No nonsense talk

Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Category: Linguistics

🇬🇧 Just stories. Pictures are copied from the world wide web. 😊
If you see grammar mistakes, please excuse my French🙃

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Uzbekistan, Uzbek
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Taaak.... the phone is missing. And some gold coins from the 17th century😂

Answering a question with a question😃

Ovqatlanish vaqtida eng ko'p ishlatiladigan so'z "Oling" bo'lsa kerak. Oling-oling, qolib ketmasin, sovib qolmasin😃

Ingliz tilida bu so'z Help yourself iborasi bilan aytiladi. Yana, o'zizga yordam bering deb tarjima qilib yurmang😅😅

Bu rasmdagi "inostrankani" osh yeyish usulini ko'ring: Creative
Shunaqa turistlar bilan vaqt o'tkazish qiziq-da☺️

Forward from: Plossla

I'm at war with the world and they
Try to pull me into the dark
I struggle to find my faith
As I'm slippin' from your arms
It's getting harder to stay awake
And my strength is fading fast
You breathe into me at last

I'm awake I'm alive
Now I know what I believe inside
Now it's my time
I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
Here, right here
Right now, right now
Stand my ground and never back down
I know what I believe inside
I'm awake and I'm alive

I'm at war with the world cause I
Ain't never gonna sell my soul
I've already made up my mind
No matter what I can't be bought or sold

This is the place where most people lose their earrings, rings and other jewelry. So, a metal detector helps find the lost items. Topgan-topaloq😃

The most expensive yoga class of the world😃

Google sometimes expresses its political views and likes to expose them to its users.

In today's them, they are showing satellite photos to mean "climate change (or global warming) is real".

Ilon Musk, the world's richest man and creator of Tesla and SpaceX, says there is no proof climate change is real and caused by humans.

What do you think? Who is right?

Another new vocabulary for that old post: Imposter.
We know who is an imposter among us🙂

Someone who breaks others' relationships is called a Homewrecker. Vocabulary time 😌

Illegal immigrants from Uzbekistan to the USA are being reported on the public news. The reports say that these immigrants from Uzbekistan are very rich and they are entering the USA by crossing the USA-Mexico border.

You must know this: The US patrol agents shoot without warning when they see people illegally crossing the borders.

If you discover that your parents and friends are full of lies and terrorize you with horrible fantasy stories, try to focus on other things, such as sports, intellectual games like chess, learning a new language or programming, and scholarships.

Reporting them to the police is the last option. If you decide to report to the police because they're being extreme to you, then just make sure that you have proof, such as voice recording. Always have materials proving their extreme behaviors that terrorize you.


When I was a child, I would easily get sick. So, I was at children's hospital many times and I stayed there for long periods. At hospitals I saw that all doctors are nice and kind to ill young patients. Most doctors can treat you even better than your parents do. Also, no child suffered from medicine shots through a syringe (people say ukol/укол). Instead, all kids got well. So, I know very well about doctors and ukols.

However, I am saddened to see parents use doctors in horrible terms to stop their children from doing something. These parents terrorize their children by telling stuff like "ou, tegma unga, hozir duxtirni chaqiraman kelib ukol qiladi!".

This horrible method adults and parents use is really disgusting to me and full of lies.

So, stop terrorizing children. Just stop terrorizing children.

These kids don't have to live the terrorizing fantasies you lived in your childhood and still live all these years.

Explain things to children in a normal, logical, healthy way without terrorizing them.

What is your guilty pleasure?😈😈😈

This question is uncommon for Uzbek culture😌 It's about your habit that you enjoy but don't feel okay to tell about to others😅

Some examples of guilty pleasure:
~ Watching cat videos on YouTube😼
~ Playing dota (married people💩)
~ Collecting bottles (bakalashka😂)
~ Ghosting someone in instagram 👻
~ Use fortune teller's service 😵‍💫

What is your guilty pleasure?

This is about some people who fool others using tricks.
They dress like pure. They act like pure. They say things like pure. They behave like pure. Their actions look pure.

But, their real face is hidden behind their masterful actions. Watch out.

Let's break down this famous word:

From beautiful Tajik language, xo'r is translated as "eat". That's why you may hear Tajik speaking mothers tell this to their children while having a meal:
"Xo'r, bacham" =》Eat, my child.

So, the word "qasamxo'r" means that a person ironically eats Qasam😅 literally, they overuse Qasam. Our wise people😌 say that's a signal❗️/red flag🚩 for us and other community members to be careful from this speaker who overuses Qasam. The reason is simple💁‍♀: Qasamxo'r tries to trick your mind and to fool you by using Qasam because most people trust in the Qasam.

There are other words being overused in a similar way🤦‍♀. For example, my dishonest friend very often says religious words🤭 He uses them so masterfully😈 This way he looks so innocent and sounds so innocent🤫. His listeners fall in with him after such impactful speech😶‍🌫😶‍🌫😶‍🌫. His tactic works in most cases and he enjoys controlling his listeners' brains😵‍💫😵‍💫

Do you have such friends who uses this tactic?

There are still kindest, modest and finest Uzbek people that all nations from the former soviet countries used to admire and praise. There are still a few such people and they are naturally good people.

They don't need any correction or guidance, let's say, from influencers, politicians, religious celbrities, social media star wannabes or anything. They are just born good. Naturally good. Being honest and welcoming is in their DNA. In their genes.

While we feel the pressure under our skin from various macro-level issues, such as unemployment, growing abuse towards women, low living standards etc., good people like above bring hope and peace to our troubled hearts.

These tourists in the photo say this about such Uzbek people: "we are forever humbled to be hosted" by this family sitting on the "tapchan" with their guests from New Zealand.

Read the rest of their story:

This is what people are learning about Amir Temur. 🎗

Usually you are verbally attacked 😲 by local people for being Uzbek when you're in India. Be prepared: those Indians may call you Mugal or Mogul.😵‍💫 Not Uzbek. 🤦‍♂
Anyways, this is an interesting material. Check it out.

Living in Tashkent creates a strong immune in you to road accidents. Almost every day you see a car accident here or there😵‍💫. You become senseless to such misfortunes (=beting qotib ketadi🤷‍♂️)

To me, some accidents are funny (I know I am crazy to say this😅). I have been in bus accidents many times🤦‍♂. My bus usually at a low speed hits some guy on the street😰. But, that guy gets up, checks his arms and legs, dusts off his clothes and walks away as if nothing happened to him😃. Everyone inside the bus is speechless🤐. Some women can manage to say something like "oh my god..."🤭.

Statistics show that road accidents kill around 2,000 each year in our country ‼️. So, in just 10 years 20,000 people ☝️ are dying on the roads while they're going to school, work or their homes.

This is a war we are losing without a fight. Do you think local governments are doing enough to prevent road accidents?

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