Lucid Logistics Academy

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🇺🇿 🌍MDH doirasidagi eng yirik va birinchi Logistika Akademiyasi!
Since 2020
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📞 +998 (99) 636 67 77
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👩🏻‍💻 @lucidlogistics
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Forward from: Sunnat Abdukhakimov | Logistics
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Why would you take money from business, if you can pay flexible salary to yourself as business owner?

Watch full on my Youtube interview with Podcast CashTalkUz📱

Суннатилло Абдухакимов подчеркнул важность установки фиксированной зарплаты для себя как основателя. Это не только помогает лучше планировать бюджет, но и создает финансовую стабильность

Про это и не только вы можете узнать, посмотрев полный выпуск на YouTube-канале Cashtalkuz 🎙️📱

Follow me on my Instagram📱

Logistics specialist: @sunnatilloabdukhakimov🌎

Forward from: Sunnat Abdukhakimov | Logistics
This week recap📌

I share daily updates on how the market is fluctuating ↗️📉. But remember: hard times create the greatest people⚡️. Even though the market is down, the number of vacancies has doubled compared to last month on HUNTME🟢

Logistics Specialists and Newcomers, pay attention❗️
Companies are still growing and hiring🚛—very few are downsizing. In fact, when the market is low, businesses increase volume to survive🔄. This is a key financial strategy that every business owner follows.

My request to HR specialists and business owners🤝:

“Most of you are looking for experienced candidates ✔️, and I understand that. But please remember—the market is not unlimited ❌.

My suggestion: Instead, open ➕3 vacancies for non-experienced candidates.
First 2-4 weeks: Training (ensure they have an educational background)
1st month: Pay 💵300
2nd month: Pay 💵350
3rd month: Pay 💵400
After 3 months: Evaluate their worth and increase their salary based on your budget.


Safety Assistant: APPLY HERE🔖
Fleet Assistant:

Trust my analysis—these will be some of the most loyal and passionate employees🙌🏻.

Logistics specialist:
@sunnatilloabdukhakimov 🌎

Hurmatli LLA talabalari,

8-mart bayrami munosabati bilan,
ertaga, shanba (08.03.2025) darslar bo‘lmaydi.

Darslar odatdagidek Dushanba (10.03.2025) kunidan davom etadi.

Bayramingiz muborak bo‘lsin!

Hurmat bilan,
Lucid Logistics Academy 🚀


Dear LLA Students,

In honor of the March 8th holiday,
there will be no classes tomorrow on Saturday 08.03.2025

Lessons will resume as usual starting on Monday 10.03.2025

Enjoy your holiday!

Best regards,
Lucid Logistics Academy 🚀

Aziz va muhtaram ayol va qizlar!

Lucid Logistics Academy nomidan sizni 8-mart – Xalqaro xotin-qizlar kuni bilan chin dildan tabriklaymiz! Bu dunyodagi har bir ayol eng yaxshi tilaklarga loyiq, chunki siz go‘zallik, donolik va ilhom manbaisiz. Ayniqsa, O‘zbekiston ayollari – dunyodagi eng go‘zal, mehribon va sabrli insonlardir.

Har bir kuningiz quvonch, muhabbat va muvaffaqiyat bilan to‘lsin. Sizga mustahkam sog‘lik, farovonlik va barcha orzularingiz ushalishini tilaymiz!

Eng yaxshi tilaklar bilan,
Lucid Logistics Academy 🚀


Dear Ladies!

On behalf of Lucid Logistics Academy, we warmly congratulate you on March 8th – International Women’s Day! Women around the world deserve the very best because you bring beauty, wisdom, and inspiration to our lives. And the women of Uzbekistan are truly special—kind, strong, and full of warmth.

May your life be filled with happiness, love, and success. We wish you good health, prosperity, and for all your dreams to come true!

Best regards,
Lucid Logistics Academy 🚀

LLA Students, Attention!

Recently, we sent several of our students to one of our partner companies for a training period.

However, during the training, all four students unexpectedly left without any explanation.

This behavior is highly unprofessional and disrespectful to both the company and our training center.

