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Qoshiq yaxshi chiqgan bolsa reaksiya😂

🇬🇧 Generous
🇺🇿 Sahiy
Misol: He is a generous person who loves to share with others. Misol: U sahiy odam va boshqalar bilan bo‘lishishni yaxshi ko‘radi.

🇬🇧 Creative
🇺🇿 Ijodkor
Misol: She is a creative artist who always comes up with new ideas. Misol: U ijodkor rassom va doimo yangi g‘oyalar bilan chiqadi.

🇬🇧 Optimistic
🇺🇿 Optimist
Misol: He is optimistic and always looks for the silver lining in difficult situations. Misol: U optimist va qiyin vaziyatlarda ham yaxshi tomonlarini topishga harakat qiladi.

🇬🇧 Hardworking
🇺🇿 Mehnatkash
Misol: She is a hardworking employee who always goes the extra mile. Misol: U mehnatkash xodim va har doim qo‘shimcha ishni bajarishga tayyor.

🇬🇧 Reliable
🇺🇿 Ishonchli
Misol: He is a reliable friend who you can count on in times of need. Misol: U ishonchli do‘st va zarurat paytida unga tayyorlanishingiz mumkin.

🇬🇧 Honorable
🇺🇿 Sharafli
Misol: She is an honorable leader who always acts with integrity. Misol: U sharafli rahbar va har doim halollik bilan harakat qiladi.

🇬🇧 Tolerant
🇺🇿 Bag‘rikeng
Misol: He is tolerant and accepts people of all backgrounds. Misol: U bag‘rikeng va har xil turdagi odamlarni qabul qiladi.

🇬🇧 Sensitive
🇺🇿 Hissiy
Misol: She is sensitive and understands the feelings of others. Misol: U hissiy va boshqalarining tuyg‘ularini tushunadi.

🇬🇧 Humble
🇺🇿 Kamtar
Misol: He is humble and never brags about his achievements. Misol: U kamtar va o‘z yutuqlarini hech qachon maqtanmaydi.

🇬🇧 Independent
🇺🇿 Mustaqil
Misol: She is independent and prefers to make her own decisions. Misol: U mustaqil va o‘z qarorlarini qabul qilishni afzal ko‘radi.


Do A1 — qilmoq bajarmoq


— You can do your tasks now

Perform B2 — biror-bir harakat koʻrsatish yoki ishning biror-bir qismini bajarish


— The equipment performed well during the tests.

Execute C2 — rejalashtirilgan ishni qilish, tadbiq qilish. Sud tomonidan oʻlimga hukm qilingan insonni oʻldirish maʼnosida ham ishlatsa boʻladi


— We can go ahead and execute the plan.
— He was executed for murder.


P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz 🔥❤️

👉 Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
👉 @Ibrat_Farzandlari3
👉 @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz 👈
👉 @Ibrat_English_Grammar 👈
👉 @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz

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P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz 🔥❤️

👉 Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
👉 @Ibrat_Farzandlari3
👉 @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz 👈
👉 @Ibrat_English_Grammar 👈
👉 @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz

"BECAUSE" so'zining sinonimlari

A1 | because
A2 | due to
B1 | on account of
B2 | by reason of
C1 | on the grounds that
C2 | in light of

Yodingizda qolishi uchun comment da misol yozib qoldiring ✍🏻

"Because" demang ❌ o'rniga shu so'zlarni ishlating ✅


P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz 🔥❤️

👉 Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
👉 @Ibrat_Farzandlari3
👉 @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz 👈
👉 @Ibrat_English_Grammar 👈
👉 @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz

Mashhur ingliz maqollari ✅

🇬🇧 Love is blind
🇺🇿 Sevgining ko’zi ko’r bo’ladi

🇬🇧 What’s done is done
🇺🇿 Bo’lar ish bo’ldi

🇬🇧 No pain, no gain
🇺🇿 Og’riqsiz davo bo’lmaydi

🇬🇧 Mind your own business
🇺🇿 Boshqalar ishiga burun suqmang

🇬🇧 Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas
🇺🇿 Qozonga yaqin yursang qorasi yuqadi

Ochishga ochdingiz endi reaksiya bosib keting❤️🐳☃️💘🎄😍


P/s: Qiyin bo'lmasa reaksiya qoldiramiz 🔥❤️

👉 Sizlarga bu kanallarni tafsiya qilamiz
👉 @Ibrat_Farzandlari3
👉 @EnglishSongswithLyricsUz 👈
👉 @Ibrat_English_Grammar 👈
👉 @Ingliz_Tili_Ielts_9_Uz

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Batafsil ma'lumot uchun

Kim kanalda reklama bermoqchi boʻlsa @uAdministrator_777 shu akauntga yozila arzon narxda reklama qilib beramiz.

