WEBraincoms' organizing committee, with ABLAC (Brazilian Association of Academic Leagues in Surgery), is proud to announce the second Warm Up of WEBraincoms before the congress, which will be a talk between Victor Srougi, MD PhD, Linda Chen, MD FACS and Matheus Simonato, MD about "Everything you need to know about Fellowship and Medical Education abroad"
Our guests will discuss medical residency in the USA, opportunities abroad and how it impacts our training as individuals and professionals.
This time, the talk will be entirely in English! Don't lose this opportunity.
You can register on our warmup on http://braincoms.com/warmup.html
It will be on Friday 03/07/2020 on 19h (GMT-3)
Our guests will discuss medical residency in the USA, opportunities abroad and how it impacts our training as individuals and professionals.
This time, the talk will be entirely in English! Don't lose this opportunity.
You can register on our warmup on http://braincoms.com/warmup.html
It will be on Friday 03/07/2020 on 19h (GMT-3)