We strongly encourage you to take such opportunities seriously and act responsibly. Your actions not only impact your own reputation but also reflect on our institution.

Best regards,
Administration of Lucid Logistics Academy 🚀

770 0 2 35 13

Your opinion ? 💬

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Деньги – это следствие ценности, а не цель.” 💡💰

В Lucid Logistics Academy мы учим тому, что настоящий успех приходит не от гонки за деньгами, а от ценности, которую ты создаёшь. 🚀Навыки, знания и умение решать проблемы – вот что действительно имеет значение в логистике и бизнесе. 📦📊 Чем больше ты полезен миру, тем выше твой доход. 💵✨

Фокус на навыках и ценности – ключ к финансовой свободе и успешной карьере в логистике. 🔑📈

“Money is a consequence of value, not a goal.” 💡💰

At Lucid Logistics Academy, we teach that true success doesn’t come from chasing money but from the value you create. 🚀 Skills, knowledge, and problem-solving abilities are what truly matter in logistics and business. 📦📊The more valuable you are to the world, the more you earn. 💵✨

Focusing on skills and value is the key to financial freedom and a successful career in logistics. 🔑📈

Batafsil Ma’lumot | More information:
📞 99-636-6777 | 77-353-6777

📱 Instagram | 📱 Tik-Tok | 🎞 YOUTUBE | 😎 Telegram

Dear entrepreneurs and colleagues

Due to the sacred month of Ramadan 🌙and my upcoming 🔥🇺🇸30th birthday on March 30th, I want to give back to the community. As a 10-year specialist in this industry, I will be providing significant support to 📌30 individuals, where some will get advices equal to $100.000 some will get different type of support, all will remain private between each person and me. I will be selecting these✔️ 30 individuals from my Telegram channel and will post details how i will select during March. This is not a giveaway, and I’m not selling any courses or programs; it’s purely my way of giving back during this special time. After 10 years in the industry, I felt the need to do this. Let’s come together🙌🏻, support each other, and grow the industry.l of our logistics as one nation🇺🇸.

Stay tuned and follow my blog on telegram only.🤝

Share with those who need it.🙌🏻🌙

Logistics specialist: @sunnatilloabdukhakimov🌎

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Forward from: Sunnat Abdukhakimov | Logistics
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Dear colleagues and friends 🌎🤝

It is my first time to be invited to podcast, please don’t judge too strict. I have tried to open all topics and tell story about of my life from Uzbekistan to USA and how logistics industry have changed. Thanks to Said Talibov for inviting me.

Новый подкаст с Суннатилло Абдухакимовым! 🌎📱

Суннатилло Абдухакимов — Предприниматель, эксперт в сфере логистики, основатель Lucid Logistics Academy🚀, HUNTME Group🟢 и LoadMode💪 – компаний, которые обучают, трудоустраивают и оптимизируют логистические процессы в США и СНГ.

Суннатилло верит: если есть мечта – нужно идти к ней. Его цель – создать решения, которые изменят рынок логистики.

👉🏻Полный выпуск уже доступен на Youtube-канале Cashtalkuz 🎙️ 📱

Logistics specialist: @sunnatilloabdukhakimov🌎

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Lucid Logistics Academy sizni Ramazon oyi bilan tabriklaydi!

Ushbu muqaddas oy sizga tinchlik, baraka va farovonlik olib kelsin. Sog‘lig‘ingiz mustahkam, qalbingiz xotirjam, ishlaringiz esa muvaffaqiyatli bo‘lsin. Duolaringiz qabul bo‘lib, uyingiz fayzu baraka bilan to‘lsin!

Tutayotgan ro‘zangiz ruhingizni poklasin, qalbingizni ezgulikka yaqinlashtirsin va sabr-qanoat ato etsin. Sizga matonat, kuch-quvvat va ichki osoyishtalik tilaymiz.

Ramazon muborak bo‘lsin! 🌙✨
Lucid Logistics Academy wishes you a blessed Ramadan!

May this sacred month bring you peace, prosperity, and harmony. We wish you good health, inner joy, and success in all your endeavors. May your prayers be heard, and your home be filled with warmth and blessings!

