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Ustozim "Botir Jo'rayev" ning bir gapi bor edi "Let be stupid be stupid".

Ajoyib manoya

15k obunachi bor lekin 40 ta reaksiya yiģilmadi

Bitta Readingcha go qilaylik desam kech bo`ldi ancha

Fail to understand = Don't understand

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#Daily_phrase.       Day 33 ✅
💔 Fail to see / fail to understand - C2.
Used when you don't accept something

🇺🇿 Tushunmadim.

💡Ex: I failed to understand the recipe and added the sugar before the flour, and now the cake is ruined. (Implies the instructions were clear, but the person didn't grasp them
💡Ex: I failed to understand the rules of the game, so I kept making mistakes. (Highlights the importance of understanding for proper participation.
💡Ex: I failed to understand his sarcasm and took his insult seriously. (Shows a lack of understanding social cues or implied meaning.)

1️⃣ IELTS Speaker lead you to succees

😀 @mrielts_speaker

Bugun "I don't understand" ning 🔤2️⃣ shaklini urganamiz

I don't understand

Ingliz tilida "Tushunmadim" nima degani?

Bugun Daily Phrase tashamadik!!!

Shu post 40 ta ❤️ yig'sa man sizga kechga chotki dars o'tib beraman.

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📹 3 tips on how to study effectively

📄Authentic Full IELTS Listening

📀CD - ✅


Full Listening Analize with Explanation.pdf
🎧 IELTS 🎧🎧🎧🎧❤️❤️🩷💙

📄Authentic Full IELTS Listening

📑Answers with Explanation - ✅


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1️⃣ Mr. IELTSpeaker Article - ✅

Day 2.pdf

💊😀Mixing drugs could slow antibiotic resistance

📝Vocabularies (yellow-color) : 😀


Mr. IELTSpeaker Article.pdf

💊😀Mixing drugs could slow antibiotic resistance

📝Vocabularies (yellow-color) : 😀


🎁Bonus sovg'alar bilan tanishing

👉Mr. IELTSpeaker article (With Vocabs)
👉 Listening Lesson (with analize in pdf)
👉 Reading lesson (with analize and vocabularies in pdf)

#Daily_phrase.       Day 33 ✅
💔 Have a lot to answer for - Usually in formal speeches
To be the main cause of a problem or an unpleasant situation.

🇺🇿... asosiy sababi (Muammoning javobi)

💡Ex: "My dog has a lot to answer for after chewing up my new shoes! The dog caused a problem and will likely be scolded.
💡Ex: The company has a lot to answer for after the product malfunctioned. The company is responsible for the problem and will need to provide an explanation or solution
💡Ex: He has a lot to answer for after lying to his friends. His actions caused harm to the friendship and he will need to explain why he lied.

1️⃣ IELTS Speaker lead you to succees

😀 @mrielts_speaker

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