Islombek Zokirov

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IELTS 7.5 | 10.12.2022

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Yeah, most of the time I play Ping pong with excitement and emotions😅. I like having fun while playing.

P.S That was a terrible shot, though😅😅.

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Wellness family Vibe😎. Follow us for more events and content:)


Habaringing bor, Wellness jamaomiz bilan dam olish kunlari sog'lom hayot turmush tarzini targ'ib etish uchun sport o'yinlari tashkil etib kelyapmiz. Bugun do'stlarimiz bilan Volleyball va Basketball o'ynadik. Yangi do'stlar ham ortirdik. Kelgan barchaga tashakkur....As the saying goes: Reading is to the mind, exercise is to the body.


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I don't know why but I always get emotional when I lose the point😅or serve.

I also get excited when I win)


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Me, when I'm writing an essay 😁.


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Credits: @el_Profesor_76


Why is it so hard to recycle paper cups?

To meet hygiene needs paper cups are made out of virgin materials, which means they could be recycled in theory. However, to be able to drink out of the cup, most cups need to have a lining to hold the liquid – traditionally being PE (polyethylene lining) which is non-recyclable and to separate the lining from the paper is very hard to do.

Don’t be a ‘wishcycler’ by putting cups in a paper recycling bin or mixed recycling bins – they won’t get recycled – and worse, will just contaminate recycling.

So to speak, it is not easy to recycle paper cups as we think. It may take from weeks to years to be fully recycled for use.


P.S I only drink black tea from time to time there. I neither like fast food nor Oqtepalavash. Plus, for the sake of tagline as well: Bardamlik uchun😁


Forward from: Rahmonov Quvonchbek

Some interesting facts about cats:

The wealthiest cat is Blackie

Cats can run up to 48kph

Ancient Egyptians had cats as

Cats sleep 70% of their lives sleeping

P.S A random cat in the street. I just came across it on my way back home.

Just a meme
@IslombekZ is one of my few favourite websites. It is a platform where you can literally do whatever you want with your file.

Saytda ko'plab funksiyalar mavjud bo'lib, jumladan:

✅Pdf faylni Wordga o'zgartirish
✅Word faylni Pdfga o'zgartirish
✅Rasmlarni pdfga aylantirish
✅Fayllarni birlashtirish
✅Fayllarni ajratib olish

Va juda ko'plab fayl bilan editing qilish mumkin. Bu saytning yoqadigan tomonlaridan biri bu hech qanday ortiqcha reklamalarsiz va mutlaqo bepul. Teaching faoliyatimda dars uchun kitobdagi vazifa sahifalarini odatda shu saytda ajratib olib (split) share qilaman o'quvchilarim bilan. Umid qilamanki foydali bo'ladi.


I think someone put it on purpose😂. Still, it looked funny.


Playing Ping pong is one of my hobbies. Everytime I have the chance to play, I go somewhere with my friends.

I have been playing the game for well over 3,4 years as an amatuer, and it has become a hobby to enjoy. Yesterday we played for two hours and enjoyed it very much. Right now, I like doubles more than solo. Because it is much interesting.

By the way, we are also planning to organize another Ping pong event on January 19th. If you are interested, leave a plus or "I'm in". Would be happy to see new people in our community!


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Yesterday, I went to play Ping pong with my friends and...😅


While I was going through an application, I came across this. Hope these marital status words will be of some help for your English or understanding of marital status.

1️⃣ Common law - a legal union created without a formal ceremony or license. There is another word to describe this marital status - cohabitation. Tha main difference between the two is that common law partners must have lived together for at least one year, while cohabitating couples do not have the same legal rights and obligations as married couples.

2️⃣ Divorced - a person whose marriage has been legally ended.

3️⃣ Married - a person who is legally united to another person as a spouse.

4️⃣ Separated - a couple who are living apart from each other, but have not yet finalized a legal divorce.

