🔥GOOD BYE deyishning boshqacha turlari SINONIMLARI🔥
👋I’m off
👋I’m out
👋Gotta go!
👋Take care
👋Take it easy
👋Bye for now
👋See you later
👋Keep in touch
👋See you soon
👋I gotta jet / roll
👋Catch you later
👋I gotta take off
👋Until next time!
👋Have a nice day!
👋Talk to you later
👋Have a good day!
👋Have a good one!
👋See you next time
👋I've got to get going
#learn #english #phrases
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing
👋I’m off
👋I’m out
👋Gotta go!
👋Take care
👋Take it easy
👋Bye for now
👋See you later
👋Keep in touch
👋See you soon
👋I gotta jet / roll
👋Catch you later
👋I gotta take off
👋Until next time!
👋Have a nice day!
👋Talk to you later
👋Have a good day!
👋Have a good one!
👋See you next time
👋I've got to get going
#learn #english #phrases
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing