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Unit 18. Inventions and discoveries
artificial - sun'iy
automatic - avtomatik
complicated - qiyin
decrease - kamaymoq
digital - raqamli
discover - kashf qilmoq
effect - natija
equipment - jihoz
estimate - tahmin qilish
exact - aniq
experiment - tajriba
gadget - uskuna
hardware - kompyutez jihozi
invent - ixtiro qilmoq
involve - ichiga olmoq
laboratory - laboratoriya
lack - kam bo'lmoq
laptop - kichik kompyuter
maximum - eng yuqori daraja
minimum - eng past daraja
operate - boshqarmoq
plastic - plastik
program - programma
research - tadqiqot
run - yugurmoq 2. biror biznesni yurgazmoq
screen - ekran
software - ma'lum vazifani bajaruvchi kompyuterda ishlatiladigan programma
sudden - to'satdan
technology - texnologiya
unique - antiqa
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing
Unit 18. Inventions and discoveries
artificial - sun'iy
automatic - avtomatik
complicated - qiyin
decrease - kamaymoq
digital - raqamli
discover - kashf qilmoq
effect - natija
equipment - jihoz
estimate - tahmin qilish
exact - aniq
experiment - tajriba
gadget - uskuna
hardware - kompyutez jihozi
invent - ixtiro qilmoq
involve - ichiga olmoq
laboratory - laboratoriya
lack - kam bo'lmoq
laptop - kichik kompyuter
maximum - eng yuqori daraja
minimum - eng past daraja
operate - boshqarmoq
plastic - plastik
program - programma
research - tadqiqot
run - yugurmoq 2. biror biznesni yurgazmoq
screen - ekran
software - ma'lum vazifani bajaruvchi kompyuterda ishlatiladigan programma
sudden - to'satdan
technology - texnologiya
unique - antiqa
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing