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Category: Linguistics

Biz bilan ingliz tilini boshlang'ich bosqichdan boshlab o'rganing.
Sahifamiz orqali Alloh qodir qilganicha ingliz tiliga oid darslarni berib boramiz.
Darslar: https://t.me/learnenglish_uz/171

Reklama xizmati:️ t.me/reklama_servis/141

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💖 6-dars (Olmoshlar 3)

Turkum darslar: Ingliz tilini eng boshidan boshlab o‘rganing.

✈️ @learnenglish_uz


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 Core technology of special microwave that helps produce sodium-ion batteries with less risk of explosions

💬 Frequent fires caused by lithium batteries, in factories that produce them, as well as electric vehicles have been a growing concern.
With an urgency to come up with an alternative battery, a team of local researchers seems to have discovered a new technology that may bring the commercialization of one sooner the sodium-ion battery.
Lee Eun-jin explains more.

In June, a fire broke out at a lithium battery-producing factory.
Even with efforts to extinguish the fire, the factory was filled with smoke.
Recently, various things that use lithium batteries, such as electric vehicles, have become leading causes of fires.
And so, amidst a sense of urgency to find a cheaper and safer alternative to lithium, sodium, a key element of salt, is gaining attention.

Accordingly, a local team of researchers has developed a technology that can quickly produce hard carbon cathode materials, a key component for sodium-ion batteries, a next-generation secondary battery.
Because there are more than one-thousand times the reserves for sodium than lithium, it is easier to collect, and it can maintain at least 90 percent of its performance at temperatures as low as negative 20 degrees Celsius.
It also has less risk of causing fire.

"Sodium-ion batteries are less reactive than lithium, so they have good electrochemical performance, and charge and discharge faster.
Furthermore, they have the advantage of maintaining their performance at lower temperatures."

Sodium-ion batteries have, until now, been difficult to commercialize because existing cathode materials could not be used and only a specific hard carbon cathode material is needed.
The problem is that in order to produce hard carbon, hydrocarbon materials need to be burned at high temperatures of over one-thousand degrees Celsius, making the process difficult and expensive.
To overcome this, the research team used a type of microwave-induced heating technology.
Much like quickly heating something in the microwave, this new process produces hard carbon in just 30 seconds at over 1-thousand-400 degrees Celsius.

"This technology is different from the conventional microwave technology in that it can selectively heat conductive materials at very high speed."

The research team explained that they used what's called a "multiphysics simulation" which calculates electromagnetic induction by microwaves and induced currents.
They also added that additional research will continue to improve the performance of hard carbon and to mass produce it, so that commercialization of sodium-ion batteries could happen sooner.


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✈️ Tezkor ingliz tili
💖 6-dars (Olmoshlar 2)

Turkum darslar: Ingliz tilini eng boshidan boshlab o‘rganing.

✈️ @learnenglish_uz


The best way to learn and improve your foreign languages skills like English, through the lyrics of the songs.

🎤 ​​Enrique Iglesias - Ring My Bells 

Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells

Sometimes you love it
Sometimes you don't
Sometimes you need it then you don't wanna let go
Sometimes we rush it
Sometimes we fall
It doesn't matter baby we can take it real slow

'Cause the way that we touch is something that we can't deny
And the way that you move
Oh you make me feel alive
Come on

Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells

You try to hide it
I know you do
When all you really want
Is me to come and get you
You move in closer
I feel you breathe
It's like the world just disappears when you around me oh

'Cause the way that we touch is something that we can't deny
Oh yeah
And the way that you move
Oh you make me feel alive
So come on, oh

Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells

I say you want, I say you need
I can tell by your face you love the way it turns me on
I say you want, I say you need
I will do what it takes and I would never do, you're wrong

'Cause the way that we love is something that we cant fight
Oh no
I just cant get enough, oh you make me feel alive
So come on

Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells

I say you want
I say you need
(I can tell by the way you're looking at me, I turn you on)
I say you want
I say you need
(If you got what it takes we don't have to wait, let's get it on)
Get it on, ooh!

Ring my bell, ring my bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells


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✈️ Tezkor ingliz tili
💖 5-dars (Olmoshlar 1)

Turkum darslar: Ingliz tilini eng boshidan boshlab o‘rganing.

✈️ @learnenglish_uz

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💖 4-dars (Sifat)

Turkum darslar: Ingliz tilini eng boshidan boshlab o‘rganing.

