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Sometimes we are ungrateful for what we have, because we are used to experiencing or seeing it often.

It may be something that other have dreamt of or trying hard to achieve.

We don't realize their importance until after we've lost them.

It could simply be your eye vision. Say "Alhamdulillah" for being able to read this post with your own eyes.

Now, YouTube team is working to make the platform as comfortable as possible.

Depsite being on other apps, you can play a video or podcast on YT simultaneously.


💥Google has levelled up!

• Accessing information is becoming easier than ever, thanks to AI.


A girl’s best friend is comfort, and man’s best friend is hardship.

Yusuf Truth


Nihoyat 2.5 oy deganda tayyor bo’libdi.

It was a simple, but memorable wedding party.


I'm arranging meetings with those who have been selected for a face-to-face interview.

I didn't select:
1. Those who already have a job (or work experience)
2. Those who are studying in a different field
3. Those who have other priorities in their life

I just don't want to interrupt them. I'm trying to find the most suitable candidate for the "Apprenticeship Program".

Hope Allah will show me the right path.


Shu bilan 2024 tugashiga 2 oy vaqt qolibdi. Bu 2 oyda ancha-muncha narsalarga erishsa bo’ladi.

• Shu 2 oyda qaysi maqsadlaringizga erishmoqchisiz?


Reflections (2024):

• November
• December



October reflections
3 kunga kechikkan post

Bu postda Oktabr oyi haqida “reflections” yozmoqchiman.

1. Work:

- Ishimda eng “Peak”ga chiqqan davrim bo’ldi. Shu paytgacha bu daraja ishlamagan ekanman, o’ylab qarasam.

- Darslarimni sifatini har safar oshirishga harakat qildim. Qo’shimcha materiallar va ularni dizaynlarini ustida ishladim. Offline o’quvchilarimga ham qo’ldan kelgancha “individual attention” bera boshladim.

2. Time-management:

- Ish, o’qish va oilaga birdek e’tibor berish rostan qiyin ekanini tushunib yetdim. Bu borada ancha muammolarga duch keldim. O’qishdan chiqib ishga borgan paytlarim, ba’zida energiyam tugab qolgan paytlarim bo’ldi.

- Ishdan kech kelib, ertalab o’qishga uxlab qolgan paytlarim bo’ldi. Ishim ko’pligi uchun, o’qishdan ancha dars ham qoldirdim.

- Oilaviy aylanish va vaqt sarflash ham shu Oktabr oyida 1 marta bo’ldi. Bu yaxshimas. Noyabr oyida to’g’irlashim kerak.

3. Motivation:

- Ko’plab struggles bo’ldi (financial, emotional, psychological), lekin motivatsiya peak da bo’ldi. Whenever I was feeling low, my life partner was supporting me all the time. It’s nice to have someone who trusts you when nobody does.

4. Xarakterimni ustida ishladim.

- I’m trying to be polite and nice to everyone.



Finally, I've stopped accepting any responses.

While looking through the completed forms, I've learnt a lot. Although it is not a paid job, I'm glad that 41 people showed interest to it.

However, I've also noticed that many candidates are not actually interested in the job; rather, they just want to have a free access to my Offline lessons.

I intentionally wrote such a long and boring post and attached the link at the end of it though.

Anyway, it will be a win-win situation, InshaAllah. I will help you develop both personally and professionally and you will carry out some small tasks of mine.

I will soon contact some people for an interview. Seeya.


I will wait and see for a while😅.

Forward from: Ozodbek Botiraliev

500+ students

10 - 15 good results

Xullas, online full IELTS kurs ochilsa nechta o’quvchi bo’lishi kerak?

Darslar qaysi payti bo’lgani yaxshi?

Narxi qanaqa bo’lsin?

Va ochilsa, kimlar qatnashadi?

Tepadagi savollarga javob bering. Javoblarizga qarab decision qilaman.


Online Full IELTS kurs ochishimni ko'p so'rashadi. Faqat ikkilanyapman.

Oxirgi marta Sprint 1.0 ochdim. Ham o’quvchilarga hamyonbob bo’ladi, ham Individual approach qilaman deb 5ta o’quvchi oldim. Afsuski, bu project fail bo’ldi.

Sababi, o’quvchilar va’da qilganidek dars qila olmadi. Sharoitlarini tushunishga harakat qildim. Lekin, har doim qanaqadir muammo bo’lib qolaversa, oxirida natija chiqishi qiyin.


Being an exception

• Bugun bitta holat bo’ldi. Presentation tayyor, o’zim ham tayyor, lekin mandan oldingi o’quvchilarni presentatsiyalari cho’zilib ketdi.

• Natijada manga 1 minut vaqt qoldi. Bu - dars tugadi degani. Hamma chiqib ketishga shoshilyapti.

• Ustoz yoniga borib, “Tez gapirib bersam bo’ladimi? 3 minutda tugataman” - dedim.

• Odatda bunaqa qilmasdim. Qanaqadir so’rashga jur’at qilolmasdim. Ustoz “yo’q” desa-chi degan hayol bilan, tinchgina keyingi safar gapirardim.

Buni qilishimga 2ta sabab bor:
1. Shunchaki “experiment” qilib ko’rdim. Natijasi qiziq edi.
2. Ko’p dars qoldiryapman. Yana qachon bu darsga qatnasha olishim noma’lum. Oraliqlar esa yaqin.

Xullas, natijasi yaxshi bo’ldi. Ustoz biroz o’ylab turib, “Mayli” dedi.

Tez-tez gapirib berdim. 3-4 minutda tugatdim va baho oldim.

Don’t be afraid to stand out. Being different is what makes you exceptional.



Soon, I’ll give a presentation.
Wish me luck:)


Your face is your brand.

Yusuf Truth


My teacher for November:

Yusuf Truth - a popular guy on YouTube. I’m hoping to learn more about self-development and social media skills from him.

Plus, his religious knowledge seems to be pretty strong, which, I hope, will inspire me to gain more religious knowledge.

I’ll try to share my insights in my posts.


You never know what life has to offer. Keep calm and enjoy the process — you will soon see the rewards of all the hard work you are putting in!



20 last posts shown.