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Caral: an ancient South American city

In history, there were so many old cities. Some of them are suspected younger than their actual age. Caral was one of them located the Supe Valley near the coast of Peru in South America. Ruth Shady undertook research this place this area thar 150-acre plex of pyramids, plazas and residential buildings was a thriving metropolis. Though remains of Caral were discovered early 1905, archaeologists for years didn't interest because of thinking these structures were fairly recent. Shady began to excavations at the site 1996. During the excavations, Shady found the actual age of this site. She searched broken pieces of pottery that most such sites contain. Fortunately, not finding any of them give evidence that this site is older than previously thought.

The night hides many things โ€” pain, prayers, and peopleโ€™s true selves.



Forward from: Mood Swings
Spring is coming โ€” Ramadan, evening walks, Iftar)

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Review of "Atomic Habits"

After several pauses, I have finally finished reading James Clearโ€™s book Atomic Habits. This book provides guidance on forming new habits and eliminating harmful ones that waste our time. The book is structured around four fundamental principles, which the author illustrates through examples, real-life stories, and scientific insights. The principles of habit formation and their opposites, which help in breaking habits, are as follows:

1. Make it obvious โ€“ Make it invisible

2. Make it easy โ€“ Make it difficult

3. Make it attractive โ€“ Make it unattractive

4. Make it satisfying โ€“ Make it unsatisfying

In terms of writing style, every chapter and passage serves to elaborate on these four principles. The book is based on the author's personal experiences and autobiographical stories. Additionally, historical figures, athletes, and politicians are mentioned as examples to demonstrate how habits contribute to success.

You leave the stars on
Every night you come to bed
Constellations spinning ten million miles above our heads
And I fear someday we'll have to pay for all the light weโ€™ve had for free
All the wealth of a million suns we've spent so carelessly

You leave warm summer breezes to blow in as they please
They glide through open window panes, smell of earth and grass and trees
Drift through our rooms, round our bed, touch our sleeping eyes and lips
With a weightlะตss sweet embrace til morning's light slips in

You donโ€™t relะตnt, you fear no recompense for turning
This whole world on it's side
God knows how I have tried
To draw a line round endless spaces, keep things in rightful places
Everything could melt away
And who knows when we might wake

You leave the singing crickets to draw their bows all night
Never weary from all that beauty, keeps their hearts alight
Each pure tone, each soft refrain, no cadence do we miss
Etching in our sleeping souls their secret hieroglyphs

You don't relent, you fear no recompense turning
This whole world on it's side
God knows how I have tried to see the spark in distant faces
Keep an eye on fading traces of other lives we may have lead
Ghosts of dreams we left for dead

You leave the rivers rolling in long green banks and stones
Water passing by tonight ,so much we'll never know
We'll dream we float with the undertow and wash into the sea
Lying in our bed we'll know it's sweet infinity

You donโ€™t relent, you fear no recompense turning this whole world on its side
God knows how I have tried
To draw a line round endless spaces, keep things in the rightful places
Everything could melt away
And who knows when we might wake

You leave the stars on every night you come to bed
Constellations spinning ten million miles above our heads

Something about you
It's like an addiction
Hit me with your best shot, honey
I've got no reason to doubt you
'Cause certain things hurt, and you're
My only virtue and I'm virtually yours

And you keep coming back, coming back again
Keep running 'round, running 'round, running 'round my head

And there's certain things that I adore
And there's certain things that I ignore
But I'm certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours

There's something about you
It's when you get angry, you have me at
Your mercy, oh
And you're like the shoulder to turn to
'Cause certain things mend us when we're
Hanging on for dear life, we held on so tight

And you keep coming back, coming back again
Keep running 'round, running 'round, running 'round my head

And there's certain things that I adore (Certain things that I adore)
And there's certain things that I ignore
But I'm certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours (I'm certain that I'm yours)
Certain that I'm yours (Certain)

There's certain things that I adore (There's certain things that I adore)
And there's certain things that I ignore (Let's ignore them, let's ignore them)
But I'm certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours (I adore you, I adore you)
I am certain that I'm yours
(Let's ignore them, let's ignore them)

I am certain I adore you (I adore you, I adore you)
I am certain I adore you (Oh, I adore you, I adore you)
I am certain I adore you
(Let's ignore them, let's ignore them)
Let's ignore them, let's ignore them (Let's ignore them, let's ignore them)
I'm certain that I'm yours

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Studying ๐Ÿ“– ๐Ÿซง๐Ÿซ 

Forward from: The Stranger
Hammasi bir vaqtga toสปgสปri keldi. Muammolar girdobida qoldi. Aksiga olib doimgiday eng muhim pallada salomatligi pand bera boshladi. Ruhiy holati doim salomatligiga bevosita taสผsir qiladi.

Kurashishning foydasi yoสปq, qiladigan ish yoสปq, faqat kutmoq va umid qilmoq kerak. Bunday pallada eng muhimi chalgสปish, nimalar bilandir shugสปullanish, kim bilandir suhbatlashish.Ahvolini hech kimga bildirmaydi. Zero muammolarini oสปzi hal qilishi kerakligini, hech kimdan hech narsa kutmaslik kerakligini ancha oldin anglab yetgan. Biroq shunchaki suhbatlashish, vaqt oสปtkazish qiyin emas-ku, toสปgสปrimi? Ammo hayot tez, hamma oสปz tashvishi bilan band. Odamlar bir-biriga hech bir sababsiz vaqt ajratmay qoสปygan. Oila, bola-chaqa, ish, uyda choสปzilib yotish...

Yaqinlari haqida-ku gap boสปlishi mumkin emas. Uzoqdagi odam butun oสปrmonni, oสปrmon ichidagi odam bir nechta daraxtni koสปrgani kabi, yaqinlari uni hammadan koสปra kamroq taniydi.

Doimgi ishlarini qilaveradi. Hazillashadi. Tortishadi. Ichidan sekin nurab boraveradi hech kimga sezdirmay. Ozgina, ha, mana shunchagina eสผtibor bergan odam nimadir joyida emasligini tushungan boสปlardi. Koสปzlariga qarash kifoya. Biroq hech kim qaramaydi, qarolmaydi. Yashiradi u nigohlarini. U uchun koสปz xuddi soสปz kabi qadrli. Behudaga ishlatib boสปlmaydi. Muhim gap boสปlmasa birovning koสปziga qarab gapirmaydi.

Ha, kutmoq va umid qilmoq kerak. U oสปzidan boshqa hech kim bilmaydigan urush ichida. Bundan yo yanada kuchli, yo yanada ojiz boสปlib chiqadi. Chiqolmasligi ham mumkin...

Finally my scholarship ๐Ÿ˜

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