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Pick something you would do for free, and make that your career. And you will never live a sad day in your life

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

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Faqatgina oshqozonimiz ro’zador bo’lmasin

Qo’l oyog’imiz -zulumdan ro’za tutsin !

(Bo’lmasam Ramazondan topganimiz faqat ochlik bo’ladi)

In addition:
Without the right, we have no right to judge anyone; only Allah can do that.

I think one of the biggest mistakes of people is that, blaming others based their past mistakes. It doesn’t matter that person changed or not; maybe he/she has already repented for past mistakes?! Before blaming or criticizing someone the best way, thinking, not much.)

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Looks beautiful ✨

رمضان مبارك🌙💫

Love starts with L
but for me, it starts with “د"

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they tell you rizq is what's written for you, the food on your table, the roof above your head, the wealth in your hands. but no one talks about love being the rarest form of rizq. because you can have a home but never feel at home, you can sleep besides someone but still feel alone, you can be chosen but never cherished. you can share a life but never share a heart, you can be given a person while not having the feeling that the person is yours. not everyone who is married has love. not everyone who is loved gets to keep it. love is something you can force or beg for. it is given, or not. be grateful for what you get.

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Интересно кто-то из вас или совсем иной человек, по моему просмотрел все мои посты на канале. Как я это узнал? Потому-что сегодня с утра я сам тоже пересмотрел все, а потом обратил внимание на реакции а там реакции от премиума не смотря на то что в те времена премиума даже не существовало.

Наконец-то коришти

Even I can’t remember the last time I wrote as much as that. It might seem not much but…
I haven’t done yet that just half or even less

20 last posts shown.