Channel's geo and language: Uzbekistan, English
Category: Other

-4 years of experience
-Personal score 8.5 (L:9.0 |R: 8.5 | W: 8.0 |S: 8.0) | Overall 8.0x4
-Speaking 8.0x4 ⚡️
-Writing 8.0x1 | 7.5x1 | 7.0x5📝
- students results: @islomiddin_results
Owner: @islomiddin_21

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Uzbekistan, English
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#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣9️⃣

Could you write to sleep? 🤔😴✍️

The key to creating a clear head at night could be getting everything down on paper.


#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣8️⃣

A fascinating fungus. 🍄‍🟫

13 facts about mushrooms. 🍄




Topic: Mobile phones 📱📲

Band 8.0 + answers 💯

✔️ 1. What was your first mobile phone?

I vividly remember my first phone. It was from the brand "Motorola". What set this phone apart from others was that it was foldable and stylish. When I was studying at school, I saved up money and bought this brand new phone.

✔️ 2. How often do you use your mobile phone?

I use my phone quite often as both my studies and my work procedure are directly connected with a phone. For studying purposes, I search some information from the internet using my phone, while at work, I need it to it make phone calls and send messages.

✔️ 3. Can you describe your mobile phone?

Yes, it is a smartphone, and I can say it is trendy, with a big screen. Its color is black, and it has a lot of storage with a powerful processor.

✔️ 4. Will you buy a new mobile phone in the future?

I will. Although my current phone satisfies my needs, in the future, I will be in need of a new phone. This is because there will be new types of software and apps. I think current phones will be out of date and will not support them. So, I will probably buy a new phone.

✔️ 5. How has your mobile phone changed your life?

I think my phone has changed my life considerably, and I can say that overall, the changes, are for the positive. For example, with the help of my phone, I have access to a wide pool of information, which comes in useful with my studies and work. Furthermore, I can use my phone for entertainment. When I'm bored, I can listen to music or watch movies.


#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣7️⃣

What is the point of sewing 🪡🧵

Emotionally, socially, and practically, sewing is often heralded as a mindful wellbeing hack.



Topic: Smell and taste: Metaphorical collocations 🤔


#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣6️⃣

Vertical solar panels generate electricity while helping crops ☀️🌱

The solar panels acted as windbreakers for crops


12 days left… 🌙🌸


#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣5️⃣

The language of gardening. 🌱🌾

It was lip-reading that filled my early childhood with silent conversations.



#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣4️⃣

Smart animals 🦫🐻‍❄️🐈‍⬛

Animal antics are rewarding to watch...



The Missing Note

Noah sat at the piano, his fingers hesitating over the keys. He had been composing a song for weeks, but something was missing. The melody felt incomplete, like a story without an ending.One evening, exhausted, he closed the piano lid and stepped outside. As he walked through the quiet streets, he heard a child humming—a simple, soft note. It was the note he had been searching for. Rushing home, he added the note, and the melody finally felt right. But as he played, he realized something—music wasn’t just about finding the perfect note. It was about the journey, the searching, the moments in between. With a deep breath, Noah closed his eyes and played, no longer chasing perfection—just letting the music flow.


#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣3️⃣

Get a bird's eye view 🦅👁

We don't know of any planets around Altair, which is only about 17 light years away.


#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣2️⃣

The plant rescuer 🌱🍃🌳

Pay attention to what your plants are trying to convey...



🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤


🗓 Tue/Thu/Sat


What things are included ?

- Listening and reading boosts
- Task 1 and Task 2 types
- Weekly mock exams

📊 Requirement: Preferable at least B2

👨‍💻 Instructor: ISLOMIDDIN ISMOILOV 8.5


📍Everest Jahon Tillari

✉️ For futher info: @islomiddin_21



Surxondaryo ahli va yoshlari uchun muhim yangilik, azizlar! 🏔🚀

Hozirda, poytaxtimiz Toshkent shaxrining 21 nuqtasida faoliyat yuritayotgan EVEREST o'quv markazi endi Termiz shaxrida ham o'zining yangi, qulay va zamonaviy filialini ochish arafasida turibdi!

☝🏾EVEREST TERMIZ filiali jamoasi a'zosiga aylaning! Jamoaga IELTS instruktorlari, manzil manageri, administrativ hodimlar, mock exam jamoasi a'zolari va support teachers pozitsiyalariga xodimlar kerak bo'lmoqda!

🔥 Ishga joylashish va traininglar jarayonining dastlabki bosqichi uchun yagona talab kamida IELTS overall 6.0 yoki Multi-Level C1 natijasi hisoblanadi!

Yuqoriroq IELTS natijasiga ega, Termiz shaxri universitetlarining Ingliz tiliga ixtisoslashgan fakultetlarida tahsil olayotgan hamda xozirning o'zida Termiz shaxrida IELTS instruktorlik yoki Ingliz tili ustozligi faoliyati bilan shug'ullanayotgan kandidatlarga ishga joylashish jarayonida ustunlik beramiz!

❗️Kandidatlar dastlab anketa, keyin esa suhbat bosqichidan o'tadilar! Suhbatlar natijasida ishga qabul qilingan bo'lajak xodimlarimizni Toshkentda yoki Termiz shaxrining o'zida kamida 2 oy mobaynida tashkil qilinadigan traininglarga jalb qilamiz! Toshkent shaxriga kelib trainingda qatnashish imkoniga ega kandidatlarni esa EVEREST parallel tarzida ish bilan band qiladi va ularga maosh to'lab boradi! Traininglar so'nggida barcha kandidatlar IELTS imtihonini topshiradilar va natijalariga mos Termiz manzilidagi ish pozitsiyalariga yo'naltiriladilar!

EVEREST Respublikamizdagi eng katta va 7.0+ IELTS natijalari miqdori nuqtai nazaridan birinchi raqamli o'quv markazi hisoblanadi, azizlar! Biz o'z hodimlarimizga har taraflama qulay sharoitlar, muntazam o'sish imkoniyati va eng yuqori oyliklarni ta'minlab beradigan o'quv markazimiz! Ishoning, ochilajak EVEREST TERMIZ manzilimiz jamoasi a'zosiga aylanish bo'lajak kadrlar uchun positive life-changing point bo'ladi, Xudo xohlasa!

P.S. Yangilikni Termiz shaxridagi IELTS 6.0 yoki CEFR C1 natijasiga ega barcha tanishlaringizga ulashing! Termizda xozirda faoliyat yuritayotgan barcha IELTS instruktorlariga va Ingliz tili fakultetlarida tahsil olayotgan talabalarga xabarni yetqazing! Termizda iloji boricha kuchli jamoani shakllantirishimizga ko'maklashing, dostoyniy kadrlar yangilikdan xabar topsin, xullas!

Kaminaga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri murojaat qilishsin va dastlabki anketani to'ldirishsin, ularga albatta aloqaga chiqib suhbatlar tashkil qilaman:

👉 @urokovkhurshid 🗻


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#reading 🔖

🔤🔤🔤 1️⃣1️⃣

Reinventing education 📖

Traditional learning is extremely linear: memorise content, receive assignments, take a test, rinse and repeat.



poverty-stricken (adj) = extremely poor, with very little money

🔗 Volunteers are invited to help in poverty-stricken countries.


20 last posts shown.