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Воистину, за каждой тягостью наступает облегчение (94:5)
Asosan o’zimning ichki kechinmalarim, fikrlarim va o’qigan kitoblarimdan manfaatli parchalar yozib boraman. Sizga manfaatli deb bilsangiz men bilan qoling💫

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Even if today is holiday, we are having training session
Can’t imagine how much I love my job😂❤️

Bugun rossa hursandman. Molodec Otabek 18 kun tayyorlandik CEFRga polniy bu sistemani nima ekanligini bilmasdan 18 ta darsda B2 oldi MashaaAlloh molodec❤️

Umid qilamanki hammasi siz uchun foydali bo’ldi❤️

Menga bu kitobdan eng yoqgan joylarini bo’lishishga harakat qildim. O’zingizga savol berib ko’ring tahlil qilib siz haqiqattan ham hissiy jihatdan kuchli insonmisiz va kerakli joyda hislaringizni boshqara olasizmi? Hayotni boricha qabul qila olasizmi? Agar javob yo’q bo’lsa buni ustida qanday ishlash mumkin va nimalarga e’tibor bergan holatda ma’naviy kuchli bo’lishim mumkin va hislarimni qay holatda to’g’ri boshqara olaman deb savol berib buni yechimini topishga harakat qilib ko’ring❤️

10) They don’t confuse a bad feeling for a bad life.
They are aware of, and avoid, extrapolation, which is essentially projecting the present moment into the foreseeable future—believing that the moment at hand constitutes what your entire life amounted to, rather than just being another passing, transitory experience in the whole. Emotionally intelligent people allow themselves their “bad” days. They let themselves be fully human. It’s in this non-resistance that they find the most peace of all.

9) They don’t just become close friends with anyone.
They recognize true trust and intimacy as something you build, and something you want to be discerning with whom you share. But they’re not guarded or closed as they are simply mindful and aware of who they allow into their lives and hearts. They are kind to all, but truly open to few.

8) They know that a feeling will not kill them.
They’ve developed enough stamina and awareness to know that all things, even the worst, are transitory.

7) They recognize that infallible composure is not emotional intelligence.
They don’t withhold their feelings or try to temper them so much as to render them almost gone. They do, however, have the capacity to withhold their emotional response until they are in an environment wherein it would be appropriate to express how they are feeling. They don’t suppress it; they manage it effectively.

6) They don’t allow their thoughts to be chosen for them.
They recognize that through social conditioning and the eternal human monkey-mind, they can often be swayed by thoughts, beliefs, and mindsets that were never theirs in the first place. To combat this, they take inventory of their beliefs,reflect on their origins, and decide whether or not that frame of reference truly serves them.

5) They know that happiness is a choice, but they don’t feel the need to make it all the time.
They are not stuck in the illusion that “happiness” is a sustained state of joy. They allow themselves time to process everything they are experiencing. They allow themselves to exist in their natural state. In that non-resistance, they find contentment.

4) They don’t think that being fearful is a sign they are on the wrong path.
The presence of indifference is a sign you’re on the wrong path. Fear means you’re trying to move toward something you love, but your old beliefs, or unhealed experiences, are getting in the way. (Or, rather, are being called up to be healed.)

3) They don’t assume to know what it is that will make them truly happy.
Being that our only frame of reference at any given time is what’s happened in the past, we actually have no means to determine what would make us truly happy, as opposed to just feeling “saved” from whatever we disliked about our past experiences. In understanding this, they open themselves up to any experience that their life evolves toward, knowing there are equal parts good and bad in anything.

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