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🎓CS student NewUU
👒Ambassador WTM|WSA|Echochange
💎Passion: Math & Data, Entrepreneurship
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12P Analiz

Vanihoyat bugun uzil-kesil 3P analizlarimni yakunladim. Yana hali 9P qolgan.

Bozorni o'rganish uchun instrument ekanligini, shablon, umumiy ma'lumotlarini tushunib chiqdim. Shunga asosan, konkurentlarni tahlil qilmoqdaman.

Biznes qiziq, biznesmenlar bilan muloqot undanda qiziq. Har suhbatda o'zimga yangi bilim olaman.

Don't rush.
Enjoy the flow.


Scrum qachon ishlaydi?

     Hozirgi job marketda Scrum Master larga bo'lgan talab oshib bormoqda, bunga sabalardan biri kompaniyalar nafaqat fokus qaratilgan bir product, balki butun bir ekosistema yaratish ilinjida. Ekosistemalar bir nechta productlardan tashkil topgan bo'ladi. Va har bir product tezda launch bo'lishi uchun Scrum metodologiyasida ishlaydigan kichik maxsis jamoalar ishlashi maqsadga muvofiq.

     Scrum jamoa 5ta qadriyatga asoslanib yashaydi: qunt, fokus, ochiqlik, hurmat, ildamlik. Jamoa Scrum Master, Product Owner va bir nechta dasturchilardan (umumiy < 10) tashkil topadi. Ko'rdingizmi, kichik jamoa va hech qanday iyerarxiya yoki sub-guruhlar yo'q. Scrum jamoaning asosiy maqsadi -
focused on one objective at a time, the Product Goal

     Har bir jamoa a'zosining vazifasini oddiy tushuntirsam:
Dasturchilar ishni o'z vaqtida bajarishi; Product Owner loyihaning maqsad/vazifalarini jamoaga to'g'ri tushuntira olishi va backlog/DoD (Definiton of Done) kuzatib borishi; Scrum Master metodologiyaga asoslanib, progresni baholash, PO ga yordam berish, empirik rejalash (sprint, retrospective).

A product is a vehicle to deliver value. It has a clear boundary, known stakeholders, well-defined users or customers. A product could be a service, a physical product, or something more abstract. Sprint Backlog: Sprint Goal (why), Product Backlog(what), Increment (how).
     Scrum natija emas, u jarayondir.


Oratorlik ko'nikmasi nega muhim?

Men ta'tildan foydalanib, o'zimga edx va courserada yangi va talabda bo'lgan ko'nikmalarni o'rganishimga yordam beradigan kurslar ro'yxatini shakllantirdim. Yaqinda bir kursni boshladim. Agar tugatganimda menga yoqsa, so'rasangiz yuborishim mumkin.

Xullas, bunda doimiy maqtalgan mahorat bu - ishontira olish/muzokara qila olish/nutq. Hozirgi kunda ushbu ko'nikma shunchalar muhimki, hammamizga kerak va men buning isbotini ko'p holatlarda guvohi bo'ldim.

Marketologmisiz? Demak, siz o'z auditoriyangizni kuchli ta'sir qiluvchi so'zlar va aynan ularga mos bo'lgan illustratsiyalar/reklamalar orqali jalb qilishingiz kerak. Tadbirkormisiz? Demak, siz kamida eng yaxshi pitch - prezentatsiya qila olishingiz, investor va xaridor/foydalanuvchilarga biznes g'oyangizni oson tushuntira olishingiz kerak. Oilada ham biror tushunmovchilik yoki muammo paydo bo'lganda, eshita olish va fikringizni adekvat tushuntirish orqali, holatdan yengil chiqib ketishingiz mumkin.

Yana ko'plab misollar bor. Biz insonlar social (jamoaviy) mavjudotlarmiz, bizning fundamental, shu bilan birgalikda eng muhim qobiliyatimiz bu - nutq (bu birgina so'z juda serma'noli).

Shu sabab, oratorlik ko'nikmasini o'zingizda shakllantiring.


Ищем стажеров по направлению Product Management в BILLZ.

