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📣 Scopusdan ham qiyin bo'lgan Web of science maqolaga hammualliflik!
‼️Tayyor Web of science maqolaga to'lov evaziga qo'shilishingiz mumkin!
💚Barcha maqolalar Web of science bazasiga 💯 indeksatsiyalanadi.
❌Jurnal haqidagi ma'lumotlar hech kimga berilmaydi.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Factors affecting the increase of skills and interest in learning among elementary school students and providing solutions .
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Investigating the effect of teacher behaviors on the level of student learning.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Investigating the role of education in cultural education and culture building of students.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Investigating the effect of school culture and family cultural capital on students' academic performance.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: The role of educational management in improving the quality of teaching and learning.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Emergence of Entrepreneurial Interests Among Teenagers Through Career Development Program; The Role of Personality and Family Background.
💫Joylar soni chegaralangan, ulgurib qoling!
📓 Kanal: @scopus_web_of_science1
‼️Tayyor Web of science maqolaga to'lov evaziga qo'shilishingiz mumkin!
💚Barcha maqolalar Web of science bazasiga 💯 indeksatsiyalanadi.
❌Jurnal haqidagi ma'lumotlar hech kimga berilmaydi.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Factors affecting the increase of skills and interest in learning among elementary school students and providing solutions .
📚 2-maqola:
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Investigating the effect of teacher behaviors on the level of student learning.
📚 3-maqola:
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Investigating the role of education in cultural education and culture building of students.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Investigating the effect of school culture and family cultural capital on students' academic performance.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: The role of educational management in improving the quality of teaching and learning.
⏺Inglizcha nomi: Emergence of Entrepreneurial Interests Among Teenagers Through Career Development Program; The Role of Personality and Family Background.
💫Joylar soni chegaralangan, ulgurib qoling!
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📓 Kanal: @scopus_web_of_science1