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Dasturlashni o‘rganish, ishlash va bunga sun’iy intellektning ta’siri haqida

Podkast YouTube’ga joylandi. Ekspertlar – Mirjalol Norqulov, Ulug‘bek Samigjanov va Azizbek Jonibekov.

👉 Tomosha qiling


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Bugun ping pongdamiz

Ramazon muborak! 🌙

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😀 Frontendni nimadan boshlash kerak? Ekspertlar javobi👆

Siz qaysi bosqichdasiz?


Forward from: Telegram Contests
🏆 Telegram Contest for JavaScript Developers, Round 1

Prize fund: $30,000
Deadline: 23:59 on February 21 (Dubai time)
Who can participate: Everyone
Results: March 2025

Telegram is hosting a contest for JavaScript developers to implement a new feature in Telegram Web A and enhance the existing part of the app.


1. Rework the existing text editor from scratch and eliminate its imperfections:
– Ensure proper support for edit history (Ctrl+Z / Cmd+Z doesn’t work as intended as of now).
– Add support for editing quotes.
– Add support for Markdown syntax.
– Currently, RegExp is used for parsing Markdown, which sometimes causes glitches. Implement an AST-based approach to support all Telegram formatting entities more reliably.

2. Introduce the new Chat Folders appearance based on the provided mockups.

Contest Requirements:
– No third-party frameworks and libraries are allowed.
– The changes you introduce must not affect the app’s performance or stability.
– The submission must be consistent with the existing Web A codebase.
– Your implementation must work flawlessly on mobile and desktop Chrome (across Linux, macOS, Windows) and Safari on iOS and macOS.

❗Your app must precisely follow the provided design mockups.

Bonus Task:
Add support for animated chat backgrounds as in other Telegram apps. For reference, check Telegram Web K or this.

Contestants will be able to submit their entries to @ContestBot at a later date. We will further clarify the submission instructions closer to the deadline.

P.S. Winners may be offered a chance to explore further opportunities with Telegram.

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- Ulugʻbek Samigjonov yangi kanal ochdi
- 1 kundan keyin men:

Veb-saytingiz uchun "wow" effektlar qo'shmoqchi bo'lsangiz, ularni noldan ishlab chiqish shart emas. Shunchaki saytiga kiring va o'zingizga yoqqan komponentlarni Copy-Paste qiling.

537 0 16 4 15

"You don't need NextJS" - say devs from ComfyDeploy

Promise.all funksiyasi noldan yozilganda

669 0 1 11 23

Eloquent JavaScript, 4th edition (2024)

Source: Linkedin

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Shaders are great🔥

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Cooking something new 👨🏻‍🍳🤫

Chrome Canary'da native select elementni CSS orqali customize qilish imkoniyat tajriba sifatida qo'shildi. Bunday yangi o'zgarishlar kelajakda o'nlab, yuzlab kilobayt JavaScript kodni chopish imkonini beradi.


Dasturlash sohasida networking qilish, ya’ni tanish-bilish orttirish juda muhim. Ish qidirib yurgan insonlar koʻp holatda yaxshi imkoniyatlarni tanishlari orqali topadi. Xoʻsh qayerdan tanish-bilish orttiraman desangiz: koʻchaga chiqing, yashil maysani ushlang, oʻzingizga oʻxshagan dasturchilar yigʻiladigan suhbatlarga boring.

Ha aytgancha, yaqinda boʻlib oʻtishi kutilayotgan GDG dev fest ham juda yaxshi imkoniyat.
Oʻzimiznikilardan, Azimjon va Vohid aka speaker boʻlar ekan. Va bir qancha xalqaro mehmon spikerlar.

JS da multi-threading

JavaScript dvijoklari event loopga asoslangan va ishlarni odatda yagona threadda bajaradi.


- CSS (transform, opacity) va Web animations brauzerni compositor threadda run boʻladi va main threadni bloklamaydi.

- Service worker alohida threadda run boʻladi

- Web workerlar orqali main threaddagi yukni kamaytirshimiz mumkin

- OffscreenCanvas va worker juftligi orqali HTML canvasni umuman boshqa threadda run qila olamiz

Demak JS da bemalol bir nechta threadda ishlaydigan web ilovalar yozsak boʻladi.

Mana shu mavzu boʻyicha, oxirgi haftada ikkita (biri men oldin yozishgan) telegram akkauntdan fishing xabar keldi. Bittasi .apk fayl joʻnatdi. Boshqasi scam veb-sayt uchun havola. Ikkalasini ham block qilib, SPAM report qildim.
Ogoh boʻlamiz!

Formalar bilan ishlash, ayniqsa murakkab inputlarni boshqarish odatda ancha energiya va vaqt olib qo'yadi.
Agar loyihangizda shadcn'dan foydalansangiz, ushbu istrumentdan foydalanib ko'rishni maslahat beraman:

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