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Do you know what I love most?

Being the only audience in a spectator room, watching everyone's cinema one by one, which consists of lies. I want to see them again: how did they lie and where was their conscience when they did it.

Do you know what I love most?

Pretending myself like I don't have any information about the situation, but actually, knowing everything about the situation. Listening to it while knowing everything gives me so much confidence. Staring at them with my sharp-looked eye makes me feel better, clearer, and more intelligent.

Do you know what I love most?

Explaining who was wrong and right without telling it loudly. Because I can just do it with my eye contact. My eye contact makes such a noise, that they try to cover their ears with their arms, but they can't............. They can't. Believe me, they can't. They try to escape and hide from it.

Do you know what I love most?

Touching their lips with my forefinger while they try to justify their past perspectives. Closing my eyes and stay in this position for a minute.

Do you know what I love most?

Make them read these sentences before I do these works.

Do you know what I love most?

Thinking about every situations that I have told.

Do you know what I love most?

Sleeping my bed with this sort of confidence

Do you know what I love most?

Proving how to bulldoze everything with resignation.

Aytganman-ku, vaqtga qizig'i yo'q, dars qilsangiz ham, qilmasangiz ham o'taveradi.......

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Arxivlardan ajoyib videoni topib oldim, 1-marta ko'rganimda (2022-yil) 20 minut kulishdan to'xtamaganman. Sizga ham ulashdim. Ko'ring, tushuning va zavqlaning

Hozir, o'tirib bir ko'zdan kechirdim.
Kanal tashkil topgandan beri qilgan ishlarimga birma-bir qarib chiqdim.
To'g'risi, o'zim o'tib bergan reading challengeni o'zimga sotdim. G'alati eshitilishi mumkin, lekin shunaqa. Chiroyli ishlangan, hammasi tushuntirilgan, B2 darajadagilar uchun +1 ko'tarishga mo'ljallangan haqiqiy videodarslik bo'lgan ekan. Foydalaning.
Eski hissiyotlarni aytmaysizmi, bir o'zgacha, bir o'zgacha .....................................

Ha shu kunlarga ham keldik. Shukur qilish kerak. Undan tashqari, yaxshi yozuvchi o'qituvchilar tomonidan essaylar ham juda foydali bo'lgan. Nasib qilsa ,,It is near'' epizodlari ham tugay deb qoldi. Keyin nima qilishni hali o'ylab ko'rmadim. Mana kanal faoliyatini boshlaganimizga 3 oydan ortiqroq vaqt o'tdi. Shu 3 oy baribir ham o'tardi-ku, to'g'rimi? Rosti, kanal hech qanaqa kurs sotish yoki shunga o'xshash ishlar uchun tashkil bo'lmagan(kelajakda balkim bo'lar). Bu o'zimga bo'lgan ma'suliyatim uchun. ,,Qancha ko'p inson ko'rsa, demak menda shuncha inson uchun nimadir qilishim kerak'' — degan ma'suliyatni uyg'otish bo'lgan va bu uddalanilyapti.

'' Amallarning eng yaxshisi, oz bo'lsa ham davomlisidir'' deb aytilganining sababi shu'', menimcha.

Endi tezda uxlaymiz, telegramda biror kim adashib yozib qolishi mumkin.

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Assalamu alaikum
We will start in 30 minutes

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in 15 minutes

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Assalomu alaikum
We will start in 20 minutes

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30 minutes to begin

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Uncha-muncha videolarga taʼsirlanmayman. Lekin bunisi yigʻlatdi.

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Assalamu alaikum, we are going to start our todayʼs essay analysis in 40 minutes!!!

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