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Kanal boshqarishga qiziqish qolmadi qandaydir? Nima qilish kere

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Choose the correct sentence.
  •   If you look around, there are plenty of eco-presents to be found, especially recycled one.
  •   If your look around, there are plenty of eco-presents to be found, especially recycled one
15 votes

Choose the correct sentence.
  •   There are ways that you can enjoy it without denying your eco-friendly conscience.
  •   There are ways that you can enjoy it without denting their eco-friendly conscience.
29 votes

Choose the correct sentence.
  •   Christmas can be difficult if you think of you as a friend to the environment.
  •   Christmas can be difficult if you think of yourself as a friend to the environment.
49 votes

Choose the correct sentence.
  •   If a student has a problem, he should see his personal tutor first
  •   If students have a problem, they should see their personal tutor at first
49 votes

Choose the correct sentence.
  •   I think that you should stand up for what you believe
  •   I think that one should stand up for what you believe
50 votes

Bir Quiz Test 🆓 qilib miyani damini chiqarvoramizmi?

Salom Shox

Kanal ham passive bulib qoldi. Hokimiyat ishlari bilan bo'lib vaqt bo'mayapti. In shaa Alloh bugun kechga dars azizlarim

Assalomu Aleykum va Rahmatullohu va Barokotuh. Juma Muborak birodarlar

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