Фуқароларнинг мурожаатлари тингланди
"Қорашаҳар" маҳалласида туман ҳокимининг ўринбосари Жамшид Раҳимов фуқаролар сайёр қабулини ўтказди.
Очиқ мулоқот шаклида ташкил этилган қабулда фуқароларнинг 30 дан ортиқ мурожаати тингланиб, уларга ижобий ечим топиш бўйича тегишли корхона ва ташкилотлар раҳбарларига аниқ топшириқлар берилди. Мазкур мурожаатларнинг аксарияти моддий ёрдам, ишга жойлашиш, соғлиқни сақлаш каби масалаларга оид бўлиб, кўпчилиги жойида ечимини топди.
Citizens' Appeals Were Heard
A mobile reception for citizens was held in the "Qorashahar" neighborhood, led by Jamshid Rakhimov, the Deputy of the District Governor, along with a working group.
During the open-dialogue reception, over 30 citizens' appeals were heard, and specific instructions were given to the heads of relevant organizations and agencies to find solutions to these issues. The majority of the appeals were related to material assistance, employment, healthcare, and similar matters, most of which were resolved on the spot.
"Қорашаҳар" маҳалласида туман ҳокимининг ўринбосари Жамшид Раҳимов фуқаролар сайёр қабулини ўтказди.
Очиқ мулоқот шаклида ташкил этилган қабулда фуқароларнинг 30 дан ортиқ мурожаати тингланиб, уларга ижобий ечим топиш бўйича тегишли корхона ва ташкилотлар раҳбарларига аниқ топшириқлар берилди. Мазкур мурожаатларнинг аксарияти моддий ёрдам, ишга жойлашиш, соғлиқни сақлаш каби масалаларга оид бўлиб, кўпчилиги жойида ечимини топди.
Citizens' Appeals Were Heard
A mobile reception for citizens was held in the "Qorashahar" neighborhood, led by Jamshid Rakhimov, the Deputy of the District Governor, along with a working group.
During the open-dialogue reception, over 30 citizens' appeals were heard, and specific instructions were given to the heads of relevant organizations and agencies to find solutions to these issues. The majority of the appeals were related to material assistance, employment, healthcare, and similar matters, most of which were resolved on the spot.