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Category: Books

books, quotes, reflections,
reminders to me and to you
together to be better ✨

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First you know it.
Then, you understand it.
Then, you can explain it.
Then, you can feel it.
Finally, you are it!

Reading a book is not a race - the better the book, the more slowly it should be absorbed.

- Naval Ravikant

If you are knowledgeable about what you’re speaking about, you won’t have problems with confidence.

- teacher

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Qaysidir ishda yo o'qishda qiynalyapsizmi, biling, bu vaqtinchalik. Shu ishni ustasi bo'lgunizcha bu qiynashi mumkin, tajriba oshgani sari, bu siz uchun oddiy narsaga aylanadi. Hech kimga hech narsa oooosson kelmaydi. Ishdagi tajriba kop yiqilishlar natijasida keladi, o'qishdagi muvaffaqiyat qayta qayta bilmaganlikni anglagandan keyin keladi. Bir paytlar manga judayam kerak bolgan shu gaplar, ochigi. Bu ish man uchunmas, mandan o'qituvchi chiqmas ekan deb oylaganman. Lekin hozir, bilamanki, aynan shu ish man uchun🤩

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a week left 🥹

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these words just made me cry...I feel like this generation is lacking attention and love, I am witnessing such cases a lot these days, and it truly makes a person sad..

Just wanna leave it here, share with those who need this reminder!


how cool it is to have people with whom u can discuss ideas, experiences, and goals for hours...sometimes even cancelling all your plans (I was planning to sleep early today😅) and even feeling very happy about their cancellation at the end 🙃

P.S yes, yes, it is that introvert me who talked for 4.30 hours😅 There are only 2 people with whom I talk for more than 2 hours)


Is it loss or is it redirection?
Is it falling apart or is it falling into place?
Is it rejection or is it protection?
Is it a failure or is it lesson in disguise?
Is it a breakdown or is it a breakthrough?
Is it a closed door or a sign to knock elsewhere?

Is it loneliness or an invitation to discover yourself?
Is it end or the beginning of something better?

Ba`zan shunchaki qo`lingda kitob olib yurishing ham odamlarni kitobga/ilmga qiziqtira olar ekan, masalan, bugun 5 kishi qo`limdagi kitob haqida so`radi :)

Mehr tushib qolishi rost ekan,
masalan, bazi odamlarni shunchaki yaxshi ko'raman, aniq sababini bilmayman, sabablar ba'zan yo'qdek va bazan ko'pdek tuyuladi. Ajiyb hissiyot)


You know, overcoming fears turning them into strength gives a person so much pleasure and confidence 🥹

4 years ago, on this day

missed spring so much 🌸

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sometimes ur day may not start well,
and you can either sit in the misery for the whole day or you can just accept it and try to spend the rest of the day well, you choose. As I always say it depends on your mindSET)


Sometimes we do a good deed toward someone, and it goes unnoticed. Even if we don’t need to receive anything in return, deep inside, we desperately want our efforts to be appreciated and just hear a wholehearted thank you from them—that’s enough, we want nothing more. But sometimes, they may not even say it, making u feel like it was ur obligation or that what u did was really small and not worth mentioning.

But u know what? Allah sees that intention. He sees that u struggled, were busy, or very tired but still decided to help that person. Tell me, isn’t that what u actually need? It is... Yes, such cases may disappoint u, sometimes even a lot. U may be surprised and wonder, "Doesn’t my action even deserve a simple thank you?"

Never forget that the One who needs to notice it the most sees it. And leave it to Him. With this mindset, such feelings won’t stop u from doing good next time✨

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ سَمِيعًۭا بَصِيرًۭا
"Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing."
— Surah An-Nisa (4:58)


I'm never alone, I always have my cat fellow and assistant by my side 😌

Now we are doing my homework together)

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