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Category: Linguistics

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The most Uzbek Part 3 questions :)

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Forward from: IELTS with Farrukh
Finally :)


My buddy got 9.0 :)

662 0 0 15 57


1. Nothing serious. Trust me. With my friends, I usually like to talk about past events. For example, with my classmates I always enjoy talking about our school memories, jokes and pranks we used to play. The same goes for my college and university students. Our conversations are mostly about anecdotes, jokes and memorable moments.

2. Yes, they have. In my childhood, I always talked about football, computer games or episodes of TV series. Now, our conversations have become more about common topics for adults. Family, friends, time, health.



1. Well, I am already a teacher. I have never expected to become one to be honest. I remember dreaming of becoming a police officer as my father. However, as time passed, as I grew up, I took up new habits, new interests, especially in languages. With all these combined, now i am a teacher who loves his job.

2. This question will not be asked, I guess. Since we stated that we are already a teacher, the examiner may leave this question out.

3. Yes, I did. It was my school teacher - her name was Halima. Although she was pretty old back in my school days, she was sharp, her language skills were flawless and the way how she kindled interest in other kids always made me wonder. She had that aura of a perfect teacher who could even teach the dumbest student. She is still alive and I, time to time, visit her.

4. Mrs. Halima was always kind to me. Even when I made a mistake, she never discouraged me or punished me. She had always been calm, understanding and patient teacher. She could transcend these her traits into me, which I am grateful for a lot. She shared a piece of her personality which serves as a ground for her legacy to live on!



1. No, I do not. Honestly, for me personally, perfumes are too intimate gifts. It is not always possible to know somebody's taste in perfumes. Although you can know what brand the person likes, it is difficult to choose appropriate fragrance. To make sure I do not mess up, I simply do not opt for perfumes as gifts.

2. No, I have never done it. I guess, I will possibly not do this in the future as well. As I said, perfumes are too personal and should be chosen accordingly. Moreover, I am not that good at choosing perfumes. I cannot differentiate between types, brands and smells.

3. To be honest, I do not wear any perfume. It is either because I do not have my favorite fragrance or I am too lazy to buy one and wear it often.

4. I do not spend any money on perfumes but my family members do and do spend a lot. For example, my mother spends at around $100 for a perfume every month. My sisters-in-law spend little less than that my mother does. They all buy branded fragrances.

5. No, I do not. Although I do not wear any perfume, I have one bottle of Dior at home. Only one which is mainly worn by my brothers, every special day or event.

6. Already told that I do not!

7. I stated that I am not good at brands so this question will possibly be omitted.


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Avgust oyi Everest uchun yuksak natijalar bilan yodda qoladigan oy bo‘ldi. O‘quvchilarimiz o‘z mehnatlari va tirishqoqliklari bilan yuqori ballarga erishishdi!

O'quvchilar natijalari:
🔹Overall 7.0 – 149 ta
🔸 Overall 7.5 – 66 ta
💥 Overall 8.0 – 16 ta
💣 Overall 8.5 – 2 ta
Bu muvaffaqiyatlar faqat o‘quvchilar emas, balki Everest o‘qituvchilarining malakali yondashuvi va samarali mehnati natijasi hamdir!

📆Avgust "Everest ustozlar jamoasi" uchun ham ancha esda qolarli natijalar olib keldi:
O'qituvchilar natijalari:
🔸 Overall 8.0 – 16 ta
⚡️ Overall 8.5 – 8 ta
🔥 Overall 9.0 – 2 ta


📹Instagram 📹YouTube 📍Manzillar

Men bu joyga bormaganman! Man unaqa bolabasman :D


1. Yes. It was a week ago. I visited a stand up show in Loco Bar - a night club which organizes different events time to time. The stand up show was organized by Russian comedians. I laughed a lot that I almost laughed my lungs out. The jokes were hilarious.

2. I do not. I do not have a good sense of humour. It is almost impossible for me to crack a joke successfully. Even if I tell an anecdote, people would still not laugh.

3. This question will not possibly be given since I answered it in my previous response.

4. Yes. I am huge fan of comedies. Especially those with Jim Carry. For example, I have watched the movie "Mask" a lot yet I burst out with laughter every time I rewatch it.


