🇬🇧 At bilan yasalgan iboralar:
🔺 at the age of - yoshda
🔺 at the beginning -ning boshida
🔺 at all costs - nima qilib bo‘lsa ham
🔺 at dinner (supper, tea) - tushlikda (kechki ovqatda, choyda)
🔺 at somebody’s disposal -ning ixtiyorida
🔺 at the end - oxirida
🔺 at the expence of -ning hisobida
🔺 at first - avvalo
🔺 at the head of -ning boshida
🔺 at home - uyda
🔺 at least - hech bo‘lmaganda
🔺 at last - nihoyat
🔺 at (the) latest - eng kechi bilan
🔺 at a low (high) price (past) - baland narxda
🔺 at times - ba’zan
🔺 at corner - muyulishda
🔺 at the front (back) - oldinda (orqada)
🔺 at sea - dengizda (sayohatda)
🔺 at one’s option - birovning ixtiyori bilan
🔺 at once - birdan
🔺 at the rate of - hajmda
🔺 at any rate - har holda
🔺 at the request of -ning iltimosiga ko‘ra
🔺 at a salary of - maoshda
🔺 at somebody’s service -ning xizmatida
🔺 at fi rst sight - bir ko‘rishda
🔺 at a speed of - tezlikda
🔺 at a time - bir martada, bir vaqtda
🔺 at this (that, the same) time - shu (o‘sha, bir) vaqt (da)
🔺 at the top of one’s voice - tovushining boricha, bor ovozda
🔺 to be at war - urush holatida bo‘l moq
🔺 at night - tunda
🔺 at (the) most - eng ko‘pi bilan
🔺 at the traffi c lights - svetaforda
🔺 at the church - cherkovda
🔺 at the roundabout - aylanma
🔺 at a temperature - haroratda
👉🏻Our channel👇🏻
🔺 at the age of - yoshda
🔺 at the beginning -ning boshida
🔺 at all costs - nima qilib bo‘lsa ham
🔺 at dinner (supper, tea) - tushlikda (kechki ovqatda, choyda)
🔺 at somebody’s disposal -ning ixtiyorida
🔺 at the end - oxirida
🔺 at the expence of -ning hisobida
🔺 at first - avvalo
🔺 at the head of -ning boshida
🔺 at home - uyda
🔺 at least - hech bo‘lmaganda
🔺 at last - nihoyat
🔺 at (the) latest - eng kechi bilan
🔺 at a low (high) price (past) - baland narxda
🔺 at times - ba’zan
🔺 at corner - muyulishda
🔺 at the front (back) - oldinda (orqada)
🔺 at sea - dengizda (sayohatda)
🔺 at one’s option - birovning ixtiyori bilan
🔺 at once - birdan
🔺 at the rate of - hajmda
🔺 at any rate - har holda
🔺 at the request of -ning iltimosiga ko‘ra
🔺 at a salary of - maoshda
🔺 at somebody’s service -ning xizmatida
🔺 at fi rst sight - bir ko‘rishda
🔺 at a speed of - tezlikda
🔺 at a time - bir martada, bir vaqtda
🔺 at this (that, the same) time - shu (o‘sha, bir) vaqt (da)
🔺 at the top of one’s voice - tovushining boricha, bor ovozda
🔺 to be at war - urush holatida bo‘l moq
🔺 at night - tunda
🔺 at (the) most - eng ko‘pi bilan
🔺 at the traffi c lights - svetaforda
🔺 at the church - cherkovda
🔺 at the roundabout - aylanma
🔺 at a temperature - haroratda
👉🏻Our channel👇🏻