Just teen

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Erotic

welcome to my bright side
If you like me, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards
Лучший способ защиты - нападение
Inspired by the fear of being average

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Uzbekistan, English
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Ertaga yana fevral...

This kind of videocalls is the best among all available therapies 🫶

feelings speak louder than words...

Barcha "xayr" xayrli...

Ukam nomerimi yozib olgandi. Maktabga o'sha qog'ozni oborib, sinfdoshini smart watchidan telefon qildi😂🤍

ima masochist, watching this sh again


To have a person that understands your "namyoks" >>>


Maktabda Academic English ezardi, qutildim deb o'ylagandim. Academic writing coursega kiryabman🥲. And this is apart from English classes we already have.

anaqa, ochiqchasiga, maqtanib yozmasdim o'zimdan 15 yosh katta erkak kishi bilan gaplashib ketgan bo'ganimda (not sure if I'd even talk)

I've got to know a 33 y.o person. Very nice, we have similar tastes. Talked about life (not philosophically 😂).
It's just, I thought a lot before choosing a place that's near table, because I didn't want to engage in conversations with anyone (for those who don't know, places near table are built so, that you sit face-to face with another person) but the talk and my road were lovely 🙂‍↕️

Lol, my extraverted side works everywhere except for uni😭😂

Contacts olish esdan chiqibti🤦‍♀

Bitta elderly couple ketyapti. Both just talking, eating, prayed on knees, discussing some stuff - overall looking lovely lovely. I'm watching them and trying to not be openly staring 😅

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Do you get deja vu...

Bugun bir odamning tug'ilgan kuni. 14 yoshligimizda tanishganmiz va do'stlashganmiz. Taqdirning gift yoki curse sababli, oshancha odamni ichidan o'tib, 1ta sinfga tushganmiz. Bugun shu odam 18ga kirib, odam bo'libti. Mama goose, wife of Mr Darcy, happiest first birthday as an adult. Wish you all the best
You can congratulate her here:

p.s. Now you legally can go to clubs or buy alcohol or even marry
What a useless priveleges😁😁

ChatGPT with gen-z lang is the best adviser 😁

E bo'ldi e, love, romantics ko'payib ketyapti
O'zimizga qaytamiz, maynavozchilik qimasdan


🎧: Don't know how to be so close to someone so distant

Distant people vibes: cold, unapproachable.
Overall, emotionally distant ✨

Fr crazy narsala qibtashagim kelyapti 😩😩😩
Shu kechqurun jinni g'oyala keladidaa🤦‍♀

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