✈️ @learnenglish_uz

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💖 3-dars

Turkum darslar: Ingliz tilini eng boshidan boshlab o‘rganing.

✈️ @learnenglish_uz

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💖 2-dars

Turkum darslar: Ingliz tilini eng boshidan boshlab o‘rganing.

✈️ @learnenglish_uz


🗣️ Ingliz tilida so'z boyligini oshirish uchun zarur bo'ladigan 6 uslub

Bir haftada 100 tadan so’z yodlash haqida o’ylab ko’rganmisiz. Yomon reja emas a? Bu ketishda siz bir yilning o’zida so’z boyligingizni ko’paytirib 5000 so’zli bilimli "sandiq” ga aylanishingiz mumkin. Faqat bitta savol paydo bo’ladi. Ho’p, yangi so’zlarni yodlashni qanday uslubidan foydalansa bo’ladi? Keling birga shu masalani muhokama qilib ko’ramiz.

Quyida siz uchun 6 maslahatni bermoqchiman. Ba’zi maslahatlarni Шутикова Анна muallifligidagi maqoladan oldim. Ba’zilarini o’zimdan qo’shdim. Aralashmadan tayyor bo’lgan maslahatlarni sizga taqdim qilmoqchiman.

👉 1. Yodlanishi lozim bo’lgan so’zlarni qog’ozchalarga yozib oling. Qog’ozchaning bir tomonida yangi so’z, ikkinchi tomonida esa so’zning tarjimasi. Ana endi yozib olgan so’zlaringizga o’zingiz bilan olib yurib, transportda, ko’chada yoki ishxonada bo’sh vaqtlarda qarab olishingiz mumkin. Bu uslub orqali anchagina so’zni yodlab olishingiz mumkin.
Zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalarni inobatga olgan holatda planshet yoki sensor telefondan foydalanuvchi do’stlarimiz yangi dasturlardan foydalanishi mumkkin. Dastur orqali ular yodlagan va yodlamagan so’zlarini bilib olishlari mumkin. Masalan Duolingo dasturi aynan siz yodlashingiz lozim bo’lgan so’zlarni sizga taqdim etib keladi.

👉 2.Kuni bilan kompyuter oldida ishlab o’tirasizmi? Yangi so’zlarni o’rgatuvchi dasturlardan birini o’rnating. Dastur sizga yangi so’zni taqdim qilib boradi. Bunday dasturlardan biri Words teacher. O’rnating va bir kunning o’zida vaqti vaqti bilan yangi so’zlarni yodlab boring.

👉 3.Hech tarjimon bo’lgingiz kelganmi? Vaqtingiz bemalolroqmi? Unda til o’rganish doirasidan tashqariga chiqing va so’zlarni matndan o’rganing. Uncha katta bo’lmagan matn oling va uni tarjima qilishga harakat qilib ko’ring. Lug’atlarda notanish so’zlarni topishga urinib ko’ring va o’sha so’zlarni yodlashga harakat qiling. Bir necha kundan so’ng tarjima qilgan matningizni qayta ko’rib chiqib, yodlagan yangi so’zlaringizni takrorlab, mustahkamlab olishingiz mumkin.

👉 4.Yodlagan so’zlardan gaplar tuzing. Zerikarli gaplarni o’rniga kulguli, qiziqarli gaplar tuzing. O’zingiz bilan bog’liq bo’lgan gaplarni tuzsangiz ham bo’ladi. Masalan yoqtirgan hayvoningiz bilan bog’liq. Yoki do’stingiz haqida qandaydir qiziqarli fakt.

👉 5.Siz uchun qiyin tuyulgan so’zga o’zbek tilida qandaydir shakli o’xshash so’z topishga harakat qiling. Misol uchun: Memory so’ziga memorial yodgorlik.

👉 6.Bilaman, ko’pimizda uchraydigan muammo bu so’z yodlashga ishtiyoqning yo’qligidir. So’z yodlashga vaqt kelganda dangasaligimiz tutib qoladi. Shuning uchun so’zni yodlamasdan uni oddiygina ko’zdan kechirib chiqishimiz ham mumkin. Aytaylik, har kuni 10 tadan so’z yodlashga ahd qildingiz. Ularni 10 martalab takrorlamasdan, kunning ma’lum vaqtlarini belgilab oling va shu vaqtlarda 10 ta yangi so’zni ko’zdan kechirib chiqing. Kun davomida shu yangi so’zlar bilan bog’liq bo’lgan gaplar tuzishga harakat qilishingiz mumkin.

