Ibrohim's IELTS

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Category: Education

- IELTS 7.5(Writing 7.5 - 3x)
- work at Everest 🇬🇧
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Direct link to me: @ibrohimyoqubov 🎯
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After dirty rain, the weather is so pleasant 🌦️

Breathe heavily so that you can store more of fresh air)


Day 1/27 ✅

Morning session with students!

Ezgu maqsadlar ila boshlab oldik!


Just a peak time before Iftar🤯

65,000+ sums for just 8km.



Task 1 process with incredibly legendary body structures!✍️

P/s: I have got a pdf version of this material if some of you guys need it)

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#masterpiece #task_1 #bar_chart

Getting back to practice with a solid piece of writing, which I hopefully think that it deserves 7.5-8!

Task is in on the post above!

The bar chart shows the number of international visitors to Japan from four different countries—namely, Australia, the USA, the UK, and South Africa—from 1990 to 2010.

Overall, there were slight fluctuations in the number of tourists coming from almost all countries except the US. It is also notable that the US had the highest number of tourists visiting Japan, while the lowest figures were recorded for South Africa and Australia.

Turning to the specifics, in 1990, the USA had about 45,000 tourists visiting Japan, a dominant figure in the diagram. The number of tourists from Australia ranked second in this category, at roughly 20,000. There was also a slight disparity in the figures for the UK and South Africa, with the former accounting for a slightly higher number, at around 12,000, and the latter having the lowest number of visitors to Japan, at 10,000.

After ten years, there were upward trends in the number of visitors to Japan from almost all the countries, with the highest figure observed for the US, at about 47,000, still keeping its leading position in terms of tourist arrivals. The figures for Australia and South Africa were still significantly lower despite a noticeable increase, at approximately 24,000 and 15,000, respectively, while the number of British visitors saw an opposite trend, decreasing to almost 10,000 in 2000.

In the final year, the number of American tourists visiting Japan reached a peak of over 50,000 after continuous growth. While there were slight fluctuations over the last decades in the number of British and South African visitors at around 10,000, Australia experienced the most remarkable decline, becoming nearly two times lower than its initial number in the first years.

over 280 words in 20 minutes 💀

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#task_1 #bar_chart


Forward from: EVEREST OFFICIAL 🏔🚀
Kirib kelayotgan Muqaddas Ramazon oyi barchamizga muborak bo'lsin!

🌙 Bu oy – sabr, mehr ulashish va qalb poklanishining eng go‘zal damlaridir. Keling, ushbu muqaddas kunlarda yaxshilikni ko‘paytiraylik, mehribonlik va ezgulik bilan yuraklarni to‘ldiraylik :)

😇Foydalanishingiz uchun, yuqorida Ramazon taqvimini ham ulashmoqdamiz

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Khusanov is among the candidates at mancity to be the player of the month!

Uzbek sila goo🇺🇿



The beauty of winter ❄️


What a shooting match! 4 goals in 22 minutes 🤯


To’yib to’yib nafas oladigan joyi lekin, dears. Bomasa 2 kundan keyn bunaqa havo qomidi, unfortunately.


#masterpiece #classwork

Another nearly perfect task 2(which I hopefully think it is 8-8.5) written with my students, exchanging ideas 💡

TASK2 : Some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other.

Although competition is reasonable at work, school, and in everyday life, some people emphasise cooperation more than competition. Healthy competition is far more effective for people in many ways.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why cooperative work can be significantly important. One of the primary benefits of cooperation is networking and gaining experience in different spheres. For example, when people are involved in a group activity or project, they tend to exchange ideas and share their knowledge, resulting in far better outcomes and fostering a sense of respect for one another. In this case, they can learn some good aspects of their colleagues, such as punctuality and communication skills, a combination of factors that also leads to a higher level of efficiency, especially at workplaces.

On the other hand, competition has a significant role to play in both personal and professional development. When there is a competitive spirit among people of different ages at various places, including educational establishments and workplaces, individuals can spontaneously perform better because they do not want to fall behind other competitors. As a result, they can develop a diverse collection of skills, ranging from creativity to tolerance. Apart from the intellectual benefits, competition brings about many innovations and improvements in the manufacturing industry and business sectors. For instance, there is a growing demand for a new generation of smartphones across the world. To meet such demand, different companies and brands are appearing to come up with new products with improved features, a factor contributing to a widespread choice. To be precise, many people now have a chance to decide on purchasing items of different types at a lower cost thanks to a variety of options, which makes the overall buying experience far more affordable for consumers. Hence, competition is not only helpful in limited areas but also on a large scale.

To conclude, while the idea of collaboration at work and in life can be beneficial to some extent, I agree with those who think that competition is much more important and useful regarding developing several abilities and expanding the variations people have.

(Nearly 350 words)

knowledge is here👇


This is the shocking news that always bothers me.

Indeed water scarcity is expected to be the most urgent problem in the next few years to come, unfortunately. I hope reforms on the issue will be made to make the situation far better.

Chunks of language:
1. Bother = bezovta qilmoq
2. Urgent problem = yonib turgan muommo
3. Make reform = islohatlarni amalga oshirmoq
4. Water scarcity = suv tanqisligi

P/s: do you guys like this type of posts?

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Congrats, Madridistas🔥

Tog’risi etaman, realmi citymi, kim yutsayam xafa bo’miyman(that’s real). 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿

#masterpiece #task_1

Task is in the comment section 🎯

The line graph shows the number of international students from four continents who studied at a UK university between 1995 and 2015.

Overall, the number of students from Asia and North America increased significantly, whereas Europe and Africa experienced minor fluctuations. Notably, Asia had the highest number of students studying at the UK university throughout the whole span.

Specifically, Asian students numbered around 60 in 1995, leading the chart. There was also a slight disparity between Europe and North America, with the former having around 50 students studying, 10 students more than North America. In contrast, Africa had only 20 students. After a decade, there were some noticeable changes in the number of global students, with the most remarkable rise recorded in the figure for Asia, at about 80, still dominating the other three continents in this category. There was a slight fluctuation in the number of European students at the UK university at about 50, while North America saw a slight downward trend, decreasing to approximately 37.

In 2010, Asia was still dominant in the number of students at a UK university, with over 100 students studying. At the same time, the only noticeable change was recorded in the number of African students, increasing to just over 30 after a 15-year stagnation, while other countries had nearly identical figures since 2005. In the final year, Asia's dominance peaked, with the number of global students at the UK university growing to 120, over twice as high as that of North America, ranking second in this respect. There were similar trends in the number of students from Europe and Africa, both staying unchanged in their initial figures, at about 50 and 20, respectively.

over 280 words in 20 minutes 💀

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349 0 1 10 12


Long time to recommend watching a great film, dears(if you have not yet watched)

Name: Prey(o’lja)

IMDb: 7.1
Year: 2022

Link: https://onilne.ztflix.zone/films/dobycha

P/s: for those who wanna feel a sense of fear and know more about the life in 1700s in North America! So watch it especially if you’re passionate about “хищник” movies! 🍿

Available in Russian 🇷🇺 and English 🇺🇸



Husky = dag’al, xirillagan

My voice has gone all husky. Because I(personally) am now experiencing a sore throat

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Let's go Khusanov!

For this game, we are with you. Make your performance legendary, peer)



After a long time(maybe since 2024) there is no chat left unread!

P/s: proud of myself)


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