Omaddior (Cult Figure)

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Today is the day as you see. My cake 🎂. The credit goes to the IELTS ZONE community, a place I'm currently working at. They're good at team activities and events. I appreciate it pretty much.

Hayronman, ba'zan aqlli fikrlar kelib qoladi. (Mavzudan biroz chetlashaman, Sorry).

Ikkita narsaga rostdan ishonaman. Birinchisi bu ilm-fan dagi aniq hisob-kitoblarga asoslangan teoreyalar, tadqiqotlar, gipotezalar va raqamli maʼlumotlarga. Ularning barchasi aniq hisob-kitoblar va faktlargaga asoslanadi. Ikkinchisi bu dinimizdagi barcha farz va sunnat qilingan qadriyatlar.

Lekin, ba'zilar koʻpchilik ning shaxsiy tajribasidan orttirilgan stereotiplarga ba'zan ishonib, kutilmagan negative natijalarga erishib qoladi, men esa yo'q. Chunki har bir inson o'zining aql-farosati yetganicha, bor imkoniyatlaridan foydalana olishiga qarab xulosalar chiqaradi. Bu esa hammada har xil kechadi. Shuning uchun ko'p shaxsiy tajribalarni ideal misol sifatida olish to'g'ri emas.

Bu narsalar: ish topish, shaxsiy hayot, pul ishlash, karera yo'li, ilm-o'rganish jarayoni, xorijda bo'lish va shunga o'xshash narsalar
Sizning fikringiz qanday?

Listen and look at the channel background 😀

In the world, 3.3 billion people live in countries where they spend more money on paying off debts than on education and healthcare services. These countries will struggle to develop.

BTW: (Uzbekistan isn't such a country for now)

To understand it better, look at the broad Uzbek encapsulation : 💊💊💊


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Conditional 1, 2 va 3 qoidalari ga bittadan misol tuzib comment da qoldiring. Qiziqarliroq bolsin. Fikrimni har bir kommentga berib chiqaman. Xatosi bolsa ortgataman.

Statement: The artists who belonged to Unit One wanted to make modern art and architecture more popular.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not Given
6 votes

Passage Excerpt: Moore’s exceptional talent soon gained recognition, and in 1926 he started work as a sculpture instructor at the Royal College. In 1933, he became a member of a group of young artists called Unit One. The aim of the group was to convince the English public of the merits of the emerging international movement in modern art and architecture.

Statement: The Trocadero Museum’s Mayan sculpture attracted a lot of public interest.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not Given
5 votes

Statement: After graduating, Moore spent the first six months of 1925 travelling in France. When he visited the Trocadero Museum in Paris, he was impressed by a cast of a Mayan* sculpture of the rain spirit. It was a male reclining figure with its knees drawn up together, and its head at a right angle to its body. Moore became fascinated with this stone sculpture, which he thought had a power and originality that no other stone sculpture possessed.

Statement: Moore became aware of ancient sculpture as a result of visiting London Museums.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not Given
6 votes

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