Kuvonchbek| 8.0

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Assalom alaykum.
🇰🇷Koreyada oʻqish yoki ishlashni istaysizmi?
Unda bu maxsus treyning siz uchun.
Ushbu treyningda siz:
-koreyaga oʻqishga topshirish uchun kerakli hujjatlar📑
- Koreyada ta'lim olish narxlari💵;
-Koreyada yashash va ishlash imkoniyatlari 👨‍💻va b. haqida ma'lumotlar olasiz.

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Davron akaniyam davlat oʻqitib, ma'lumotli qilgan. Bir nimani bilmasa gapirmaydi😉

Forward from: Даврон Файзиев
Гвардиола иккинчи марта матбуот анжуманида инглиз тилини билиш муҳимлиги ҳақида гапиряпти.

Футболчи бўлишни орзу қилаётган ёшларга ёки фарзандини футболчи қилишга интилаётганларга юбориб қўйинг.

Тушуниб олишади.


Directions (Yo‘nalishlar)

🔹Turn left Chapga buriling
🔹Turn right O‘ngga buriling
🔹Go straight To‘g‘ri boring
🔹Go past Yonidan o‘ting
🔹Go across (Ko‘chani) kesib o‘ting
🔹Go along Bo‘ylab boring
🔹Take the first left Birinchi chapga o‘ting
🔹Take the second right Ikkinchi o‘ngga o‘ting
🔹At the corner Burchakda
🔹Follow the road Yo‘l bo‘ylab boring
🔹Cross the road Yo‘lni kesib o‘ting
🔹Opposite Qarshisida
🔹Next to Yonida
🔹In front of Oldida
🔹Behind Orqasida
🔹Between O‘rtasida
🔹Near / Close to Yaqinida
🔹Far from Uzoqda
🔹On the left Chap tomonda
🔹On the right O‘ng tomonda
🔹At the roundabout Aylana yo‘l kesishmasida
🔹By the side of Yonida
🔹Go down the street Ko‘chadan pastga boring
🔹Go up the street Ko‘chadan yuqoriga boring

prepared by Kuvonchbek Khushvaktov


1️⃣ juda zukko va aqlli odam
🇺🇲 "She is a brilliant mathematician who solved the problem in minutes."
🇺🇿 U ajoyib matematik, muammoni bir necha daqiqada hal qildi.

2️⃣ yorqin, yaraqlagan
🇺🇲The diamond was brilliant under the sunlight."
🇺🇿 Olmos quyosh nurida porlab turardi.

3️⃣ ajoyib, zoʻr
🇺🇲 "That was a brilliant idea for solving the issue."
🇺🇿 Bu muammoni hal qilish uchun ajoyib fikr edi.


Q: Do you have many friends?
A: Of course, I am a really sociable person who has lots of brilliant friends. We like to hang out together, and we especially enjoy discussing the books we are reading or movies we are watching.

Prepared by: Kuvonchbek Khushvaktov

Nechta topa oldingiz❓
🔥 5ta
❤️ 4ta
🐳 3ta
👎 2ta
🗿 1ta
😭 0ta

5. Freezing
  •   Muzlayotgan
  •   Issiq
  •   Qor
13 votes

4. Building a snowman
  •   Qorbola yasash
  •   Qorqiz yasash
  •   Qorbobo yasash
12 votes

3. What is the correct Uzbek translation for "skiing"?
  •   Changʻi uchush
  •   Muz ustida uchish
  •   Qorboʻron oʻynash
12 votes

2. What is the correct Uzbek translation for "scarf"?
  •   Palto
  •   Qoʻlqop
  •   Sharf
  •   Etik
12 votes

1. What is the Uzbek word for "Snowflake"?
  •   Qor
  •   Qor parchasi
  •   Muz
  •   Doʻl
13 votes

Winter – Qish
Snow – Qor
Ice – Muz
Cold – Sovuq
Frost – Sovuq shudring
Chilly – Salqin
Blizzard – Qor bo‘roni
Hail – Do‘l
Freezing – Muzlayotgan
Icicle – Muz parchası

❄️Snow and Weather Descriptions

Snowfall – Qor yog‘ishi
Snowstorm – Qor bo‘roni
Heavy snow – Qalin qor
Light snow – Yengil qor
Fresh snow – Yangi qor
Powder snow – Yumshoq qor
Snow-covered – Qor bilan qoplangan
Whiteout – Oq qorga o‘ralgan

⛸️Winter Activities

Skiing – Chang‘i uchish
Snowboarding – Snoubord uchish
Ice skating – Muz ustida uchish
Building a snowman – Qorbobo yasash
Sledding – Chana uchish
Snowball fight – Qorbo‘ron o‘ynash
Making snow angels – Qor farishtasi yasash
Snowflake – Qor parchasi
Frozen lake – Muzlagan ko‘l
Winter forest – Qishki o‘rmon
Snowy mountains – Qorli tog‘lar
Frosty air – Sovuq havo
Bare trees – Yaproqsiz daraxtlar

C is the correct answer. Bcz the words still determined, potential dangers, ignored mean the couple is seeious about their decision which makes C the right answer.

Choose the correct heading


Victory - gʻalaba, zafar

🇺🇲 The general led the troops to victory.
🇺🇿 General askarlarni gʻalabaga boshladi.

🇺🇲They had never experienced the thrill of victory.
🇺🇿 Ular hech qachon gʻalaba zavqini totib koʻrishmagan.

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Okay, keep me posted.

☄️ keep me posted - meni xabardor qilib tur

🎙Speaking questions
(Real exam materials)

⭐️Part 1.1

1. Tell me about your school.
2. What do you do at weekends?
3. What do you use the Internet for?

⭐️Part 1.2 with pictures

1. Describe studying alone and with peers.
2. How often do you work in groups?
3. Why do some people prefer studying alone?

⭐️ Part 2

1. Tell me about the time you failed in the exam.
2. How did you feel?
3. What should people do in failures?

⭐️ Part 3

Books can be better than movies.
(With for and against ideas)

🤔Sharing is caring😉

🔵Source: @multileveloriginal

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🎉 Perfexo o‘quv markazida YANGILIK!

📚 Endi IELTS kurslarimizni yuqori malakali ustoz — Quvonchbek Xushvaqtov olib boradi!

💼 Quvonchbek Xushvaqtov — IELTS 7.5+ ballga erishgan ko‘plab talabalarni tayyorlagan tajribali mutaxassis.

🔥 IELTS yangi guruhlariga ro‘yxatdan o‘tishni boshladik!

📋 Dars davomida sizga taqdim etiladi:
✅ IELTS bo‘yicha samarali strategiyalar
✅ Har bir modul (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking) uchun chuqur tahlil
✅ Speaking bo‘yicha individual mashg‘ulotlar
✅ Writing bo‘yicha batafsil tekshiruv va maslahatlar

📍 Manzil: Hokimiyat ro'parasi "Perfexo" o'quv markazi.
📞 Qo‘shimcha ma’lumot uchun: +998 77 201 22 13.

🌟 IELTS orzularingizni biz bilan ro‘yobga chiqaring!

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