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Category: Linguistics

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Ushbu kanalda siz barcha test turi uchun eng foydali
Vocabulary and grammar manbalarni topishingiz mumkin!
Reklama xizmati uchun murojaat: @Masterpiece2717tutor

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Қуртларнинг одам организимига таъсири

Ҳавола : 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


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✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️   ✏️✏️

🫥Theme: Advertising

✅️ Marketing (noun C1) - The process of promoting and selling products or
services, including market research and advertising.
➡️Effective marketing strategies can lead to increased sales.

✅️Consumer behavior (noun C1) - The study of how consumers make decisions
and act when purchasing products or services.
➡️Understanding consumer behavior is essential for successful

✅️Brand loyalty (noun C1) - The tendency of customers to remain loyal to a
particular brand or product.
➡️Brand loyalty is built through trust and consistent quality.

✅️Engagement (noun C1) - The level of involvement and interaction that
consumers have with advertising content.
➡️High engagement on social media can lead to increased sales.

✅️ Consumer feedback (noun C1) - Opinions and comments from consumers
about a product or service.
➡️ We value consumer feedback to improve our products.

✅️ Promotional materials (noun C1) - Printed or digital materials used to
advertise and promote products or events.
➡️The promotional materials included brochures, posters, and online


Task 2 Introduction paragrafda sizga kerak bo'ladigan frazalar.

- Learn and copy them to your notebook


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✅Vibrant – jonli, rang-barang

✅Dramatic – hayajonli, ta’sirli

✅Blurred – xiralashgan, noaniq

✅Candid – tabiiy, tasodifiy olingam

✅Picturesque – go‘zal, manzarali

✅Serene – tinch, osoyishta

✅Dynamic – dinamik, harakatchan

✅Monochrome – bir xil rangda, oq-qora

✅Detailed – batafsil, detallashtirilgan

✅Abstract – abstrakt, mavhum

💬In the photo, there is a serene lake surrounded by trees. The reflection of the vibrant green leaves on the water looks beautiful. In the background, there is a mountain, adding to the picturesque scene. The image feels very dynamic because of the movement of the water, yet it’s also calm. Even though the sky is a bit blurred, it enhances the peaceful atmosphere of the photo.

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Advanced Grammar - Nominalization


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⚡️Chet tillarini bilish darajasini baholashning ko‘p darajali(multilevel) tizimida gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashning yangi formati bo‘yicha videoyo‘riqnoma.

❗️Do'stlar, Speaking Yangi Formati haqida ham ma'lumot bor ekan.

✔️Eng asosiysi: Speaking Part 1 da Rasm tasvirlashda 15 soniya o'ylashga, 45 soniya gapirishga beriladi


Javoblari 🥳


Listening Part 2

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🎵Multilevel Speaking Part 1.1

✔️Describe a picture "Video 2"

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Listen a minute about: Banks

I’m not the world’s biggest fan of banks. I’ve had too many bad experiences of them. I really don’t know how they can advertise and say they look after you. They don’t. Bank charges are way too high; you spend ages waiting to be served; and then they say no if you want a loan. The bank I bank with makes dozens of mistakes with my account. The thing they’re best at is making excuses. I’m not at all surprised so many banks did badly in the credit crisis. I hope they change. Bankers get far too much money. All they do is desk work. Banks need to focus a lot more on real customer service. At the moment banks only offer an excuse for customer service. They don’t even offer you a drink when you sit down and open an account.

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Writing task 1

You work in a school. Write a letter to a council asking to improve school library.

12.05.2024 1-smena
Task 2
Many people believe that learning second language important skill

To what extint do you agree or disagree

Assalomu alaykum barchaga siz koʻrib turgan bu yigitcha oqqan kasaliga chalingan 🥺. Hozirda dori-darmonlari va qon quyish uchun pul juda zarur.

Kanaldagi barcha imkon qadar kimdir 10ming kimdir 20ming kimdir 50ming kimdir 100ming yordam beraylik alloh Ozodbek ukamiz tuzalishida oʻzi bizni sababchi qilsin ilohim 🥺🤲🏻

Karta raqami:
9860130116267597 T.Sojida

Break a leg 🍀

Bugun imtihoni bor barchaga omad ! Kamida B2 or C1 darajalar olish nasib qilsin! Do your best 💚

Passport olish esdan chiqmasin

11.05.2024 2 smena Andijon
Listening not bad , I
Reading is easy advertisements about children's interest for pets and wildlife
Part 4 about Emmy who is alone at home
Writing task 1
You are helping to organize a community event, ask for a help a nearby store
Task 2
Some people think that school should teach students how to manage money and cooking, while others believe that traditional subjects like math and science are more important

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