Рассматриваем только студентов 4-го курса или тех, кто уже окончил ВУЗ. Обязательное знание русского, узбекского и английского. За 6 месяцев вы в теории и на практике освоите все направления Product Management и сможете делать реальные таски. Стажировка не оплачиваемая, оплачиваем только проезд и питание.

План стажировки:
Month 1: Intro to Product Development
-Who is product manager?
-Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
-Client Interview in Product Development
-Qualitative, Quantitative Research

Month 2: Product Development. Introduction to Business Processes
-Lean Canvas
-Customer Journey Map (CJM)
-Domain Knowledge (Retail, Monetization Models, Unit Economics)

Month 3: Product and Project Management
-User Story
-Requirements Development (DoD)
-Backlog Planning
-Planning and Developing
-Customer feedback loop

Month 4: Product Marketing
-Unit economics

Month 5: Product Analytics
-Core product metrics
-Yandex metrica
-Google Analytics

Month 6: Market research
-Trend analytics
-Market research

Просим отправлять ваши резюме на с пометкой Product Management Internship.


Me: ChatGPT, plz visualize me according to my interests and works that I am doing in current days.


Me: Wow


🌳Englischer Garten: - Urban Oasis

It is one of the largest urban parks in the world, even bigger than New York’s Central Park! Established in 1789, this lush green space stretches over 375 hectares, offering endless tranquility and beauty right in the heart of Munich.

- The Eisbachwelle, a standing wave on the Eisbach River, is a hotspot for surfers – yes, you can watch surfers right in the middle of a city! 🏄‍♂️
- The Japanese Tea House and its serene garden are perfect for a peaceful moment of Zen.
- Don’t miss the iconic Chinese Tower, surrounded by one of Munich’s most famous beer gardens, where you can enjoy traditional Bavarian vibes. 🍻

🌟Fun Details:
- The name "Englischer Garten" (English Garden) refers to its informal landscaping style, inspired by English country parks.
- It’s home to countless wildlife species, including ducks, swans, and squirrels – a delight for nature lovers. 🦆
- Locals and visitors alike love picnicking, cycling, or simply soaking up the sun on its sprawling lawns.

📸 Sharing my serene experience at this beautiful park – a perfect escape into nature! Have you been here or is it on your travel wishlist? 🌞


🔬Deutsches Museum - Science and Innovation Evolution🧪

The Deutsches Museum in Munich is the largest science and technology museum in the world, spanning over 28,000 exhibits across 50 fields! Opened in 1925, it’s a paradise for curious minds of all ages.

- From vintage aircraft and historic ships to interactive exhibits on robotics, astronomy, and energy, there’s something fascinating around every corner.
- Its underground mines exhibit lets you experience the world of miners deep beneath the Earth’s surface.
- Ever wondered about the history of computing? Check out the evolution of computers and calculators here!

🌟Fun Details:
- The museum sits on an island in the Isar River, which adds to its charm.
- It’s home to the first diesel engine, early aircraft prototypes, and even a section dedicated to musical instruments. 🎶
- One of its highlights is the interactive displays, where you can conduct experiments, making science hands-on and fun.

📸 Sharing my favorite moments from exploring this incredible place – truly a hub of human creativity and ingenuity! Have you been here or plan to visit?


I am in DevFest now. Let's catch up!

🏰Neuschwanstein Castle

The Neuschwanstein Castle, perched on a hill in Bavaria, is the real-life inspiration for Disney’s fairytale castles! Built in the 19th century by King Ludwig II, this masterpiece of Romanesque Revival architecture is one of the most photographed places in the world.

- Often called the "Fairytale King," Ludwig II envisioned this castle as a retreat and homage to his love for Wagnerian operas.
- Its interior is just as dreamy, with rooms like the Throne Hall and Singer’s Hall, adorned with intricate murals and golden accents.
- The castle’s location offers breathtaking views of the Alps and nearby Hohenschwangau valley – especially in winter, when it looks like a scene from a snow globe.

🌟Fun Details:
- Though it looks medieval, Neuschwanstein had advanced tech for its time, including central heating and running water!
- King Ludwig II only lived in the castle for 172 days before his mysterious death. It wasn’t completed during his lifetime.
- Today, it welcomes over 1.4 million visitors annually, yet its beauty always feels serene and timeless.


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