Xullas, men sizga ba’zi maslahatlarni berdim. Ularni sizga foydasi tegadimi, yo’qmi, hammasi o’zingizga bog’liq. Kelajakda sizga Ingliz tili kerakmi yo’qmi? Xorijiy tilni o’rganishga ishtiyoqingiz vaqtinchalikmi yoki yo’q? Shu savollarga javob bering, undan so’ng til o’rganishni va uni yangi so’zlar bilan boyitib borishni maslahat berardim.



Boshlang‘ich darajadan boshlab ingliz tilini mustaqil o‘rganish mumkinmi?

Har qanday xorijiy tilni mustaqil o‘rganish — murakkab vazifa.

Eng avvalo, tanlangan til sizga nima uchun zarurligini aniqlab, maqsadni belgilash kerak. Ingliz tili sayohat yo xizmat safarida muloqot uchun, universitetda baholarni yaxshilash yo ingliz tilida chop etilgan adabiyotlarni erkin mutolaa qilish uchun kerakmi?

Quyida o‘z tajribamda qo‘llangan usullar bilan o‘rtoqlashmoqchiman.
Shuni bilingki, maqsad aniq bo‘lsa, unga yetishish yo‘llari ham ko‘rinadi. Shunga muvofiq, til nega kerak bo‘lishini belgilab olgach, ishga kirishing. Alifboni bilmay, til o‘rganishni boshlaganlar uchun bu yerdan boshlashlari foydali bo‘ladi.

Til o‘rganishning boshlang‘ich davri chiroyli va to‘g‘ri talaffuz qilish kabi mashqlari bilan hamohang bo‘lishi kerak. Men ingliz tiladi kuyga solingan qo‘shiqlarni ko‘p tinglaganman. Albatta, qo‘shiq matni bilan xonandaning talaffuzi ikki xil bo‘lishi mumkin, lekin bu foyda beradi. Bu yerda aynan [lyrics] matnli qo‘shiqlarni topsangiz bo‘ladi ekan

Shaxsiy lug‘at daftarchasini yuritib, so‘z boyligini oshirishga harakat qiling. Bunda yana kanal resurslaridan foydalanib, ingliz tilida eng ko‘p foydalaniladigan 100, 500 yoki 1000ta so‘zni topishingiz mumkin.
Siz uchun: 👉 Eng ko‘p qo‘llaniluvchi 500 ta inglizcha so‘zlar

❗️ Yodda tuting: 1000ta so‘z bilan maishiy mavzularda suhbat qilish imkoniyati paydo bo‘ladi. Shuningdek, qo‘shiq, atrofda uchragan ajnabiy so‘zlarning o‘zbek tilidagi tarjimasini bilishga harakat qiling, yodda saqlang.

Shaxsan o‘zim ko‘p ishlatiladigan jumla va iboralar, kirish so‘zlar, muloqotda asqotadigan so‘zlarni yaxlit yodlab olardim. Bunda grammatikani yaxshi tushunish ahamiyatga ega emas.

Xorijiy til bilan jiddiy shug‘ullanishni istagan odam, albatta, uning grammatika va asoslarini qunt bilan o‘rganishi kerak. Buning uchun, o‘quvchi o‘z ona tili haqida fundamental tushunchaga ega bo‘lsa, xorijiy tilni o‘rganish ham oson bo‘ladi. Negaki, ot va sifat so‘z turkumlari, gap tuzilishi, kesim va to‘ldiruvchi nima ekanini bilmay, ingliz tili grammatikasi uch boshli bahaybat ajdaho bo‘lib ko‘rinadi. O‘zbek tili borasidagi bilimlaringizni abituriyentlar uchun chop etilgan kichik hajmli kitobchalar orqali tekshirib olishingiz mumkin.
👉 Grammatika darslarini istasangiz matnli, istasangiz video darslar shaklida o‘rganing.

Til o‘rganishning eng mashaqqatli davri — o‘rganilgan bilimni mustahkamlash va amaliyotda qo‘llay olish ko‘nikmasini hosil qilish. Bu borada men omadliman, deya olaman. Ingliz tilini o‘rganish davrida Andijon viloyatida joylashgan «Taraqqiyot» o‘quv markazida tashkil etilgan debatlarni ko‘p kuzatganman. Unda qatnashib, biror mavzu yuzasidan fikrimni bildirish va buni ingliz tilida ifodalashga harakat qilishim yana ko‘proq bilim olishga undagan. Shu bilan birga egallangan bilim amalda qo‘llangan. Demak, ingliz tilida gapirishdan uyalmaydigan bo‘ling, xorijiy tilni o‘rganish maqsadida debat tashkil qiling. 

