ishlatishni xohlaysizmi?

Agar tepadagi savollarni birortasiga "Ha" deb javob bergan bo'lsangiz, bugun soat 23:00 dagi darsni o'tkazib yubormang. Speaking va General English bo'yicha xalqaro toifadagi 7+ yillik tajribaga ega ustoz sizlarga dars o'tib beradi.

Teacher: Husniddin Adilbekov

Darsga qo'shilish uchun quyidagi havolaga bosing:


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6.9k 0 17 29 315

the entrance fee to the channel is one-off, 125,000 UZS for now.

by joining this private community, you can also get 300,000 UZS off your first ad on @ozodbek_sk.

after 100 people join, the fee may go up.

7.5k 0 6 17 106

Me: I'm going to eat a healthy suhoor this Ramadan.
Also me:

7.7k 1 29 8 256

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6.8k 0 13 22 246

Sofiyaga keldim, shuni Ramazonga bepulga berasizmi deb.

Savobham keragu, to’g’rimi?

6.7k 0 10 31 351

5-6 kunlarga joy qolmadi.

the next ad can posted on March 7 now.

But anyways, I am offering a one-off 50% discount for people on my private channel (Uzbek Stoics).

I asked ChatGPT to come up with ad prices for my main channel (@ozodbek_sk).

So far, I don’t like the results. 💀

Is it your first time witnessing Ramadan in snow too?

6.6k 0 7 62 420

Anybody on the channel preparing for B2 or C1 in Arabic?

7k 0 4 56 218

Choose your enemies wisely and beware of friendly fire.

If you are a true believer concerned for the good of our Ummah, we are on the same team.

If you are a proud Uzbek concerned for the good of our nation, we are on the same team.

Or if you are just a hardworking individual who wants to make his parents proud, we are on the same team.

Don’t hate on people chasing their dreams, we’re all in this together.


7.9k 1 22 8 255

Haterlarga bitta gapim bor:

7.8k 0 1 63 184

8.2k 0 4 49 228

intensive online speaking course?

7.7k 0 2 31 218

Forward from: Sirojiddin | LIVE 🔴
Ozodbekni quote lar xuddi Milliydan beradigan seriallarga o’xshaydi. Dushanba kechqurun TV da ko’rasan, seshanba uni qaytarib berishadi keyin yakshanba yana hammasini umumiy qilib qaytarib beradi. Quote larni ham oldin bitta kanalda, keyin story da keyin yana boshqa kanalda ko’rasan:)

Forward from: Mood Swings
And then it happens... One day you wake up and you're in this place. You're in this place where everything feels right.

Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your vision is clear. You're at peace, at peace with where you've been, at peace with what you've been through and at peace with where you're headed.


7k 0 19 8 209

Hot take:

The last 8 rakats of taroweeh are lighter and easier than the first 13 rakats.

7.2k 0 8 38 329
20 last posts shown.