May your fasting purify your soul, strengthen your spirit, and bring you closer to goodness. We wish you patience, strength, and inner tranquility during this special time.

Ramadan Mubarak! 🌙✨

Batafsil Ma’lumot | More information:
📞 99-636-6777 | 77-353-6777

📱 Instagram | 📱 Tik-Tok | 🎞 YOUTUBE | 😎 Telegram

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Lucid Logistics Academy’da yangi guruhlarga qabul ochildi! 💫

Logistika kursini boshlashni anchadan beri rejalashtirib yurganmisiz? Bizda yangi naborlar ochildi! Sizga qulay bo‘lgan jadvalni tanlab, logistika sohasida muvaffaqiyat sari qadam qo‘yishingiz mumkin.

📅 Dars jadvali:
🔹 Seshanba, payshanba, shanba10:00 (Mr. Alan)
🔹 Dushanba, chorshanba, juma17:00 (Mr. Paul)
🔹 Seshanba, payshanba, shanba18:00 (Mr. Adam)

🔹 Nega aynan biz?
✅ Tajribali o‘qituvchilar
✅ Zamonaviy o‘quv dasturi
✅ Amaliy bilim va real misollar
✅ Litsenziyalangan sertifikat
✅ Ishga joylashishda kafolatli yordam

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tib, bugunoq logistika sohasidagi faoliyatingizni boshlang!

📩Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish va batafsil ma’lumot uchun Direct’ga yozing yoki qo‘ng‘iroq qiling!


Enrollment Open for New Groups at Lucid Logistics Academy! 💫

Have you been thinking about starting a logistics course? We are opening new groups! You have the opportunity to choose a convenient schedule and take your first step toward success in the logistics industry.

📅 Class Schedule:
🔹 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday10:00 (Mr. Alan)
🔹 Monday, Wednesday, Friday17:00 (Mr. Paul)
🔹 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday18:00 (Mr. Adam)

🔹 Why Choose Us?
✅ Experienced instructors
✅ Up-to-date training program
✅ Practical skills and real-life case studies
✅ Licensed certificate
✅ Guaranteed job placement assistance

Sign up today and start your career in logistics with us!

📩 To register or get more details, send us a message in Direct or give us a call!

Batafsil Ma’lumot | More information:
📞 99-636-6777 | 77-353-6777

📱 Instagram | 📱 Tik-Tok | 🎞 YOUTUBE | 😎 Telegram

Nega aynan 2025-yilda logistika tanlash kerak

1. Ishga talab katta – savdo va onlayn biznes o‘sib boryapti, logistlarga ehtiyoj oshyapti.

2. Yaxshi ish imkoniyatlari – bu sohada har xil yo‘nalishlar bor: Dispatch and Update, Accounting, Safety, Fleet, Logbook, Driver Recruiting va boshqalar

3. Yaxshi maosh – logistlar har doim kerak, shuning uchun ularning oyligi ham yaxshi.

4. Texnologiyalar rivojlanmoqda – avtomatlashtirish, sun’iy intellekt va boshqa yangiliklar logistika sohasini yanada rivojlantiradi.

5. Butun dunyoda kerakli kasb – logistika hamma joyda kerak, demak, chet elda ham ishlash imkoniyati bor.

2025 – logistika sohasiga kirish uchun ayni vaqt!

Siz tayyormisiz? Unda havolaga o‘ting.
Are you ready? Then follow the link.

More information:
📞 99-636-6777 | 77-353-6777

📱 Instagram | 📱 Tik-Tok | 🎞 YOUTUBE | 😎 Telegram

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Shunaqa o’rtog’ingizni belgilang 🤣
Tag your dispatch friend 🤣

More information:
📞 99-636-6777
📞 77-353-6777

📱 Instagram | 📱 Tik-Tok | 🎞 YOUTUBE | 😎 Telegram

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🚀Lucid Logistics Academy logistika kursi talabalari fikrlari! 🇺🇸

Bizning bitiruvchilar o‘z tajribalari bilan bo‘lishishgan

📢 Siz ham bunday tajribaga ega bo‘lishni xohlaysizmi?
Bizga qo‘shiling va AQSh logistika olamiga sho‘ng‘ing!

