MQ blog

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Education

Whatever noteworthy crosses my mind

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Uzbekistan, English
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Snup yoki shunga o'xshash narsa ishlatadiganlar, ro'za paytida nima qilmoqchisizlar?

My niece just fell asleep in my hands. I don't know how it feels as a parent, but it was awesome.


Bahor bilan 🙂


Reminder to pay my bills

Feb 27

telegramdagi futbol kanallar har bir match uchun yangi kanal ochishyaptimi 😭

nimasi bu?

173 0 0 10 10

Logistika deganda oʻzimizni updater, dispatcher larni aytyapman)

Logistikada ishlaydiganlar ham career change haqida o'ylashsa bo'ladi fikrimcha.

AI Agent lar allaqachon ularni ishini qiloladi, lekin hali marketga to'liq kirib kelmadi.


Uztelecomdan avtomatlashtirilgan qoʻngʻiroqlar kelyapti)


AI dasturchilarni ishini olib qo'yadimi bilmadimu, lekin call center ishchilarini allaqachon ishsiz qoldiryapti)


Seeing all the opportunities created specifically for women, I wonder why the same shouldn't be done for men as well 😅


AI Agents course by Hugging face starts tomorrow. If interested, make sure to register now:

OK, I give up, give up programming.

For a day

Just attented a competitive programming contest. 4/12 only.

Never fely this academically dumb.



Forward from: Xayrulla Hamidov official


Tilbizorda reklamadan tashqari sifatli narsa qomapti oʻzi (


Shu bilan bo'lib JSHSHR ni ham deploy qilolmagandim.

Test qilib ko'ring: @jshshrbot

Vanihoyat, haydovchilik guvohnomasini oldim!

Yuzimni oqligiga qizlar bemalol hasad qilishsa ham bo'ladi 🙂️️️️️️. I literally have a snowman face.


20 last posts shown.