964 0 11 8 22


1. Yes, I have. I have been to Arab peninsula last year. There, I had a chance to visit a fish farm where different sorts of fish are bred. It was an exciting experience because it was my first time ever to see so many fish in one place. I even had a chance to feed few of them.

2. It is not as it should be. There are lots of fish farms indeed but very few people who go fishing. Also, very few fish markets where you can buy equipment. I guess this is because fishing is either expensive or people have no time to engage in this activity.

3. To be honest, I hate eating fish. This is not because I do not like fish but because it takes me a lot of time to eat it. It is always a bummer to separate small bones from meat and sometimes I get choked. Whenever my friends or family members invite me to eat fish, I reject it and eat another meal.

4. Yes, I have. I have watched world famous Jaws where protagonists are attacked by a shark. Also, I watched a movie about piranhas, where a number of freshwater species attack humans on the beach and coast.

5. Fishing is a very tranquil activity. People go there to relax and escape everyday hustle and bustle of city life. I go fishing not because I want to catch the biggest fish, but to let my mind take some rest and feel the nature around.

6. In zoos, in fish farms, in special zoo shops. Also, there is a possibility to see them in rivers and canals, usually in regions here in Uzbekistan.



Here is my score breakdown for the test date of April 28.

I can aim at 9.0 in both Writing and Speaking, to be honest!

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Everestda 3 - Overall 9.0🎉

🏔"Everest Alisher Navoiy 2" manzilimizda faoliyat yuritadigan Sardorbek Rakhmonberdiev shaxsiy natijasini eng yuqori ball - Overall 9.0 ga olib chiqdi!

🎧 Listening - 9.0
📚 Reading - 9.0
📃 Writing - 8.0
🎙 Speaking - 9.0

📨 Personal messages: @SardorbekRakhmonberdiev
📌 Channel: @ieltswiths

Bunday yutuqlar Everest o'quv markazi uchun yangilik emas! Albatta bilim va maqsadning kesishgan joyida ana shundany ajoyib natijalar yaratiladi.

⭐️Sardorbek Rakhmonberdievning muvaffaqiyati o'quv markazimizning ta'lim sifati va ustozlarimizning mehnatsevarligi ifodasidir.

🫵🏻Siz ham o'z orzularingizga intilib, yuqori natijalarga erishishni xohlaysizmi?
🏔Everestda buning uddasidan chiqishingiz yanada oson!


🏔 Instagram | YouTube | Manzillar

I am a huge LP fan. I loved all singles this group released so far. I am truly happy that they are back on track. Truly happy for the upcoming release of a new album.

If you ask how I feel deeper, I would say that Chester is irreplaceable. His tone and flow were unmatchable. I did not like that the new lead singer replicated Chester's previous songs. It would have been a wise idea if the group had not let the new singer touch them.

So glad that LP is re-united. It has been 7 years since the tragic death of Chester (previous lead singer). Now, there is a new one who is going to take the group to a new era!

Agar Listening multiple choice savolida surprised so'zini ko'rsangiz, audio da shu phrase ni ishlatishi mumkin speaker lar.

Collocation larni tarjimasini bilasizmi?

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Everestda 2-Overall 9.0💣

🏔"Everest Xalqlar Do'stligi" manzilimizda faoliyat yuritadigan Sirojiddin Malikov shaxsiy natijasini eng yuqori ball - Overall 9.0 ga olib chiqdi!

🎧 Listening - 9.0
📚Reading - 9.0
📃Writing - 8.5
🎙Speaking - 8.5

️O'quv markazimiz doimo NATIJA uchun ishlaydi! Ustozlarimiz Everestda ta'lim sifati yuqori bo'lishi uchun o'z ustilarida ishlashni aslo kanda qilishmaydi! Buning isbotini so'ngi oydagi natijalarda ko'rishingiz mumkin!

✨Yangi tarix sahifalari ochilmoqda! Voqealar rivojini kuzatib boring.
🎯Sizni maqsadlaringizga erishishda yordam bera oladigan aniq manzil qayerda ekaniga o'zingiz amin bo'ling!


🏔 Instagram | YouTube | Manzillar

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