💬 Siz ham o’z tajribangiz haqida izohlarda yozib qo’ldiring !


Lucid Logistics Academy Course Student Reviews! 🇺🇸

Our graduates have shared their experiences.

📢 Do you also want to gain such experience?
Join us and dive into the world of U.S. logistics!

💬 Share your experience in the comments!

More information:
📞 99-636-6777
📞 77-353-6777

📱 Instagram | 📱 Tik-Tok | 🎞 YOUTUBE | 😎 Telegram

Amerika yuk tashish logistikasi sohasida yangi boshlagan dispetcherlar ko‘pincha kechikishlar, jarimalar va foyda yo‘qotilishiga olib kelishi mumkin bo‘lgan xatolarga yo‘l qo‘yadilar. Videoda biz eng keng tarqalgan xatolarning faqat bir qismini aytib otdik.

Xulosa: O‘rganish, bozorni tahlil qilish, vaqtni samarali boshqarish va yaxshi muloqot qilish muhim. Bu ko‘pgina xatolarning oldini olishga va Amerika yuk tashish logistikasi sohasida muvaffaqiyatga erishishga yordam beradi.


Beginner dispatchers in American trucking logistics often make mistakes that can cause delays, fines, and lost profits. In this video, we talked about some of the most common mistakes.

Conclusion: It is important to learn, analyze the market, manage time well, and communicate clearly. This will help avoid most mistakes and succeed in American trucking logistics.

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Siz esa nimani qo’shgan bo’lardingiz?
And what would you add?

More information:
📞 99-636-6777
📞 77-353-6777

📱 Instagram | 📱 Tik-Tok | 🎞 YOUTUBE | 😎 Telegram

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HUNTME TRUCKIN News Today 🟢02/24/2025

Recently, the American logistics sector has seen positive developments that are benefiting the market.

Reduction in Truck Driver Shortage

The truck driver shortage, which has been a major challenge, is starting to ease. In 2022, the deficit decreased to 78,000 drivers compared to 80,000 in 2021. This improvement is due to many drivers returning to the industry amid lower freight volumes in the second half of 2022 and rising fuel costs. A more stable workforce is improving operational efficiency and strengthening the market. (

Investments in Technological Innovations

American transportation companies are actively investing in new technologies to enhance efficiency and safety. Over 60% of operators plan to increase spending on real-time tracking systems for drivers, vehicles, and cargo. Additionally, the adoption of advanced driver assistance systems and the transition to electric engines are helping reduce operating costs and improve environmental impact. (

These positive trends reflect the industry’s commitment to modernization and sustainable growth, which is having a favorable impact on the overall state of the U.S. logistics market.

Logistics News Trucking Inside with HUNTME: 🟩🟩🟩🟩news 📰

Logistics Marketplace:
@huntmegroup | @huntmeapp 🟢

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Uchrashuvdan xulosa:

• Raqamlaringizni bilib oling
Moliyaviy holatingizni oylik, haftalik, choraklik va yillik tahlil qilib boring. 💵

Daromad va to‘lovlarni tushuning ↗️📉
Agar yuk mashinalari va uskunalar sotib olmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, daromadingiz qanday shakllanishini va to‘lovlarni o‘z vaqtida amalga oshirishni tushunishingiz kerak.

Moliyaviy va kredit tarixingizni yarating
Moliyaviy muassasalar va kreditorlar quyidagilarni talab qiladi:
Moliyaviy hisobotlar
• Foyda va zararlar hisoboti
• Daromadlar hisoboti
• Har yilgi balans hisoboti

Soliqlarni to‘g‘ri to‘lash juda muhim, chunki bu uskunalar uchun moliyaviy tasdiqlarga ta’sir qiladi. 🚛💰

Men har doim logistika sohasida to‘plagan bilimlarim va halol tajribalarimni baham ko‘raman.

🚛 2014-yildan beri logistika mutaxassisi:
📌 @sunnatilloabdukhakimov 🌎

20 last posts shown.