
Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Telegram

Active pessimist.
Active pessimism is when a pessimistic person is cautious about his own ability to achieve a specific goal.

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Uzbekistan, English
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If you are a friend of everybody, you are an enemy to yourself.

Mike Tyson

I know not - ?

he phrase "I know not" is an archaic construction.

Why the Archaic Style is Used:

Emphasis: The archaic phrasing ("I know not") can add a sense of formality, gravity, and timelessness to the statement.
Literary Effect: It gives the quote a more profound, almost prophetic quality.
Attribution: Because the quote is commonly attributed to Albert Einstein, who spoke English as a second language, it lends the quote more authority if it is said in a more formal and timeless manner.

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein


Бөліп-бөліп 2 литрдей су ішің күніне.

Bir nima desangiz - "Meni IELTSim nechiligini bilasizmi?" deb savol berayapti.

Tabriklayman. Siz ingliz tilini bilasiz. Dunyodagi 1,5 milliard(!) odam kabi.

(c) Aziz Rakhimov

be first, be smarter but never cheat

Women want things from her man at the age of 25 that her father acquired at 51

Forward from: Maulenov
​Qachondir hech kimni eshitishni istamasang, menga qo'ng'iroq qil.
Va'da beraman: jim turaman.

(c) Gabriel Garsia Markes

no drama

АҚШ, Австралия дегенда кіретін шығар “ғарблик”қа.

“Шарқлик” деген біздерміз, “Ғарблик” деген Европа жақ.

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всех мам и дам с праздником ❣💐

Yaxshim dema, men roziman,
Sen hammadan yomonim de,

Biror kimga muhabbati bo’lmagan odamning hech nimaga, hatto Vataniga ham sadoqati, kuchli tuyg’usi borligiga ishonmayman. Sevgi yuragingni to’ldiradi! Loqaydlik va sustlikni o’ldiradi! Chin yori bor erkak mudramaydi, qo’rqmaydi, har balodan qaytmaydi, qaltis soniyalarda qaltiramaydi. Eng yomoni, tuyg’usizlikdir. Vatan tuyg’usiz odamlar qo’lida qolmasligi kerak. Jilovlangan tuyg’u yashirin bo’lsa-da, bo’lishi kerak.

© Javlon Jovliyev ("Qo'rqma" kitobidan)

Басқаға зиян келетінін білсеңде өміріңе пайдалы деп санаған жұмысыңды істесең, сен жетіскендікке жететін адамсың.

Ал егер, біреуге зиян келтіретініңді білгеніңнен ондай жұмыстан бас тартсаң сен адамсың!

Адамды телеграм каналына қарап бағалау дым қате пікір!

Дым қате ал!

A fat woman will be loved
A poor woman will be loved
A jobless woman will be loved

But a fat, poor, jobless man will never be loved. The game is brutal

В детстве не понимал, как отцу не скучно сидеть одному на улице столько времени.
Поврослев понял, что мужчины, мы сидим в одиночестве часами обдумывая все свои дальнейшие шаги и решая проблемы в голове.

Men hech ixtiyorsiz sevib qolgandim, uni boshda hayoldan quvardim, ammo qochganim hijron, topganim muhabbat bo’lib chiqdi. Qanchalik go’zal va zukko qiz ekanligini bilsangiz edi…

© Javlon Jovliyev ("Qo'rqma" kitobidan)

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