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Category: Linguistics

Grow(IELTS ,SAT and much much more about admissions 🏫, I also share other range of topics 📰) with Professional_mistake_maker_axi .
the chanel created at 1_28_2024. #bismillah .

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Forward from: With SUKHROB 📈
Comparing yourself to others:

All of us sometimes find ourselves comparing ourselves to others. “We started at the same time, I worked harder, but how am I worse than him/her? Why he/she ended up achieving more, but I did not?”. Yes, you got it right. All of us do it. I do it rarely too, but I still do it. It counts.

Speaking economically and sociologically, even if you started at the same time, the circumstances were different. You and your competitor (let’s call it that way) made different decisions at a certain point, and someone made a better decision while somebody else made a different decision. Every step you take towards a certain goal either takes you very close, or completely gets you off track. Mostly, it’s not in your hands. It’s out of your control, completely.

Speaking scientifically, 8 billion people and 8 billion different genes. Everyone is unique in ways that can’t be described. It’s not nurture all the time - nature plays a big role too. You might start learning a language with a bunch of people simultaneously, but if they beat you even when you put in the same amount of efforts, then just come to accept the fact that they have a better knack for it. Be at your own pace, keep exploring your own strengths and weaknesses.

Speaking morally, your path is already drawn for you. Yes yes, you might say “then if I sit and do nothing, do I still get what’s destined for me?”. Maybe sitting and not doing anything was part of your destiny. The scope of our minds are too limited to understand these things - but one thing is for sure: your path is drawn, and every closed door takes you to a better one eventually. Keep putting in the work, maintaining hope, and praying for what you want.

Do not try to be in the game where there’s no place for you. If everyone is aiming for a high corporate career ladder, that doesn’t mean you have to be doing the same. From experience, you should know what’s better for you. Stick to your interests and keep fighting your unique challenges.

At the end of the day, life is firstly fighting against yourself, not against others: eliminating limits from your head, chasing wisdom and knowledge, controlling your lusts and desires, and staying humbled no matter what.

Jamshidbek akani yoshligidagi videosini toʻpib oldim

Getting rich is not just about luck.

That's what it is.

Ashi mashi boʻladi

Вот что это такое


My response 😂

Rostan 🤔? Ajoyib 😁.
Someone just wrote it and left it 😄

author: White tulip 😁

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Afsuski shunaqa 😭

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