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Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
100 minglik bitta kurs?
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Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
Svetcha yondi😁

15 minutda boshlaymiz darschani.

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These days, more people are travelling than ever before. Why is this the case? What are the benefits of travelling for the traveler?



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Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
8:20 da boshlaymiz darschani😁!


Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
πŸ˜•Lekin bitta savol:

Nega siz online bepul darslarga yaxshi qatnashmaysiz? Meni 100 ming qilib ochgan Speaking kursimga 500 kishi qatnashdi, 1 milliondan ochgan Expert kursimga bir kun bo'lmasdan odam to'ldi, 500 minglik Full IELTS kursga har oy 100 tadan ziyod odam qo'shilyapdi. Lekin nega bepul darsdan foydalanib qoladiganlar kam har safar, yana 6 soat 10 soat o'tilganda? Pulingiz ko'pmi, oson pul topasizmi, yoke bepul darslarni yaxshi o'tmaymanmi?

Kamchiliklarimni bemalol aytaveringizlar.


Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
Mayli ertaga 10 soat online qilamiz.

Dushanbadan boshlab men offline ham bir ikkita bepul dars o'tib beraman.


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Ertaga yakshanba kuni offline 30 talar odamga 7:30 dan 12:30 gacha, 30 talar odamga 12:30 dan 5:30 gacha bepul dars o'tib beraymi IELTS Writing va Reading bo'yicha.


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πŸ’«Ramazon MuborakπŸ’«


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πŸ₯‡Why has parent-child interaction declined, albeit slowly? With the rapid advancement of technology, along with the ubiquity of electronic devices like smartphones and computers, both parents and children now spend most of their time scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV shows, and playing video games, which has led to more isolated lifestyles. Given these circumstances, it comes as no surprise that they hardly interact with each other both inside and outside their home, thus leading to the breakdown of family bonds. Gone are the days when parents would spend quality time with their children by taking strolls, pursuing hobbies, and performing household chores together, as today's digital devices have created an environment where they gravitate towards solitary activities.


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πŸ₯‡Why has parent-child interaction declined, albeit slowly? With the rapid advancement of technology, along with the ubiquity of electronic devices like smartphones and computers, both parents and children now spend most of their time scrolling through social media, binge-watching TV shows, and playing video games, which has led to more isolated lifestyles. Given these circumstances, it comes as no surprise that they hardly interact with each other both inside and outside their home, thus leading to the breakdown of family bonds. Gone are the days when parents would spend quality time with their children by taking strolls, pursuing hobbies, and performing household chores together, as today's digital devices have created an environment where they gravitate towards solitary activities.


Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
1000 ta 🌚 = Bitta Reading video dars!


Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
1000 ta 😁 bo'lsa darsni ikkinchi qismini ham tashlab beraman.

Temporal comparison va Local exemplification methodlari.


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✨Why do many people remain unaware of their neighbors? With the advancement of technology, along with the advent of high-speed internet and the proliferation of electronic gadgets like smartphones and computers, a large number of individuals have been accustomed to scrolling through social media, playing video games, and binge-watching TV shows, which has led to the rise of sedentary lifestyles. Given these circumstances, it comes as no surprise that they hardly engage in social gatherings like parties or volunteering campaigns, thereby leading to unfamiliar and weak among community members.


Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
Some countries have introduced laws to limit working hours. Why are these laws being introduced? Is this a positive or negative development?

In an era characterized by work stress and burnout, it has become increasingly common for countries to pass legislation to restrict working hours, especially in blue-collar jobs like construction and manufacturing. While there are clear reasons behind these governmental interventions, I believe that they represent a positive development in terms of employee morale and productivity.

Why are more and more nations limiting average work hours? With the emergence of intense competition in the job market, along with rapid economic growth and high recruitment requirements, many people are now compelled to tolerate harsh working conditions like long work hours, heavy workloads, and tight deadlines, all of which translate into feelings of exhaustion, overwhelmingness, and demoralization in the workplace. Given these circumstances, it is not surprising to see numerous nations introducing laws to regulate work weeks and hours to empower disenfranchised employees to feel satisfied and work productively. Gone are the days when business owners would exploit their staff members by forcing excessive overtime or paying low wages, as today's employee-friendly government policies have created an environment where they feel obligated to treat and compensate their personnel fairly.

In my opinion, the introduction of such regulations is a step in the right direction. When employees receive shorter work hours or flexible job arrangements, they can dedicate more time and attention to family-bonding activities [ sharing meals and taking trips ] and meaningful hobbies [ playing sports and reading books ], which in turn enhances their work-life balance and overall quality of life. In this way, they are more likely to return to work with greater motivation and enthusiasm, thereby pushing their limits, making wiser decisions, and solving complex problems effectively, ultimately boosting workplace efficiency and output as a whole. In a world where companies of all sizes struggle with significant employee issues like low engagement, high dissatisfaction, and rising absenteeism, limited work hours can make a big difference in encouraging workers to perform at their best and make great contributions, thereby driving company performance and success in the global market.

In conclusion, while the enforcement of reduced work hours is influenced by recent events like increased burnout and distress levels at work, I believe that it improves employee well-being and efficiency, representing a mutually beneficial scenario for employees and employers alike. Only by finding a balance between work and personal life can individuals fulfill their job duties effectively and contribute to their company's prosperity.

Suhrobjon Abdivaliyev

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πŸ”₯IELTS 8.5πŸ”₯

🀫Ketgani ketgaaaaaaan!


Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
🀫Sizni IELTS dan nechi ball olishingizni belgilab beruvchi 2 ta omil.

πŸ₯‡Knowledge acquisition
πŸ₯ˆKnowledge application

🧐Men yana exam topshirsam 9.0 ololamanmi?


Forward from: IELTS 9.0 √Suhrobjon Abdivaliev
Rich people buy time.
Poor people buy stuff.
Ambitious people buy skills.
Lazy people buy distractions.


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