✅Kundalik hayotimizda eng kõp ishlatadigan kunlik iboralar:
1️⃣Turn on – Yoqmoq
Example: Please turn on the light. – Iltimos, chiroqni yoqing.
2️⃣Turn off – O'chirmoq
Example: Don’t forget to turn off the TV. – Televizorni o'chirishni unutmang.
3️⃣Pick up – Olmoq, ko'tarmoq
Example: Can you pick up that book for me? – O'sha kitobni menga olib bera olasizmi?
4️⃣Get in – Kirish (odatda mashinaga)
Example: She got in the car and drove away. – U mashinaga o'tirdi va haydab ketdi.
5️⃣Get out – Chiqib ketmoq (odatda mashinadan yoki binodan)
Example: He told me to get out of the car. – U menga mashinadan tushishni aytdi.
6️⃣ Take out – Olib chiqmoq, chiqarib olmoq
Example: Please take out the trash. – Iltimos, chiqindilarni olib chiqing.
7️⃣ Go out – Tashqariga chiqmoq
Example: They often go out on weekends. – Ular ko'pincha dam olish kunlari tashqariga chiqishadi.
8️⃣ Come in – Ichkariga kirmoq
Example: Please come in and have a seat. – Iltimos, ichkariga kiring va o'tiring.
9️⃣ Look for – Izlamoq
Example: I’m looking for my keys. – Men kalitlarimni qidiryapman.
General English | Self-Study ✅
1️⃣Turn on – Yoqmoq
Example: Please turn on the light. – Iltimos, chiroqni yoqing.
2️⃣Turn off – O'chirmoq
Example: Don’t forget to turn off the TV. – Televizorni o'chirishni unutmang.
3️⃣Pick up – Olmoq, ko'tarmoq
Example: Can you pick up that book for me? – O'sha kitobni menga olib bera olasizmi?
4️⃣Get in – Kirish (odatda mashinaga)
Example: She got in the car and drove away. – U mashinaga o'tirdi va haydab ketdi.
5️⃣Get out – Chiqib ketmoq (odatda mashinadan yoki binodan)
Example: He told me to get out of the car. – U menga mashinadan tushishni aytdi.
6️⃣ Take out – Olib chiqmoq, chiqarib olmoq
Example: Please take out the trash. – Iltimos, chiqindilarni olib chiqing.
7️⃣ Go out – Tashqariga chiqmoq
Example: They often go out on weekends. – Ular ko'pincha dam olish kunlari tashqariga chiqishadi.
8️⃣ Come in – Ichkariga kirmoq
Example: Please come in and have a seat. – Iltimos, ichkariga kiring va o'tiring.
9️⃣ Look for – Izlamoq
Example: I’m looking for my keys. – Men kalitlarimni qidiryapman.
General English | Self-Study ✅