Ielts diamonds

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Category: Education

Success starts here
Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm

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📋 Ways To say "I don't know"

☑️Kanalimizga obuna bo'ling👇

✅' Sayrga chiqish'

🔰To stroll
🔰To take a stroll
🔰To go for a stroll


🔰 I'm taking a stroll with a friend of mine

🔰At the weekend I usually
go for a stroll .

On November 15, 2022, the population of planet Earth officially surpassed 8 billion people.


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It's much harder to become famous than it is to become infamous.

Стать известным намного сложнее, чем стать печально известным.

Is it familiar?

Apprehend someone in the course of wrongdoing, as in The boys were trying to steal a car and the police caught them red-handed, or He tried to cheat on the exam, but his teacher walked in and caught him in the act. The first term referred to blood on a murderer's hands and originally signified only that crime.

​​💡Idiom of the day - to catch someone red-handed

Meaning: right at the scene of the crime; catch on hot


👆🏻🔊— Let's just say I caught him red-handed and it wasn't pretty.

✔️— The manager caught the boy red-handed when he was stealing cigarettes.

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Source: IELTSmates

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Ammo practiceda time management muammo bo'ladi ko'plab candidatelarda buni oldini olish uchun shaxsan o'zim tayyorlanishim va target band score olishimda yordam bergan manbaa bu sayti ushbu saytda barch 4skillni rivojlantirish practice qilish mumkin asosiysi tekin

bunday muammoni oldini olishni yechimi bor. Ma'lumki IELTS ham zamonga mos ravishda Practice testlar chiqarmoqda yaqinda Cambridge IELTS 17 chiqdi

buni qilishda eng katta muammo time management ishga berilib soatga qarashga imkon bo'lmay qolish ehtimoli katta

imtixon topshirishdan oldin practice qilish kerak

assalomu aleykum yodimga tushganda aytib qoyay dedim

Yodda tuting kanal orqali siz yuzaki bilmlarga ega bo'lasiz halos to'liq kursni o'tabgina IELTSdan yuqori ball olasiz kurs pullik. Va uni IELTS instruktori bilan o'taysiz.

Muvafaqqiyatli yani 10 savolni bariga to'gri javob berish uchun practice va bbc podcast konspekt qilish tavsiya etaman

Ikkinchisida esa sizga harita yoki yopiq savol turini to'ldirish talab etiladi. Yodda tuting faqat bir bora eshita olasiz

Birinchi qismda dialog yani ikki inson orasidagi muloqot boladi va mayda detallarni ilg'ab oloshingiz kerak bo'ladi

Listening bu ielts kandidatlarini tinglab tushunish imkoniyatlarini baholash uchun moljallangan test turi bolib to'rt qismdan iborat

Assalomu aleykum

Listening kimda muammoli holat?

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