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Forward from: English for Medicine
Medical Englishda va IELTSning "Health" mavzularida eng kõp ishlatiladigan iboralarni õrganamiz

Bu iboralar organizmdagi turli tizimlar va ularning funksiyalarini tasvirlash uchun ishlatiladi:

1️⃣The body's builders – Tananing quruvchilari

Example: Proteins are the body's builders because they help repair and grow tissues - Oqsillar tananing quruvchilari, chunki ular to‘qimalarni tiklash va o‘stirishga yordam beradi.

2️⃣The body's defenders – Tananing himoyachilari

Example: White blood cells are the body's defenders because they fight infections - Oq qon hujayralari tananing himoyachilari, chunki ular infeksiyalar bilan kurashadi.

3️⃣ The body's maintenance – Tananing parvarishi/yaxshi ishlashini ta’minlash

Example: Vitamins and minerals are important for the body's maintenance - Vitaminlar va minerallar tananing parvarishi uchun muhim.

Shunga õxshash postlarimiz sizga foydali bõlyaptimi

🕊Medical English | Self-Study


Focus comes automatically when your space is associated with your current work or condition


🗓 January 2, 2025

💬 Are you drinking enough water?

📖 How much water do you drink every day? Is it enough? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some new vocabulary.

💌 BBC's 6 Minute English

Forward from: Sirojiddin's blog
Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist.pdf

Most of you have already read this book in your native language, but here I'd like to recommend reading it in English as well

Happy reading 😊


Why do students always eat their English homework?

Because their teacher tells them it is a piece of cake. 😁

Forward from: English for Medicine
🦠 Infectious diseases of Children 🦠

◾️Polimyelitis, polio - polimiyelit
◾️Chickenpox, varicella - suvchechak
◾️Rubella, german measles - qizilcha
◾️Diphtheria - difteriya
◾️Tetanus, lockjaw - qoqshol
◾️Whooping cough - kõk yõtal
◾️Measles - qizamiq
◾️Mumps, Epidemic parotitis - parotit virusi
◾️Pneumococcal infec. - pnevmokokk
◾️Rotavirus - rotavirus
◾️Meningococcal infec. - meningokokk
◾️Scarlet fever - qizil isitma
◾️MODS ( Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome ) - bir nechta organ disfunksiyasi sindromi

*infec. - infectious

🦠 Pediatrlar uchun maxsus


Reliable - ishonchli, sinalgan.


Forward from: IELTS 7+ Materials
Don't memorise answers

In your Speaking and Writing tests, the examiner will expect your answers to be natural. The examiner can tell if your answers are memorised which can in turn influence your final band score.

#IELTS #IELTSTestTips #ShareWithFriends


Never Finished.epub
Never Finished.epub
✍ David Goggins

Never Finished.pdf
Never Finished.pdf
✍ David Goggins


I will never forget when my grandmother said:

"Parents detect fake friends.
Kids detect fake relatives.
Friends detect fake love."



Your environment shapes who you become
Surround yourself with positivity and growth!
Distance yourself from the people you don't want to become, and watch how your life changes for the better.
Protect your energy and choose wisely!



4 pieces of cake,
5 family members.
"I don't like cakes" (said mom)


Topic-based vocabulary about PHONES #vocabulary

- Essential vocabulary
- What do you use your mobile phone for?
- Vague language
- What are the benefits of texting?
- Idioms


- Will books be replaced mobile phones in the future?

- Which app you use most in your mobile phone?

@topic_based_vocabulary | @reg_idp - enjoy learning!

20 last posts shown.