Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Bog'cha yoshidagi bolalarga beriladigan savollar.

Sharti tez javob berish kerak:

1. Sariq kepkani qizil dengizga tashlasa nima bo'ladi? Kepka ho'l bo'ladi. 😂

2. Yugurish musobaqasida ikkinchi o'rinda ketayotgan odamdan o'tib ketdingiz. Siz nechanchi o'rindasiz? Ikkinchi 😂

👍 @lison_uzb

Fact: In the UK, tea is more than a drink—it’s a social ritual! Brits drink around 100 million cups of tea daily. Offering tea is a way of showing hospitality.

☕️ But who drinks the most tea?
Qaysi millat choyni eng ko'p iste'mol qiladi?


Turkey is the country that drinks the most tea per person in the world. On average, each Turkish person consumes nearly 7 pounds of tea per year.

1. 🇹🇷 Turkey
2. 🇮🇪 Ireland
3. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom


👍 @lison_uzb

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Fizika darslarini zerikarli o‘tadigan ustoz jinoyatchidir.

Aslida bu gap har bir ustozga saboq bo'lishi kerak deb o'ylayman.

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Sher bo'lishni orzu qilgan mushuk sichqon ovlashni unutishi kerak.
(Afrika xalq maqoli)

Maqsadga erishish uchun seni harakatdan to'sadigan eski odat va tashvishlardan voz kechishing kerak!

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IELTS dan natijaga erishgan o'quvchilar ortida umumiy ingliz tilidan (General English) dars bergan ustozlar turganini ham unutmaslik kerak!

👍 @lison_uzb

Canada, 90 minutes of sun. 🙂


‼️What’s the Difference?‼️

"Say" vs. "Tell"

He _______ he was busy.
a) said
b) told

✅ a) said

🟢 Use "say" when no object is mentioned:
He said he was busy.

He said... (U ..... dedi).

🟢 Use "tell" with an object:
He told me he was busy.

He told me... (U menga ... dedi).
He said me...

She said, "Hello."
She told me to say hello.

👍 @lison_uzb

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/diː aɪ ˈwaɪ/

do-it- yourself (so'zma-so'z tarjimasi "o'zing qil" degan ma'noni beradi, ya'ni mutaxassislarga murojaat qilmasdan, o'z qo'li bilan tuzatish, ta'mirlash)

I love DIY projects like making my own furniture.
I visited a DIY store.

👍 @lison_uzb

Shu haqiqat. Boshqa tilni o'rgangan odam, o'sha til orqali hayotga boshqa tomondan qarashni ham boshlaydi. TIl o'rganishda davom etamiz, do'stlar! 😎😃✊

English Culture Fact:

Did you know?

In the UK, people often queue (line up) for everything, from buses to bathrooms. It's considered very polite, and cutting in line is seen as extremely rude.

queue (line up) - navbatga turmoq
cut in line
- navbatga suqilib kirmoq

👍 @lison_uzb

Learning a new language is like getting a key to a new world.

(Stay motivated! Every word you learn opens new doors.😎)

Word of the Day


A1: happy - I am happy today.
A2: excited - She is excited about her trip.
B1: thrilled - He was thrilled to meet us.
B2: overjoyed - They were overjoyed at the news.
C1: ecstatic - She felt ecstatic when she got the job.


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