Xulosa o‘rnida ikki muhim omilga e’tiboringizga qaratmoqchiman: tilni o‘rganish hech qachon kam vaqt talab etadigan jarayon emas va har ishda kuzatilgandek, bu mehnat talab etadi. Asosiy masala esa harakatni to‘xtatmang, kamroq, sekinroq, lekin tinimsiz mehnatda bo‘ling.


​​​​​☄ @learnenglish_uz


🎙 Loi – Blinding Lights

I've been tryna call
I've been on my own for long enough
Baby you can show me how to love, maybe
I'm going through withdrawals
You don't even have to do too much
You can turn me on with just a touch, baby

I look around and Sin City's cold and empty
No one's around to judge me
I can't see clearly when you're gone

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night
Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust

I'm running out of time
'Cause I can see the sun light up the sky
So I hit the road in overdrive, baby

Oh, Sin City's cold and empty (oh)
No one's around to judge me (oh)
I can't see clearly when you're gone

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch
I said, ooh, I'm drowning in the night
Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I trust

I'm just walking by to let you know
I could never say it on the phone
Will never let you go this time

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch

I said, ooh, I'm blinded by the lights
No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch


📚 Hozirda shu kitoblar ko‘p so‘ralyapti. Shu sababli ularni bitta ro‘yxatga jamladik:

1️⃣. Izlash
2️⃣. Dunyoni anglash kitobi
3️⃣. MEN: Bas qil, ey nafs!
4️⃣. SIR: Oshiqlar o‘lmas
5️⃣. LOL: Har shaharning o‘z egasi bor...
6️⃣. Hech bir uchrashuv tasodif emas
7️⃣. Kaktuslar ham gullaydi
8️⃣. Qalb iffati
9️⃣. Qaytganimda uyda bo‘l

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✈️ Tezkor ingliz tili
💖 1-dars

Turkum darslar: Ingliz tilini eng boshidan boshlab o‘rganing.

✈️ @learnenglish_uz


🌐 Practice English with News

Practice English with News aims to help everyone who, like you, wants to practice English by listening to or reading real English news articles.

🎧 U.S. confirms North Korean troop movement to Kursk, Russia

💬 Following South Korea and NATO's confirmation, the U.S. has also acknowledged North Korean soldiers' presence in Russia's Kursk region.
Our Lee Eun-hee leads us this morning.

The U.S. government confirmed on Tuesday that a couple of thousand North Korean troops are moving toward Russia's Kursk region with a small unit already present there.

"We are concerned that they do intend to employ these forces in combat against the Ukrainians or at least support combat operations against the Ukrainians in the Kursk region."

This follows an earlier claim by the Lithuanian NGO Blue/Yellow, which has been assisting Ukrainian troops, that the first encounter between the Ukrainian troops and North Korean military forces occurred on October 25th in Russia's Kursk region, leading to the deaths of all but one North Korean.

U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday also expressed concerns about the presence of North Korean troops in Russia, stating that if they cross into Ukraine, Ukraine should respond with force.
On the same day, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller criticized Russia and North Korea, stating that the deployment of North Korean troops marks "a significant escalation in the DPRK's ongoing involvement in Russia's illegal actions and another breach of UN Security Council Resolutions."
Meanwhile, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, agreed that the actions of Russia and North Korea signify a major escalation in the war against Ukraine, posing serious threats to European security and global peace, while emphasizing the importance of a close and strategic partnership between NATO and the EU.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday, kicked off a military exercise of the country’s nuclear forces, simulating a retaliatory strike.
According to reports, in a video call with military leaders, he explained that the drills would practice the use of nuclear weapons, including launches of ballistic and cruise missiles.
Russia's Defense Minister reported that the drill was to practice its "strategic offensive forces launching a massive nuclear strike in response to a nuclear strike by the enemy."

Amid intensified global tensions, South Korea and the United States will hold the 56th Security Consultative Meeting at the Pentagon on Wednesday local time, focusing this year on the implications of North Korean troop deployments to Russia.


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