Forward from: Ingliz tili [ielts] noldan
Question: Which of the following best describes the passage's main idea?
  •   A) AI is universally beneficial and should be implemented everywhere.
  •   B) The expansion of AI raises ethical concerns that require careful consideration.
  •   C) Policymakers have already solved all AI-related ethical dilemmas.
  •   D) AI’s only disadvantage is job loss.
50 votes

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Regular exercise improves both physical and mental health. It helps reduce stress, boosts energy, and prevents diseases. Even short daily workouts can have positive effects. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
  •   A) Exercise prevents diseases.
  •   B) Exercise reduces stress.
  •   C) Exercise requires a gym membership.
  •   D) Exercise boosts energy.
38 votes

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Fast food is convenient, but it can lead to health issues. High levels of fat, sugar, and salt contribute to obesity and heart disease. People should eat balanced diets for better health. What is the writer’s opinion about fast food?
  •   A) Fast food is always healthy.
  •   B) Fast food is dangerous if eaten too often.
  •   C) Fast food has no impact on health.
  •   D) Fast food is better than home-cooked meals.
42 votes

Shu instagram kanalga 1-obuna boʻlgan 10 ta odamga 25.000 soʻmdan paynet qilib beramiz obuna boʻling va obuna boʻldim deb kamentariyaga yozib qoldiring biz oʻzimiz siz bilan aloqaga chiqamiz

Forward from: Ingliz tili [ielts] noldan
They allowed _________ cake.
  •   they children to eat
  •   their children eating
  •   their children to have eaten
  •   their children to eat
109 votes

Forward from: Ingliz tili [ielts] noldan
They allowed _________ cake.
  •   they children to eat
  •   their children eating
  •   their children to have eaten
  •   their children to eat
89 votes

Forward from: Ingliz tili [ielts] noldan
He druves quite ________, but his brother drives really ________.
  •   slowly, fastly
  •   slowly, fast
  •   slow, fast
  •   slow, fastly
86 votes

Forward from: Ingliz tili [ielts] noldan
Choose the correct option.
  •   I can't imagine why he said that.
  •   I might imagine why he said that.
  •   I don't imagine why he said that.
  •   I haven't been imagining why did he saying that.
85 votes

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😑My way or the high way

“Istasang shu, istamasang katta ko’cha”

‼️ Bu idioma ultimatum qo’yayotganda ishlatiladi. Yoki uni aytganini qilishingiz kerak yoki rad etishingiz kerak.

Yog'li sho'rva ichmay boshqa narsa yeyman deganingizda sizga nisbatan "Istasang shu, istamasang och qolib o'tiraver" degan ma'noda ham ishlatishligi mumkin.

🫵Siz qachon, kimga bu iborani ishlatgan bo'lardingiz?

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"Dude" – Do‘stim, Jigar

✔️ "Dude, you just dropped your phone… again!" (Do‘stim, telefoningni yana tushirib yubording!)

✔️ "Dude, stop talking and listen for once!" (Eshit, do‘stim, gapirmay, bir marta bo‘lsa ham tingla!)

✔️ "Dude, let’s grab some coffee." (Do‘stim, borib bir choy ichamizmi?)

🔹 "Dude" asosan erkaklarga nisbatan ishlatiladi, lekin ba’zan hazil bilan ayollarga ham aytilishi mumkin.

"Dood" yoki "Dud" noto‘g‘ri!

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Ingliz tilida 3 ta muhim, lekin kam tushiniladigan grammatika qoidasi 🚀

1️⃣ Used to vs. Be used to
- "Used to" — hozir bajarilmayotgan, o'tgan odatlarni ifodalaydi.

Misol: "I used to play tennis every day." (Men har kuni tennis o‘ynardim.) 🎾

- "Be used to" — biror narsaga odatlanishni bildiradi.

Misol: "I am used to playing tennis in the morning." (Men ertalab tennis o‘ynashga odatlanganman.)

2️⃣ Would rather vs. Prefer
- "Would rather" — ikki variantdan birini tanlashda qo‘llaniladi, tanlovni aniq ko‘rsatadi.

Misol: "I would rather stay home tonight." (Men kechqurun uyda qolishni afzal ko‘raman.)

- "Prefer" — oddiy afzallikni bildiradi, ko‘proq shaxsiy didni ifodalaydi.

Misol: "I prefer staying home tonight." (Men kechqurun uyda qolishni yoqtiraman.) 😌

3️⃣ So vs. Such
- "So" — sifat yoki ravishlarni kuchaytiradi.

Misol: "She is so beautiful." (U juda chiroyli.)

- "Such" — aniqlik va ta’sirni kuchaytirish uchun, ko‘pincha ot bilan birga ishlatiladi.

Misol: "She is such a beautiful person." (U juda chiroyli inson.) 🌟

Foydali bo'lsa reaksiya bosing va siz eng ko'p tushinishga qiynaladigan mavzu qaysi, izohda yozib keting👇🏻

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