5️⃣ Single - me 😅

6️⃣ Unknown - the marital status of an individual is not known or has not been disclosed.

7️⃣ Widowed - a person whose spouse has died.


Hello fellas. Have you also had times you asked yourself lots of "Why...?" questions?

It is about asking Why questions about everything around us. Like; why cars have 4 tyres not 3?, why do we yawn? and etc.

Please, feel free to leave your most Why...? questions. We will try to find answers together!



Part II

Body language is important
Shaxsiy fikrimcha tana harakatlari sizning nutqingizni auditoriyaga yetib borish yoki bormasligini hal qilib qo'yuvchi omillardan biri sanaladi. Tana harakatlari doimiy nutq jarayoni bilan parallel ravishda ishlashi, albatta public speaking ning yorqin jihatlaridan. Bir joyda qotib qolib gapirish esa katta xato hisoblanib, impress qila olmasligingiz mumkin. Kamiga, 5-10 daqiqa mobaynida bir joyda, bir xil position/pose ushlab turish judayam qiyin. O'zingizni noqulay his qila boshlaysiz.

Avoid common topics
Doimiy aylanib yuruvchi mavzulardan chetlashing. Hamma yerda gapirilgan mavzu qiziq bo'lmaydi. Bularga misol qilib "Education", "Language learning", "Billingualism" , "Stereotypes " and so on. Bunga o'shash mavzular gapirilaverib zerikarli axvolga kelgan. Unda qaysi mavzuni gapiray, hamma mavzu gapirilgan-ku deyishingiz mumkin. Siz shu gapirilgan umumiy mavzularni o'zingizni experience bog'lay oling. Sababi auditoriya uchun kimnidir qaysi yilda qanday hypothesis bilan chiqqani yokida qandaydir internetdan olingan too many statistics zerikarli. Last but not least, global katta mavzularni olib chiqishdan avval yetti o'lchang. Sababi sizda qisqa vaqt, qilinmagan tajriba yoki tadqiqotdan tashqari faqat internetdan izlanilgan bir necha ma'lumotlar bo'lib qolishi mumkin. Global va katta mavzularni ma'lum daqiqalarda yoritib bera olish judayam qiyin.

Your look matters
Kimga qanday bilmadim-ku, lekin bu ham inson tabiatiga xos narsa. Tashqi ko'rinishingiz nutq davomida, tana harakatlari davomida yaqqol insonlar oldida gavdalanuvchi instrument. Judayam rasmiy yoki judayam norasmiy kiyinish tavsiya qilmagan bo'lar edim. Asosiysi o'zingizga qulay, hamda mavzu, tinglovchilar, nutq qilinayotgan joydan kelib chiqib tashqi ko'rinishga ahamiyat bering.

Do not rush!
Bu o'zim takror va takror qiladigan xatolardan. Hech qachon shoshilmang. Hamisha har bir gaplarizngiz aniq va tiniq borayotganiga ishonch hosil qiling. Muhim informatsiya yoki faktlardan so'ng albatta auditoriyada biroz sukunat bo'lishini ta'minlang. Bu tinglovchilarga muhim ma'lumor berganingiz haqida signal bo'lsin. Unutmang, sizning zo'r so'z ishlatishingiz yoki tez gapirishingiz emas, balki sizni tushuna olishlari muhim!

🚨Yuqoridagi 2 qismli maslahatlar shaxsan o'zim uchun eslatma va siz azizlar uchun tavsiya sifatida yozildi. Umid qilamanki kelajakda tajribamiz ortishi bilan, bu list ham kengayib boradi.



Forward from: Sardaftar sahifalarim🪐
Agar qo'lingizda mutolaasi tugagan kitob bo'lsa uni hadya qilishga tayyormisiz? (yaxshilik qilish imkonini beradigan loyiha tashkillashtiramiz)
  •   Ha albatta tayyorman
  •   Yo'q kitobimni bermayman
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