Jakhongir Aliy | W 8.0 l S 7.5

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Category: Linguistics

Writing 8.0 | Speaking 7.5
IELTS instructor at Everest (Everest Mirzo Ulug'bek)

9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 [ short-term goal ]

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Right now my mind is continuously telling «Suv kabi bo'l» to me

Teachingdan bo'sh paytlariga, hobby

154 0 1 12 29

why do we need to celebrate Nowruz?

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ertaga bitta darscha qilamizmi band 9.0 essay yozgani🎯🚀👀

o'tib Uzbek sila deb kelilar )

8.5 videosi bilan

bratni kanali: @expertexaminer

Forward from: Glyn James
Veeeeeery strong writing! Just be careful with the length of your essay (this one is just too long) and make sure you keep the question in mind at all times so that you don't drift off topic.

Full feedback is here - https://youtu.be/0cXU-mWZfuI

Watch it and then let me know if you have any questions 👍

buni real examiner tekshiryapti )

171 0 2 24 10

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By a student of mine

a perfectly written essay, which may make you a bit materialistic or molparast in Uzbek

TOPIC: Nowadays many people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars, and other items. Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

There is a widespread trend related to buying products from famous brands, which is common to many people these days. It should be noted that this trend is positive, and it can lead to several benefits in various aspects of life.

One key benefit of purchasing items from well-known brands is improved self-esteem. Luxury items usually show one’s personal achievements because such products’ costs are often high, which means mostly hard-working and successful individuals can afford them. This is the potential reason why owners of expensive cars, such as Mercedes-Benz, often dress formally and have a successful business in these cars’ advertisements, since these car companies want to associate their products with success and happiness. This demonstrates that having products of famous brands can boost the owner’s self-confidence and increase their reputation among people around them.

Another positive aspect of increasing interest in famous brands is that these products can guarantee long-term value. Famous companies are usually capable of purchasing and using premium materials, expert craftsmanship, and cutting-edge technology due to their strong and already established financial situation as opposed to their lesser-known competitors in the market. This gives famous brands an edge over others, as their very way of producing goods can ensure the production of high-quality and long-lasting items, and this can prevent people from the problem of buying products over and over again in a shorter period of time. For instance, Gucci gives a 2-year warranty for its products because of the factors like high-quality material usage and the involvement of real professionals in the production process. This is the reason why famous brands can help people avoid the problem of replacing their products several times a year, potentially saving their time and energy as well.

The third benefit of the increasing popularity of branded products is that buying them can lift people’s mood
significantly. People, when they have improved self-confidence and high-end and long-lasting products, can deal with other matters in their lives in a successful way without facing demotivation and challenges in day-to-day situations. This psychological benefit can ultimately enable people to lead generally happier and more fulfilling lives.

In conclusion, the growing popularity of products from renowned brands can be considereda positive development. This is because these products can enhance customers’ confidence in themselves and provide them with highly reliable and durable products that can be used for a longer period of time than the ones produced by other lesser-known brands. When these two benefits are combined, they can also have a positive impact on people’s well-being, which makes people strong in the face of a lack of confidence and other daily problems.

#roadto9 #essayby@IELTSwithAliy

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